
Audience Councils

Get involved

The Audience Council is committed to ensuring that the views, needs and expectations of audiences in Scotland are represented at the heart of the ±«Óătv.

To do this, we need you to engage with us and share your views.

There are a number of ways you can participate:

Join the Audience Council

We recruit for new members as necessary. Anyone over the age of sixteen is eligible to apply. Find out more about recruitment.


Meetings are held to hear audience views. If you would like to be invited to a meeting, send us your details and we will get in touch.


The ±«Óătv Trust consults licence payers through consultations. Current consultations can be found on the Trust's website.Ěý

Send us your views

You can send your views to the Audience Council by post or email.

Postal address

±«Óătv Audience Council Scotland

Zone 2.26

40 Pacific Quay


G51 1DA




Comments about ±«Óătv programmes

If you have a question or comment specifically about a ±«Óătv programme or service, you can contact ±«Óătv Information via the website or by writing to the address below;

PO Box 1922


G2 3WT

08700 100 212

Comments to ±«Óătv Information are logged and the Audience Council Scotland reviews these logs on a monthly basis.