
Value for money reviews

Here you will find links to the value for money reviews we commission from independent experts.

As Trustees it is our responsibility to make sure that every pound of the licence fee works as hard as possible. One of the ways we do this is through a programme of in-depth value for money reviews carried out by the National Audit Office and other independent experts. We always publish these reports and explain how we plan to respond to the recommendations made. You can find the reports using the links below.

±«Óătv World Service (2016)

This report examines whether the ±«Óătv World Service is meeting its plans to change significantly its services, operations and costs while managing the impact on current and future performance.

Management of the ±«Óătv's critical projects (2016)

This report examines the performance of the ±«Óătv’s critical projects and the effectiveness of the ±«Óătv’s oversight following changes it made to project governance and reporting in 2014.

Efficiency savings (2015)

This independent review from PwC looks at the potential for future productive efficiency savings over the next Charter period.

Review of risk management (2015)

This report examines how effectively the ±«Óătv mangages risk.

Reducing costs through 'Delivering Quality First' (2015)

This report examines the ±«Óătv's progress to date in cutting costs through its 'Delivering Quality First' programme, and the impact on performance.

The ±«Óătv's management of talent costs (2015)

This review assesses the ±«Óătv's arrangements for managing on-screen and on-air talent; including how the 15 per cent reduction in talent costs was achieved, whether the ±«Óătv's processes are robust, how talent is managed, and the scope for future savings.

Managing the ±«Óătv's estate (2015)

This report looks at the ±«Óătv's property portfolio in the UK.

The ±«Óătv’s distribution arrangements for its UK Public Services (2013)

The review considers whether the ±«Óătv is meeting its obligations for distributing its UK services across television, radio and online, and how well placed the ±«Óătv is to meet its future UK distribution challenges.

Severance payments and wider benefits for senior ±«Óătv managers (2013)

This report examines the ±«Óătv's existing approach to setting severance conditions and wider benefits for its senior managers, and how it applied its policies in practice.

Supplementary note

The original report examined a sample of 60 of the 150 severance payments given to ±«Óătv senior managers in the three years to December 2012. In response to a request from the ±«Óătv Trust and the Public Accounts Committee after this report was published, the NAO agreed to examine the remaining 90 payments and one additional case that has come to light, and provide a supplementary note on its findings.

The ±«Óătv's move to Salford (2013)

This report addresses whether the ±«Óătv's management of its relocation to Salford has been cost-effective and on-track to deliver value for money.

Financial management at the ±«Óătv (2012)

This report examines whether the ±«Óătv's finance function is fit for purpose and equipped to meet the challenges ahead.

The ±«Óătv's approach to managing the cost of its support functions (2012)

This report looked at whether the ±«Óătv's approach to managing the cost of its support functions supports the achievement of value for money, and whether the ±«Óătv's reporting of overhead costs improves transparency.

The ±«Óătv's efficiency programme (2011)

This study looked at the ±«Óătv's progress to date in delivering the efficiency savings required under the target set by the ±«Óătv Trust following the licence fee settlement in 2007.

The ±«Óătv's management of the costs of producing continuing drama (2011)

This study, commissioned by the Trust's Finance & Compliance Committee on behalf of the Trust and undertaken by the NAO, looked at the ±«Óătv's management of the costs of producing continuing drama, specifically Casualty, Doctors, EastEnders, Holby City, Pobol y Cwm and River City.

The ±«Óătv's processes for the management of sports rights (2011)

This study looked at the ±«Óătv’s processes for the management of sports rights. The Trust recognises that sports broadcasting is central to the delivery of some of its public purposes, but the ±«Óătv and the Trust are also under an obligation to ensure that this is carried out in a way that provides value for money to licence fee payers.

Implementation plan

After every value for money study in which recommendations are made, the Trust requires the Executive to produce an implementation plan setting out how they will put the recommendations into practice. The table below was presented to the Trust by the Executive, and was approved by the Trust's Finance & Compliance Committee. It shows the actions the ±«Óătv Executive are taking / will be taking in response to MTM London's recommendations.

The ±«Óătv's management of its Digital Media Initiative (2011)

This study, undertaken by the NAO, looks at the ±«Óătv's management of its Digital Media Initiative (DMI) programme. The DMI is an IT project designed to allow ±«Óătv staff to develop, create, share and manage video and audio content and programming on their desktop, and intended to improve production efficiency across the ±«Óătv. The estimated gross cost of delivery and implementation to the end of March 2017 is £133.6 million.

Report on the ±«Óătv's management of three major estate projects (2010)

This study, undertaken by the NAO, looks at the ±«Óătv's management of the Broadcasting House, Pacific Quay and Salford Quays projects and whether they are being delivered in line with both the expectations at the time the commitment of resources was approved and the latest agreed budget and timetable.

Implementation plan

After every value for money study in which recommendations are made, the Trust requires the Executive to produce an implementation plan setting out how they will put the recommendations into practice. The table below was presented to the Trust by the Executive, and was approved by the Trust's Finance & Compliance Committee. It shows the actions the ±«Óătv Executive are taking / will be taking in response to MTM London's recommendations.

The ±«Óătv's management of its coverage of major sporting and music events (2010)

This study, undertaken by the NAO, looks at the effectiveness of the ±«Óătv's management of its coverage of major sporting and music events, once the decision to cover an event had been taken. It considered how the ±«Óătv initiates, plans, delivers and reviews this coverage.

Implementation plan

After every value for money study in which recommendations are made, the Trust requires the Executive to produce an implementation plan setting out how they will put the recommendations into practice. The table below was presented to the Trust by the Executive, and was approved by the Trust's Finance & Compliance Committee. It shows the actions the ±«Óătv Executive are taking / will be taking in response to MTM London's recommendations.

The ±«Óătv's management of strategic contracts with the private sector (2009)

This study, undertaken by the NAO, looks at the effectivnes of the ±«Óătv's arrangements for managing its various strategic contracts with the private sector.

Implementation plan

After every value for money study in which recommendations are made, the Trust requires the Executive to produce an implementation plan setting out how they will put the recommendations into practice.

The efficiency of radio production at the ±«Óătv (2009)

This study, undertaken by the NAO, looks at what the ±«Óătv is doing to maximise the efficiency of radio production across its different stations.

Implementation plan

After every value for money study in which recommendations are made, the Trust requires the Executive to produce an implementation plan setting out how they will put the recommendations into practice. The table below was presented to the Trust by the Executive, and was approved by the Trust's Finance & Compliance Committee. It shows the actions the ±«Óătv Executive are taking / will be taking in response to MTM London's recommendations.

±«Óătv in-house television commissioning (2008)

This study, undertaken by Ernst & Young, looked at the ±«Óătv's in-house commissioning processes in order to provide insight into the way in which they drive Value for Money and to provide recommendations for improvement.

The ±«Óătv's on-air and on-screen talent costs (2008)

This review provides an in-depth examination of the ±«Óătv's use of on-air and on-screen talent.

The ±«Óătv Trust commissioned an independent review, conducted by Oliver and Ohlbaum Associates Ltd (O&O), in November 2007 to provide an in-depth examination of the ±«Óătv's use of on-air and on-screen talent. This followed press reports about presenters' salaries during the course of 2006 which aroused industry and public concern and led some people to question the ±«Óătv's approach to the talent it employs. This debate was still live when the Trust was established as the ±«Óătv's governing body in January 2007. It was, and has remained, a topic raised by the public with Trustees during our appearances on radio phone-ins and at public meetings in all parts of the UK.

The Trust posed O&O three specific questions:

  1. How do the size and structure of the ±«Óătv's reward packages for talent compare with the rest of the market?
  2. What has been the impact of the ±«Óătv's policy on the talent market, particularly in relation to cost inflation?
  3. To what extent do the ±«Óătv's policy and processes in relation to investment in, and reward of, talent support value for money?

We are publishing O&O's report which seeks to answer these questions, the ±«Óătv management's response to the points it raises and our own judgements informed by this evidence. 

±«Óătv Trust conclusions

±«Óătv procurement (2007)

This study looks at how the ±«Óătv manages spending on goods and services and whether it is organised and equipped to deliver best value from its procurement. 

The ±«Óătv's efficient and effective use of spectrum (2007)

This study, undertaken by Deloitte & Touche, looks at how efficiently and effectively the ±«Óătv uses the spectrum available to it, and provides insight into the future challenges and opportunities facing the ±«Óătv in the use of the spectrum.

The ±«Óătv's preparedness for digital switchover (2007)

This study, undertaken by the NAO, looks at the ±«Óătv's preparations for digital switchover and, in particular, at how it plans to meet its obligations set out under the Royal Charter and Agreement.