

Graphic of a No symbol

We take the safety and security of our audiences very seriously. If you’re attending Radio 1's Big Weekend we want you to have a great time, so please take note of the things we are doing to help everybody have a safe and enjoyable experience. There are also a few things you can do to help as well.

What are we doing?

  • We’ll be searching every bag that comes into the event. We have restricted the size of bags that are allowed in to help make this easier – no bigger than A4 (maximum dimensions W21cm x H30cm x D8cm) and limited to one per person. We may also search bags once you are in the arena.
  • You are also likely to undergo a search as you enter – this may include the use of search wands. You could also be searched once you are in the arena.
  • Security staff will be visible and on patrol both inside and outside of the venue.
  • Drugs and Explosives dogs will also be on patrol.
  • A network of CCTV cameras will be in place around the whole event site, these will be monitored from our event control room.
  • We’ve worked closely with the Police and other emergency services to plan a safe event for everyone.
  • There will be Police patrols around the event and local area.
  • There will be many other security measures in place that you can’t see.
Info regarding which size of bag is permitted and prohibited. Max bag dimensions allowed are as follows: Height - 21cm | Width - 30cm | Depth - 8cm

What can you do?

  • Please allow plenty of time to go through the search points. We don’t want you to miss your favourite artist.
  • Make sure you only bring one small bag per person (no bigger than A4 size – W21cm x H30cm x D8cm) or even better don’t bring a bag at all. Please don’t stuff your pockets as that will also lead to delays. There are no cloakroom or storage facilities so please don’t discard bags at entrances or surrounding areas. Any items left will be removed and disposed of.
  • Check the list of prohibited items to make sure you don’t bring anything that might cause you any delays at the search points. Items that are surrendered won’t be returned to you.
  • Keep your phone with your digital ticket safe and don’t be tempted to buy extra ones from 3rd party sources or touts. There’s no guarantee they’ll be genuine.
  • If you see something that doesn’t look right, let a member of security or the Police know straight away.
  • Talk to our security staff, they’re there to help you have a great day as well as keep you safe.

Drug Use

Radio 1's Big Weekend does not condone the use of drugs. It is illegal to buy, sell or take drugs. Drugs enforcement laws are as applicable onsite as anywhere else in the UK and we will be conducting searches and using drugs dogs to disrupt illegal activity.

Remember if you take drugs and become ill, depressed or concerned, make sure you ask the nearest member of staff to direct you to our Welfare Tent. If you or someone you are with has a bad reaction and needs medical help, talk to the nearest member of staff immediately. Let the medics know what has been taken. You could save a friend’s life.


There will be a no-fly zone in place around the whole event site. The use of drones within this area, as well as above large gatherings of populated areas and in close proximity to buildings is illegal. We will be actively monitoring drone activity and will be working with the Police to disrupt and prosecute any illegal activity.

Be Safe Be Sound

Counter Terrorism Policing wants live music fans to #BeSafeBeSound, as it collaborates with the UK’s biggest music venues, arenas and festivals to deliver vital safety advice to the public.

Are you heading to a gig or festival? Have an amazing time, but if you see something that doesn’t feel right, report it to security staff straight away.

Here are some quick tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable time:

  • Arrive early for extra security measures. This will help prevent delays in getting into the event.
  • Be patient with security checks and don’t give security, staff or stewards a hard time. It might seem inconvenient, but these measures are in place to help you.
  • It is essential that you don’t bring unnecessary items to the event; this will help to speed up searches and your entry to the event.
  • If you spot someone acting suspiciously, report it to police or to security staff immediately: don’t leave it to someone else.
  • In an emergency, if you think there is an immediate risk, always call 999 and look around you for help from staff – especially those with radios who can raise the alarm quickly.
  • Don’t leave bags unattended or anywhere they could cause a security scare. And never agree to look after anyone else’s bags, no matter how genuine they seem.
  • If there is an incident, listen to staff and any announcements.
  • Remember, the chance of being caught in a terrorism incident is small. But if it happens – Run, Hide, Tell.

More information on what to look out for can be found on the Police's .

Graphic saying If you see something out of place, don't dance around it, always tell security

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