
What we do

We produce high quality, distinctive programmes and services for local and UK audiences.

On ±«Óãtv One NI, ±«Óãtv Two NI, ±«Óãtv Radio Ulster, ±«Óãtv Radio Foyle and online, we provide news and current affairs, factual programmes, documentaries, drama comedy, entertainment, religion, languages, business and sport, as well as programmes commissioned for network.

The ±«Óãtv is committed to providing a wide range of content which reflects the many communities that exist in the UK. This includes output in minority languages. In ±«Óãtv Northern Ireland, the main focus is on Irish language and Ulster-Scots programming.


±«Óãtv Newsline is our flagship regional news programme, supported by bulletins through the day. Spotlight provides investigative current affairs, topical issues are debated on programmes such as Nolan Live and The View and there is a rich range of local interest factual, entertainment and documentary output across the schedule.

±«Óãtv Two Northern Ireland features live sport such as rugby, soccer and GAA, as well as highlights of major events like the NW200. There are also weekly programmes on local politics and there is specialist content, such as programmes in the Irish language and Ulster Scots.


±«Óãtv Radio Ulster is one of the most popular radio stations in the UK. In 2011-12, together with ±«Óãtv Radio Foyle, it accounted for 22 per cent of listening hours in Northern Ireland. Programmes such as Good Morning Ulster, the Stephen Nolan Show, Talk Back and Hugo Duncan attract large and loyal audiences.

±«Óãtv Radio Foyle serves listeners in the North West, as well as providing programmes for the general ±«Óãtv Radio Ulster audience.


Our website provides a service of news, sport and community information, as well as details of ±«Óãtv programmes.


About ±«Óãtv Northern Ireland

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