

How to get in touch with ±«Óãtv Northern Ireland

Contact Us

±«Óãtv Northern Ireland

Broadcasting House

Ormeau Avenue BT2 8HQ

028 9033 8000


±«Óãtv Radio Foyle

8 Northland Road,


BT48 7GD

028 7137 8600


±«Óãtv Information

±«Óãtv Information is our audience's virtual front door to the ±«Óãtv. If you have a question, comment, complaint or suggestion about ±«Óãtv programmes and services, then please write to us here:

±«Óãtv Information

PO Box 192 Darlington DL3 OUR

Telephone 03700 100 222*

Lines are open 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Calls may be monitored or recorded for training purposes.

Textphone: 03700 100 212*

Fax: 0141 307 5770


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±«Óãtv Northern Ireland News

±«Óãtv News NI brings news, analysis and debate seven days a week on TV, Radio and Online. You can send us comments, tell your own stories and share your pictures.


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