
About us

±«Óãtv Northern Ireland provides a broad range of programmes and services, across radio, television and online, for ±«Óãtv audiences at home and throughout the rest of the UK.

Our main base is Broadcasting House in Belfast. Some of our programme-making staff are also based in Blackstaff House and this is home to our largest television studio in Northern Ireland. We broadcast to audiences in the North-West from ±«Óãtv Radio Foyle in Londonderry.

±«Óãtv Northern Ireland employs approximately 650 staff. They are involved in all aspects of programme-making and production and include journalists, technicians, engineers and staff involved in a range of support roles. A significant % of ±«Óãtv output on local television, and to a lesser extent on ±«Óãtv radio, is sourced from the independent sector – providing additional employment and helping to sustain the creative industries in Northern Ireland.

Our aim is to provide something of value for everyone – to inform and stimulate debate, to celebrate cultural life and diversity, to describe and explain stories, issues and events involving local people, and to provide memorable viewing and listening experiences for audiences in Northern Ireland and throughout the rest of the UK.

A Day in the Life at ±«Óãtv Northern Ireland

About ±«Óãtv Northern Ireland

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