
Diane Louise Jordan is off on a camping trip and today's dances are about gathering together all the things needed for a camping adventure.

1. Off we go!

Everyone helps gather together all the different things needed for a camping holiday. When the packing is done, partners set off on their journey from busy city streets to quiet country lanes. Having arrived at the campsite, there’s just enough time to put up the tent and collect firewood for the campfire, before snuggling up in a cozy sleeping bag after a long and busy day.


Download the audio for this dance session as an mp3 file.

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Guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit with your group (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Lesson summary

Warm-up: packing the car. Everyone gathers together their own pile of camping equipment – sleeping bag, pillow, torch, cooking pot, book… and tent. Then travelling through the spaces with quick, busy steps.

The journey. Partners travel side by side through busy city streets, then along twisting country lanes to reach the campsite.

Pitching the tent. Pairs join to make groups of 4. The members of each group link together and stretch out into a tent shape. They hold the group tent shape for a few seconds, then wobble and collapse in a heap before repeating the exercise.

Campfire – collecting firewood. Everyone skips through the spaces collecting firewood for the imaginary campfire in the middle of the room.

Campfire – circle dance. Hold hands and spread out to form one big class circle (or two smaller circles). Keep holding hands and skip sideways round the campfire with the beat of the music – it’s 8 side-skips in a clockwise direction, followed by 8 side-skips in an anti-clockwise direction. Repeat the skipping pattern to the end of the music.

Goodnight. An exaggerated stretch and yawn before crawling into the tent and snuggling up in a cozy sleeping bag.

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