
Howard Ward has the final session based on 'Greedy Zebra' by Mwenye Hadithi.

4. Zebra's lesson

The final session based on the well-known picture book Greedy Zebra by Mwenye Hadithi. This session focuses on: contrasts in travelling - wandering and purposeful; meeting and greeting; gesture; body shape; following.


Download the audio for this dance session as an mp3 file.

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Guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit with your group (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Lesson summary:

Warm up. In the last part of the story, the children imagine themselves to be the Greedy Zebra as he enters the cave.

Take your time. Working on their own, the children imagine going on a journey where they often wander from the path. As they meet others, they greet them, then say goodbye as they pass. Careful footwork and simple rhythmic steps help Zebra on his way.

Show what you mean. With clear gestures, the children show the spots, stripes and horns that Zebra decides to have. Help them to understand the requirements and to exaggerate the movement to make it really clear.

Squeeze in. Disappointment for Zebra as he arrives at the cave, then a squeeze and squash into his new skin, made from the leftovers. Gesture with different body parts shows how the skin splits and tears.

Zebra procession. This time, Zebra keeps to the path, not getting distracted. He shows everyone his new stripes, which don’t look so bad after all!

Final thought. As the children relax, they consider: why did Greedy Zebra find the cave almost empty? What did he do wrong?

More from this unit of KS1 Dance: Let's Move

1. Time for change. audio

Part 1 of Greedy Zebra by Mwenye Hadithi.

1. Time for change

2. News travels fast. audio

Part 2 of 'Greedy Zebra' by Mwenye Hadithi.

2. News travels fast