
Audio programmes for Collective Worship: Something to Think About for KS1 and Together for KS2. In each you'll find stories, a song to join in with, opportunities for reflection and prayer - often led by children themselves - and plenty of other interaction.

Both series may be used by schools to fulfil the statutory requirements regarding Collective Worship. The approach of each is to use material from a wide range of cultural sources and faith groups, to ensure that programmes will be relevant to as many listeners as possible.

The aim is to provide assemblies which relate to children's own experiences and concerns while exploring a wide range of moral, spiritual and religious issues celebrating the different social, cultural and religious backgrounds of the audience.

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KS1. Burns Night. audio

Ben finds out about the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns and the Burns Night celebrations which commemorate him.

KS1. Burns Night

KS2. Holocaust Day. Unsung heroes: Sir Nicholas Winton part 1. audio

Gemma considers what it takes to be a hero: do you always have to be 'brave'? Included is the first part of the story of Sir Nicholas Winton, told for us by his daughter, Barbara.

KS2. Holocaust Day. Unsung heroes: Sir Nicholas Winton part 1

KS2. Holocaust Day: Sir Nicholas Winton - Part 2

Gemma continues her exploration of what it means to be a 'hero'. She hears more from Barbara Winton about the life of her father, Sir Nicholas Winton.

KS2. Holocaust Day: Sir Nicholas Winton - Part 2
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KS1. Valentine's Day. audio

Ben is looking forward to Saint Valentine's Day and thinking about what love is...

KS1. Valentine's Day
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KS1. Saint David's Day. audio

Ben finds out about Saint David and considers some of the well-known legends about him.

KS1. Saint David's Day

KS1. Saint Patrick's Day. audio

Ben considers the life of St Patrick, who overcame adversity to become a Christian leader.

KS1. Saint Patrick's Day

KS1. The first day of Spring. audio

Ben introduces the theme of Spring and new life.

KS1. The first day of Spring

KS1. Mothering Sunday. audio

We hear from some school children about why they think their mums are special and how they are going to celebrate Mothering Sunday!

KS1. Mothering Sunday

KS2. Mothering Sunday. audio

Gemma looks forward to celebrating Mothering Sunday and finds out about its history.

KS2. Mothering Sunday

KS2. Holi. audio

Gemma finds out about Holi - the Hindu festival of colours.

KS2. Holi
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KS1. Ramadan and Eid. audio

Finding out about the holy month of Ramadan and the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr which ends it

KS1. Ramadan and Eid

KS1. Saint George's Day. audio

Ben finds out about St George - an early Christian in the time of the Roman Empire.

KS1. Saint George's Day

KS1. Palm Sunday - The Donkey's tale. audio

Ben Faulks visits a donkey sanctuary and considers the Easter festival and the special journey made by one donkey at Easter.

KS1. Palm Sunday - The Donkey's tale

KS1. Easter surprise! (Easter Day) audio

Ben Faulks returns to a donkey sanctuary where he finds out more about the Easter festival and about caring for animals.

KS1. Easter surprise! (Easter Day)

KS2. April Fools' Day. audio

Jokes, jokes, jokes! Gemma looks ahead to April Fools' Day

KS2. April Fools' Day

KS2. Easter. audio

Gemma looks forward to celebrating the festival of Easter and the end of the Spring term.

KS2. Easter
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KS1. May Day. audio

Join Ben Faulks for a programme all about May Day. Celebrating the start of summer; learning from the past, and the people who can help us to do that.

KS1. May Day

KS1. Rogation Sunday. audio

Join Ben Faulks for a programme all about Rogation Day. Family relationships - parents.

KS1. Rogation Sunday

KS1. Shavuot. audio

Join Ben Faulks for a programme all about the celebration of Shavuot and what it represents for Jewish people; rules and why we need them; treating others as individuals.

KS1. Shavuot
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KS1. Midsummer - longest day of the year. audio

Join Ben Faulks for a programme all about Midsummer - enjoying the longest day of the year; customs and traditions associated with the longest day

KS1. Midsummer - longest day of the year
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KS2. Pilgrimages part 1. audio

Gemma Hunt finds out about pilgrimages and why people make them

KS2. Pilgrimages part 1

KS2. Pilgrimages: the Hajj. audio

Gemma Hunt looks at the theme of pilgrimages and why people make them.

KS2. Pilgrimages: the Hajj
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KS2. Florence Nightingale. audio

Gemma looks back at the life of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, who died 13 August, 1910.

KS2. Florence Nightingale

KS2. The Great Fire of London. audio

Change can be good - hear how the Great Fire of London lead to a change for the better.

KS2. The Great Fire of London
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KS1. New school year. audio

Ben is reflecting on a great summer holiday and looking forward to all the challenges in the year ahead.

KS1. New school year

KS1. London's burning - The Great Fire of London. audio

Ben Faulks with a programme about the famous historical event of The Great Fire of London; keeping safe.

KS1. London's burning - The Great Fire of London

KS2. Thomas Barnardo. audio

Gemma hears about Thomas Barnardo, the founder of children's charity Barnardo's.

KS2. Thomas Barnardo

KS2. Sukkot. audio

Gemma hears about the Jewish festival of Sukkot.

KS2. Sukkot

KS2. Navratri. audio

A programme about the hot and spicy foods eaten during the Hindu festival of Navratri

KS2. Navratri

KS2. Guru Nanak. audio

Hear about the life of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion

KS2. Guru Nanak

KS2. Yom Kippur. audio

Hear about Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in Judaism

KS2. Yom Kippur
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KS2. Harvest. audio

Gemma finds out about the annual celebration of the Harvest and the importance of sharing.

KS2. Harvest

Chinese Double Ninth festival. audio

Gemma Hunt continues her exploration of Autumn festivals - today the 'Double Ninth'.

Chinese Double Ninth festival
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KS1. Diwali and Bonfire Night. audio

Ben Faulks with a programme about the festival of Diwali; light and dark; Bonfire Night as another ‘special day’.

KS1. Diwali and Bonfire Night

KS1. Remembering... why poppies? audio

Ben Faulks presents the first of two programmes exploring the theme of remembering.

KS1. Remembering... why poppies?

KS1. Remembrance: our memories. audio

Ben Faulks with the second programme exploring the theme of remembering.

KS1. Remembrance: our memories

KS1. Saint Andrew's Day. audio

Ben finds out about the life of St Andrew, one of the very first Christians.

KS1. Saint Andrew's Day

KS1. Chanukah. audio

The Jewish festival of Chanukah (Hanukkah); its origins and significance in Jewish life today.

KS1. Chanukah

KS1. Thanksgiving. audio

Ben Faulks hears from American children about the festival of Thanksgiving.

KS1. Thanksgiving

KS2. Diwali. audio

Gemma finds out about Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights celebrated around the world.

KS2. Diwali
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KS1. It's Christmas time... Winter wildlife. audio

Caring for the environment and animals - birds in particular - as winter arrives

KS1. It's Christmas time... Winter wildlife

KS1. Christmas time - Lamb's tale. audio

Themes: that for Christians Christmas is about the birth of Jesus

KS1. Christmas time - Lamb's tale

KS1. Advent. audio

Ben introduces the theme of 'advent' and hears from children about their favourite gifts.

KS1. Advent

KS2. Christmas - Turkey and other treats. audio

The story of King Wenceslas and children talk about what they eat at Christmas time and when they eat their main meal.

KS2. Christmas - Turkey and other treats

KS2. Christmas - the Christmas journey. audio

Children share where they travel to at Christmas, who they are going to see and the means by which they will get there

KS2. Christmas - the Christmas journey

KS2. Christmas - a time for giving. audio

Gemma introduces the topic of Christmas and looks ahead to the festive season.

KS2. Christmas - a time for giving
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