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16 October 2014


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bloo flooers

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this has taken me all night to do, to find out how to re size a picture wiv me 'new' camera. this is one of my favourite photos from the summer. there are dozens more, but alas, one a night is all I can manage...

And where is it - oooooh - lets make it a competition....
Posted on Scallowawife at 21:35


Congratulations Scallo, photo is perfect but you've now got Tws-style Big Printing. My entry for the competition is: somewhere in Shetland!

Jill from EK

A lovely blue! No idea where, though. Your back garden?

Barney from Swithiod

One a night, but there ARE seven nights a week Scallo. !! (thank heavens no black satanic cats in sight, or catey matey would have a fit).

mjc from IN, USA

It could be EffCee's Rolling Acres, perhaps? It looks like a nice place for an "adult" picnic, the grass and flowers look long enough for it to be a cosy wee " Courting Venue". I'll ask Ruthie, she knows all these places. ( this comment has taken more time to do, than some of my blogs. Trying to find the right words, phrases, without breaking any of the ±«Óãtv's rules, because I have never done that before, and don't want to start now) Was there an Earthquake in Sh*tland recently Super Scallowawife?

Tws from The Croft Lewis

I don't know where it is but what it is is purple vetch, possibly hairy...but what were you doing in the long grass, Scallowawife? Is there anything you'd like to share?

Flying Cat from Wildflowers@AnorakTowers

Answer; as above.

Hyper-Borean from In a field

Its Burra I think. I'm disappointed Scallowawife. Thought we'd have a "Where is a certain unnamed blogger's purse this week" competition?

Muness from Fetlar

I'll have u know the unnamed blogger's purse is 10 cm to the left of her right hand. Anyhoo, great to have you bloggin again Scallowawife! And thanks for the hospitality, sorry, but I probably helped mesel to a few too many bannocks in the morning, it was for me lunch. Ok, I'll make it up to you, more meringues next time.

Ruthodanort from Unst

muness - you will be soooo in trouble when I reveal its NOT Burra

scallowawife from shetland

for those of you out in the cold, or in the dark, Ruthodanort visited, brought meringues, left the next day, and forgot to take her purse. I had the very important job of transporting said large and heavy purse to Lerwick to Muness View who was on a course in a (apparently) locked building - as I had to communicate on the phone to him and shove the fat purse through the letter box - it only just made it - and I could only wave and go....

scallowawife from waving and leaving

Guess who forgot that the location is above when one enters it and below when it appears in the comments. That'll teach me to be a smart a***. I think I'll go for a long walk to clear my brain.

Hyper-Borean from Still in a field

It's alright, Hyper-B. That's what happens when you resolutely confine yourself to Tetley tea bags ...

mjc from IN, USA

Its a very civilised purrson who arrives bearing meringues!

Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint

I'll happily mak meringues for anyone that invites me to dinner! And Scallowawife's curry was spot on, as were the bannocks, wine and birthday cake.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Well the pair of you ought to be like the side of a house...I was told to say that by one-who-yo-yos and has 2/3 size variations in her drawers...

Flying Cat from patting a plump rump

Scallo.'s bannocks: the world does not hold better ones (so I have heard). But bannocks with curry? No basmati rice? Don't tell me the curry came with neeps as well!?! Fusion cuisine, I guess.

mjc from IN, USA

Scallo.'s bannocks: the world does not hold better ones (so I have heard). But bannocks with curry? No basmati rice? Don't tell me the curry came with neeps as well!?! Fusion cuisine, I understand it's called.

mjc from IN, USA

Tetleys. When I were young I partook of rather too much of the eponymous brew. Sadly it was Joshua's ie of the inebriating rather than the cheering variety.

Hyper-Borean from The brew house

Hey folks, that reminds me o a good een - did you hear the one about a man who went into a bakers shop and said " is that a maroon or a meringue"? The baker replied, "no, you're right, it's a maroon" ha ha ha ha ha, how funny is that eh? Think it's time I started blogging again..........

diamondbigdod from in stiches

Ye-e-e-e-e-ee-ssss...high time...

Flying Cat from there there keep taking the tablets

Diamondbigdod. I just don't get it. (But that's nuthin unusual I suppose...)

Ruthodanort from eh?

Diamond., what is a maroon, or do you mean a macaroon? Either way, I don't get it. But then, I live across the water.

mjc from IN, USA

That's no excuse mjc no excuse at all...

Flying Cat from puzzled&confused

Two for the price of one. And I don't mean FC and Marmers either.

mjc from IN, USA

You've got to say it out loud, and in a Scots accent. Is that a macaroon or am ah wrang? (Am I wrong?)

Broad Scot from trying to be helpful


Flying Cat from hanging head in shame

NOW I unnerstaund...

scallowawife from at last...

I must admit: I tried Broad Scot, Lean Scot and Mangled Scot - nothing doing. Is this supposed to sound: is it a macaroon or a maroon (am i wrong)? If so, what on earth is funny about it. I suspect Diamond. is back to being in both stitches and despair about those of us who are culturally incapable of "getting it."

mjc from IN, USA

I don't BELIEVE it!!! Broad Scot very helpfully explained it as clearly as ever one could and you still don't get it??? Never mind if it was a maroon or a macaroon (I specs you're right on that bit) it's the meringue that holds the key...

Flying Cat from jingscrivvenshelpmagranny

Man goes into a butchers shop. 'Can I have a mince roond, please?' he says. 'Aye, on ye go', says the butcher, 'there's no-one else in the shop'. I tell you, those long winter evenings just fly by......

Stromness from The pie counter

mjc Here's another one for you. What's the difference between Bing Crosby and Walt Disney? ... Bing sings and Walt disnae.

Broad Scot from the cross-cultural education corner

It took two years at uni in England with every day coaching for me to start to understand the local humor. Since then, I must have lost the ability. Thanks folks, particularly Broad Scot: however, I am a hopeless case. (I can't tell a joke either: I usually burst out laughing before I deliver the punch line).

mjc from IN, USA

I think it is down near Norwick Beach in Unst?? Don't worry mjc. I first heard the meringue joke on a tv programme with Andy Cameron. It went Is this a doughnut or a meringue? No you're right enough, its a doughnut. He repeated it every week and it took me the whole series before I got it.

damadcoo from long lost in unst

Och me, what a fun. When I was a youngster (a few years ago now right enough) a macaroon was just referred to as a maroon - sorry for any confusion. The fact that it could as easily have been a cream bun is the bit that I found the funniest, or a meringue????

Diamondbigdod from back in Trondra

it goes like this ' is that a ma-ha-roon or am-a-rangue"? The baker replied, "no, you're right, it's a ma(ha)roon" You sooo need a glottal stop in there, hen, ... glo'all stop ...

scallowawife from in the book of corrections

congrats to the long lost Damadcoo, how's the geraniums been this year?

scallowawife from and the winner is...

Thanks to all of you. The play on words is very clear after Scallo.'s explanation. Ah, but why is it funny?!! Beats me. Anyway, Damadcoo, thanks for giving me some hope (wherever you are now, hope you are doing fine).

mjc from IN, USA

Back to the above photo: Skibhoull I think or somewhere along the Baltasound Voe.

Muness from Fetlar

keep up Muness for goodness sake!

scallowawife from chastising Muness

Damadcoo, got any fun wellies recently? If I remember you had some strange ones a year or two ago - or it could have been Ruthodanort (as well). Take care.

mjc from IN, USA

Weel, I guess someone has to tell the idder joke. A man walks into the butchers shop and, after eyeing up the goods on offer, asks the butcher, who is standing in front of the heater, for it is a tad chilly, 'is that yer ayrshire bacon?' The butcher replies: 'no, its me hands I'm warmin.'

Ruthodanort from Norge again

Can we see the pictures?

FC&Marmers from strict punishment regime

Pictures of what, FC? The ayrshire bacon?

mjc from IN, USA

I am not bakin' ma erse! We don't have a fireplace...

Flying Cat from in a fluff

FC, fireplaces are not all they are cracked up to be. To begin with, you have to get the wood: not easy on Mainland Orkney, I suspect. Of course you could use peat ...# Oh, have I told you all the one about the rebbe? No? Well, it will have to keep, won't it? Once I stop laughing, I shall get back to you.

mjc from IN, USA

well i've had no internet for a month but at last today im re connected (30th october)the above comments have had crying with laughter

carol from back online at last

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