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Johnnie Marshall

Played by Paul Ready

Fact title Fact data
Date of birth
25 December 1887
Place of birth
Age at outbreak of WW1
Shareholder, Marshalls Factory
Collingwood Park

Johnnie returns from Russia to his wealthy factory-owning family, full of revolutionary zeal and hostility towards war. A minority shareholder in Marshalls, he would rather work on the shop floor than get involved with dismissive brother conversion to munitions.

An inspiring romantic, impulsive agitator and frequenter of Tyneside’s more proletarian watering holes, Johnnie’s over-involvement in the life of the workers is not, however, always welcomed. And when more responsibility is forced upon Johnnie his ardent views appear to go out the window...

Charismatic Johnnie catches the eye of his third cousin but are they truly a good match?

"What he saw in the war was working men being used as pawns"

Paul Ready talks about playing romantic radical Johnnie