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Jemima Walker

When Kieren died, Jem filled the void by fighting in the Rising…

She was flooded with emotions when her brother returned from the dead: denial, anger, mistrust… and joy. Not that she showed it at first.

I can’t put a bullet through me mock exams. Unfortunately.”

It took time for Jem to accept Kieren back into her life, but when we re-join the siblings in series two, they have become firm friends.

Now ex-Human Volunteer Force soldier Jem has another battle on her hands… she’s returned to school to take her GCSEs. On top of this, she’s haunted by her experiences during the war, but is too proud to tell anyone.

Will Jem ask for help before it’s too late?

Harriet Cains

In the Flesh was Harriet’s first major TV role, since series one, she’s also had parts in and Hollyoaks Later.