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Jaclyn Parri

Actores: Mali Harries

Er bod Jaclyn yn barod i gadw trefn a rhoi’i throed i lawr ar yr aelwyd, dydi hi ddim yn hoffi unrhyw densiwn a gwrthdaro y tu allan i’r cartref. Mae hi’n fam gariadus i’w phlant – Tesni a Guto, ac yn caru ei gŵr Gerwyn. Mae beth mae pobl yn feddwl ohoni yn bwysig iawn i Jaclyn. Ond pa gyfrinachau mae Jaclyn yn cadw i’w brawd, Dylan?

Although Jaclyn is prepared to keep order and put her foot down at home, she does not like any tension and conflict outside the home. She is a loving mother to her children - Tesni and Guto, and loves her husband Gerwyn. What people think of her is very important to Jaclyn. But what secrets does Jaclyn keep for her brother, Dylan?