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Abigail Pettigrew

When Abigail's family borrow money she is taken as security and frozen for years, kept locked away until the Doctor and Kazran meet her and whisk her away for a series of magical Christmas Eves. But throughout that time, Abigail has a secret and a gift...

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Random ‘Yes!’ Moment:
Abigail was cryogenically frozen by Kazran’s cruel father, Elliot.
First Appearance:
Most Recent Appearance:

Her secret is that when she was taken as security she was already perilously ill. By the time she meets the Doctor her remaining days are dwindling and when she's revived her time left alive ticks away... She falls in love with Kazran and tells him her secret. By now, Abigail only has one day left and ultimately she chooses to spend it with him on Christmas Day.

A shark isn’t a dolphin!

Abigail's gift is her voice. Her beautiful singing resonates through the ice crystals over her planet and ultimately, she is able to clear a path for the ship carrying Amy, Rory and many other passengers. And so, during her last day alive, Abigail Pettigrew enables thousands of people to live. We last see her zooming through the air with Kazran, enjoying her final few hours with the man she loves.

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