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Susie Blake


What was the most memorable part of the experience?

We were very busy but I was struck by how vast and foreign it all seemed

Our lodgings and host in Puducherry; from the rooms, shower in cold water that was never cold, to the food I was dreading which I absolutely loved to the beautiful staff and divine host. The views down onto the Ganga I will never forget!

What surprised you the most?

The flowers everywhere, and especially in the market. The variety of animals running wild!

What was your role within the group?

I was a listener, rather in awe of the others! I loved sitting in companionable silence whilst sketching with Zandra.

Did the experience allow you time to reflect?

We were very busy but I was struck by how vast and foreign it all seemed. I was frustrated that I couldn’t communicate with the locals.

Did you learn anything about yourself?

Surprised how tongue tied I was! Too in awe to start in depth conversations. I like the heat! I love Indian food!

Would you return to India?

Yes, to Puducherry.

Tell us about one of your adventures…

When Barbara and I went to the Buddhist temple. A very long drive, great to spend time with Barbara. Our Monk was so sincere and though my practice is a lay practice, the roots are the same.

I was very moved.