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Madhur visits the Punjab, where she reveals the secrets of tandoori cooking. (1995)

Madhur Jaffrey visits the Golden Temple in Amritsar, the holy Sikh shrine, and sees how thousands are fed in the Temple's community kitchen. In the rural Punjab she comes across the rich buffalo milk used to make paneer cheese, and along the Pakistan border she discovers that towns on both sides share a common language and cuisine. (1995)

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29 minutes

Last on

Tue 21 Mar 1995 20:30

About ±«Óãtv Four Collection programmes

Programmes are selected, in part, for their historical context and reflect the broadcast standards and attitudes of their time, which may not accord to some current ±«Óãtv editorial guidelines. We aim to select programmes which can be shown in their entirety but in some cases edits are required.


Role Contributor
Presenter Madhur Jaffrey
Director Navin Thapar
Executive Producer Narendhra Morar


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