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With a Fine Feeling for Steam

First transmitted in 1977, this programme tells the story of the private steam railway network the Strathspey Railway, which is run by a group of rail enthusiasts in Scotland.

First transmitted in 1977, this programme tells the story of the private steam railway company the Strathspey Railway, which was engineered and run by a group of rail enthusiasts in Scotland.Through the use of restored locomotives the company was started purely to preserve steam passenger trains, as their fading presence across British rail networks, due to the introduction of diesel engines, was keenly felt among steam enthusiasts.

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25 minutes

Last on

Sat 24 Nov 1979 17:40


±«Óãtv Four Steam Railways Collection

±«Óãtv Four Steam Railways Collection
This programme is part of a collection of programmes celebrating Britain’s extraordinary Steam Railway legacy.

About ±«Óãtv Four Collection programmes

Programmes are selected, in part, for their historical context and reflect the broadcast standards and attitudes of their time, which may not accord to some current ±«Óãtv editorial guidelines. We aim to select programmes which can be shown in their entirety but in some cases edits are required.


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