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Air a’ Mhachair/Life on the Machair

Episode 2 of 10

Trusadh takes a tour of the Outer Hebrides to find out what life is like on the machair, visiting the communities that breathe life into this land.

Tha sinn a’ gabhail sgrìob timcheall na h-Eileanan an Iar agus na coimhearsnachdan a tha beò mun cuairt orra gus faighinn a-mach cò ris a tha beatha coltach air a’ mhachair. Bidh sinn cuideachd ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn obair croitearachd na bliadhna, àrc-eòlas, na h-òrain, a’ bheul-aithris, na sìtheanan agus na h-eòin a tha ceangailte ris a’ mhachair.

Trusadh takes a tour of the Outer Hebrides to find out what life is like on the machair. Learn about the crofting year, archaeology, the songs, the folklore, the flowers and the bird life that are all intertwined on the machair.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

58 minutes
