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Back Seat Drivers

Steven Fielding explores the role of ex-prime ministers, with the help of politicians, journalists and political advisers. Can they ever come back? And if not, what should they do?

The historian Steven Fielding explores one of the most rarified jobs in British politics: ex-Prime Minister. As Boris Johnson joins the five other former premiers, at the age of 58, Steve asks politicians, journalists, advisers and historians what ex-PMs should do - and how they actually approach this strange role in public life.

Since the Second World War, former Prime Ministers have engaged in Long Sulks, made Occasional Decisive Interventions and - in Margaret Thatcher's famous phrase - tried to be Back Seat Drivers. Only one - the man who was PM when Johnson was born - has ever returned as a minister. But, as Steve explores, the early twentieth century offers some more surprising precedents. So could Johnson ever return - and if not, what positive roles are open to him and his select band of colleagues, with their unique depth of experience at the top of British politics?

With: Laura Beers, Ken Clarke, Jon Davis, Leo McKinstry, Iain Duncan Smith, Nick Timothy, Stewart Wood

Producer: Phil Tinline

Available now

28 minutes

Last on

Wed 5 Oct 2022 11:00


  • Mon 3 Oct 2022 20:00
  • Wed 5 Oct 2022 11:00