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Mach as mo Rathad/Born to Drive

Mairi Ross has set herself a challenge - to get her licence to ride a motorbike and to drive lorries as well as a bus.

Tha Màiri Ros (28) às an Rubha ann an Eilean Leòdhais air a bhith air a beò-ghlacadh le carbaidean de gach seòrsa bhos cuimhne leatha. Dh’ fhàs i suas a’ faicinn a h-athair agus bràithrean a h-athar ag obair air càraichean agus tha e follaiseach gun tug sin buaidh mhòr oirre na h-òige. Bha i cuideachd a-riamh measail air eich, agus sin far an d’ fhuair i am miann a bhith a’ falbh aig astar.

Ann an dà mhìle ’s a naoi deug, chuir i dùbhlan mhòr roimhpe fhèin, an cead-draibhidh aice a lìonadh. Anns a’ Mhàrt dà mhìle ’s a fichead, chuir suidheachadh a’ chòrona-bhìorais stad air cùisean agus bha leanabh aig Màiri cuideachd, ach bha miann mhòr aice fhathast an dùbhlan aice a chrìochnachadh.

Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha sinn a’ leantainn Màiri is i a’ feuchainn air a cead-draibhidh fhaighinn airson motar-baidhg agus airson làraidhean agus bus a dhràibheadh is i cuideachd na màthair ùr gu John Norman. Cluinnidh sinn bho a h-athair mu cò as a thàinig an ùidh aice ann an carbaidean, agus chì sinn mar a tha sin air a thighinn sìos tro na ginealaichean. Tha sinn ga faicinn tro na h-amannan math agus doirbh is i ag ullachadh airson nan deuchainnean sònraichte seo. An dùil an tèid aice air an dùbhlan a choileanadh agus ma shoirbhicheas leatha, dè an ath cheum a bhios ann dhi?

At 28, petrolhead Mairi Ross from Point in the Isle of Lewis has been obsessed with vehicles of all kinds for as long as she can remember. She grew up seeing her father and uncles working on cars which led to her hobby. As well as an interest in anything with wheels, she also loves horses, and believes that is where her need for speed originally came from.

In 2019, she decided to set herself the challenge of obtaining her driver’s licence but in March 2020, Covid-19 put a stop to everything. Not only that, Mairi also welcomed a baby into the world, but that desire and drive to complete her challenge never went away.

We follow Mairi as she attempts to get her licence to ride a motorbike, and to drive lorries and a bus, whilst also being mum to John Norman. Her father explains her passion and how it is something that has been passed down through the generations. We follow her through the highs and the lows as she prepares herself for these tests. Will Mairi manage to complete her challenge and what will the next step be if she does?

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Sat 25 Nov 2023 20:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Mairi Ross
Director Marsaili Macrury
Executive Producer Seumas Mactaggart
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Producer Jayne Macleod
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Editor Paul Duke
