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Episode 2

DIY programme. Donnie and the team continue their attempt to renovate the community-run Lewis Retirement Centre in Stornoway but are hampered by bad weather.

Anns a' phrògram seo, tha an obair a' leantainn. Tha an luchd-obrach trang a-staigh far na chleachd an garaids a bhith, shuas air a' mhullaich, tha uisge a' cur bacadh air cùisean agus tha seann chraobhan a' cumail na h-obrach air ais air cùl an togalaich. Ach a dh'aindeoin gach nì, tha spòrs agus fealla-dhà gu leòr am measg na tha sàs sa phròiseact.

In this programme, Donnie and the team continue with the project. Work inside is progressing, the roof has been stripped back but bad weather holds things up, and problems with tree roots at the back of the centre continues to hamper drainage work. However, the team find that cameraderie and good humour allows them to continue apace.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Donnie Macleod


Companaidhean agus daoine a chuidich agus a ghabh pàirt anns An Dùbhlan

Companies and individuals who contributed to An Dùbhlan.