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Episode 1

DIY programme. Donnie and the team begin their attempt to renovate the community-run Lewis Retirement Centre in Stornoway in just five days.

Tha Donnie MacLeòid agus sgioba de luchd-togail bho air feadh Eilean Leòdhais air dùbhlan a chur romhpa fhèin: Retirement Centre Leòdhais a dhèanamh an àirde ann an còig latha. Le luchd-obrach an eilein a' toirt seachad an ùine fhèin agus na stuthan togail an-asgaidh, tha tòrr cuideam air Donnie 's an sgioba an obair a chrìochnachadh ann an ùine. Gach seachdain, bidh mu mhìle gu leth neach a' cleachdadh an ionaid, bho naoidhein gu seann dhaoine, ach tha cruaidh fheum air a dhèanamh an àirde agus tuilleadh rùm a thoirt dha na diofar bhuidhnean. Anns a' phrògram seo, tha an obair a' tòiseachadh bho stiùir Iain Caimbeul, am manaidsear togail a th' air a' phròiseact, ach an tèid aig an luchd-obrach air mullach an togalaich a chàradh, an taobh a-staigh a leudachadh agus a sgeadachadh, rùmannan ùra a dhèanamh far an robh seann gharaids, staran ùr a chur timcheall an togalaich agus an taobh a-muigh a pheantadh?

Donnie Macleod and a team of local tradesmen attempt to renovate the community-run Lewis Retirement Centre in Stornoway in five days. With the local workforce giving their time and all of the building materials to this charitable project free of charge, the pressure is on to complete the work on time.

Each week, over 1,500 islanders use the centre as a meeting place and recreational space but it's badly in need of updating and more space is required to satisfy the needs of the community organisations.

In this programme, under the watchful eye of site manager John Campbell, they get to work. The roof is stripped back to the rafters, walls are knocked through, the old electrical cables are ripped out but the drains running through the back of the centre are a cause for concern and could even jeopardise the work.

29 minutes

Last on

Fri 19 Jul 2019 20:30

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Role Contributor
Presenter Donnie Macleod


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