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Acrach airson Atharrachadh/Hungry for Change

Episode 6 of 18

Documentary taking a revealing look at the modern-day difficulties of obesity and the challenges it poses to society.

Tha reamhrachd ann an Alba a-nis na dhuilgheadas slàinte le seasgad 's a còig a-mach às a' cheud a-nis nas truime na bu chòir dhaibh a bhith. Ach anns na h-Eileanan an Iar, tha an àireamh seo nas àirde, le reamhrachd a' toirt buaidh air seachdad 's a ceithir a-mach às a' cheud den t-sluagh. Tha sinn a' coimhead air carson a tha ìrean reamhrachd a-nis cho àrd. Dha cuid tha e air a bhith na dhuilighdeas bhon a bha iad òg. Dha cuid eile tha e air nochdadh nas fhaid' air adhart nam beatha, agus airson iomadach adhbhar.

Na chois tha diofar chunnartan slàinte. Coinnichidh sinn ri diofar dhaoine a tha air a bhith a' strì, no a tha a' strì le an cuid chuideim, agus seallaidh sinn air na diofar dhòighean a tha daoine a' feuchainn ri cùisean atharrachadh agus cuideam a chall - bho dhaitheadan, dòighean beatha atharrachadh, agus fiù 's a' dol fon lannsa. Chan eil e ge-tà cho furasta sin rudeigin a dhèanamh mu dheidhinn. Acrach airson Atharrachadh - sùil smuaineachail air na duilghdeasan le reamhrachd san là an-diugh, agus na diofar dhùbhlain a tha fa-near dhuinn mar shluagh.

Obesity in Scotland has become a major health issue with 65 per cent of the population overweight or obese. However in the Western Isles this number is even higher, with 74 per cent of the population affected. We look at why obesity levels are now so high. For some being overweight has been an issue since childhood. For others it's come later in life and for many different reasons. With it come a number of different health risks.

We meet a number of folk who have struggled or are struggling with their weight, and explore the different ways that people are trying to make a change and lose weight - from diets, to lifestyle changes, and even surgery. It's not though as easy to do something about it as many would think. Hungry for Change - a revealing look at the modern day difficulties of obesity, and the challenges we face as a society.

58 minutes
