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An t-Ionnsachadh Boidheach/One Magical Year

Documentary on Dr Finlay MacLeod, who introduced some radical teaching ideas to a Scottish school in the 1970s.

Aig toiseach na seachdadan, thàinig tidsear ùr a theagasg clasaichean coig, sia is seachd ann am bun-sgoil Shiaboist, tidsear le dòighean teagasg a bha gu math eadar-eàlaichte bho'n a h-uile tidsear eile a bh'air a bhi aig na sgoilearan roimhne sin.

Se an tidsear, Fionnlagh MacLeòid, neo Dr Finlay, air am bi daoine eòlach mar sgrìobhadar, chraoladair, is mar fhear a tha min-eòlach air eachdraidh, nàdar agus iomadach cuspair eile. Ged a tha dà fhichead bliadhna a-nis bho dh'fhàg Fionnlagh sgoil Shiaboist, tha an dàimh eadar e fhèin agus na sgoilearan a bh'aige air a bhliadhna sin ann fhàthast.

Anns a phrògram seo, tha clas Fhionnlaigh a' cruinneachadh a-rìthist agus tha Christine Mhoireasdan, aon dha na sgoilearan a bh'anns a chlas a' dol air chuairt agus a' faighneachd dè a bhuaidh a tha tidsear a-mach às an t-sreath a' toirt oirnn? A bheil a bhuaidh sin a' leantainn riunn fad as deidh dhuinn an sgoil fhàgail?

Set in the early 1970s, this is the story of one year in childhood, when a teacher with radical new ideas came to Shawbost primary school on the west side of the Isle of Lewis. The teacher, Dr Finlay MacLeod, is now well known as a writer, broadcaster, historian and naturalist. His approach to teaching was revolutionary in the school at that time, and led to the creation of a bond between teacher and pupil that exists to this day.

Presented and produced by Christine Morrison, one of the children in Finlay's class, the programme reunites teacher and former pupils, explores Finlay's background and approach to education and the impact of his progressive teaching style on the children he taught and the adults they became.

1 hour

Last on

Mon 1 Jul 2024 23:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Christine Morrison
