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What were these 7 celebs REALLY like as teens?

They seem to have it all sorted now, but what were your favourite celebrities REALLY like when they were teenagers?

We went along to the epic Radio 1 Teen Awards to ask some of the biggest stars of the day, from Liam Payne to Rita Ora, what adolescence was like for them.

1. Rita Ora

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Rita Ora at Radio 1's Teen Awards!

Rita Ora performs Your Song, Lonely Together & Anywhere at Radio 1's Teen Awards 2017

"I was really fixed on becoming a musician, all I ever wanted to do was sing. My Dad owns pubs and I would go and sing whenever I could. All I wanted to do was to make noise and make music.

"I’d like to think I still am a teenager... I'm 27 soon actually, gosh. The hardest thing was when I saw my self almost becoming a woman. I was very confused. I was one of the type that really struggled with puberty and things like that. I had spots, and I kind of grew quicker than some girls in my class, so I felt a bit weird. But then, you then come to realise you’re not. So that was my struggle."

2. Gemma Collins

"Do you know what I was a good teenager, I was never in trouble and I always listened at school. I do think we’ve got a problem where people just think we’ve become reality stars like that, but all of us were quite good at school and we did tow the line and we did behave ourselves. You do have to be disciplined to be on a TV show and stuff like that, so you do have to put in the groundwork."

"Being a teenager I think is the best years of your life, because you can just be free and have fun. The worst thing about being a teenager is SPOTS, I suffered really badly. But yeah, it’s all good."

3. Liam Payne

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Liam Payne - Get Low

Liam Payne performs Get Low at Radio 1's Teen Awards 2017

"I put a lot of pressure on myself when I was younger. At that time you think, ‘ah this is the worst thing in the world,’ about whatever, but you’ve got to remember that you’ll get past that as you hit your twenties. Everything changes. David Essex is an older generation singer. I once met him and he gave me the best piece of advice ever, he said, 'Just be you, because there’s only one you in the world. And you can be the best you.'"

"There’s a sense of freedom when you're a teen, and it’s the time you can make mistakes. I think it’s important that you do make them at that age, so you don’t make them later on."

"I got knocked back when I was 14 and if I hadn’t been, if I had been a child star at 14, things might have gone differently. I might never have been in One Direction or ended up where I am. Bad things, they definitely happen for a reason and you grow from them - that’s the important thing, to make sure that you grow."

4. Amber from Love Island

"When I was a teenager I was the devil child, and my older sister was the absolute angel. Even to this day, I think rules are there to be broken. But I was always the girl in high school that wore a lot of make up, I always had a boyfriend. You know, I was very popular in school. I had a good teenage life, put it like that."

"I didn’t suffer from anxiety in a bad way, but I would get anxious about things like keeping face. My Mum always said, 'You know, you don’t always have to dress your best,' but I just felt like I had to keep up."

"We meet a lot of teenagers and they’re lovely, you know. Loads of manners, they're really caring."

5. Dynamo

"I was a bit of a practical joker as a teen, being a magician I've always had to do the odd trick or two. But I was definitely misunderstood. I was a little bit shy, but then I think my alter ego came out when I used to do my practical jokes. I wasn’t shy when I was performing."

"For me probably the toughest thing was that I got bullied quite a lot at school. So that gave me a really hard time growning up. But I think through that adversity I’ve been able to create something positive. I don’t condone the bullies, but without them I might not be here today, doing what I’m doing. At first I didn’t deal with the bullies very well, but then I got introduced to magic and really found myself. It gave me the confidence to stand up to other people. Find the thing that you love and dedicate yourself to it. It will be hard work, but the best form of revenge is success."

6. George Ezra

"I was just pretty chilled out actually. I had a good group of friends around me and we were just out and about, all the time, I loved it. I think all of these things work best in hindsight, I can say in hindsight I had very little to worry about. I didn’t think that at the time. I think everything is all up in the air at that age, everyone’s constantly asking you what you’re going to do and be and you don’t know. And why should you?"

"I didn't think I'd be doing this at that age. I was quite a realistic thinker! I loved performing, but I thought perhaps I was going to be a teacher, both my parents are teachers. My advice would be just relax a little bit, there’s plenty of time in the future to worry."

7. Marcel from Love Island

"I got signed when I was 15 years old to Blazin' Squad, so my first job was an intense job, you had to put a lot of work in."

"If you have a dream and you want to achieve something, just go for it, because you never know what’s possible – anything’s possible. As a teenager I wanted to be a rapper, I attempted to be a rapper and it actually happened. If you don’t try you’ll never do the things you wanna do, so you’ve got to go out and at least try the things you wanna do. There’s no such thing as can’t."

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