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The Big Question

We wanted to know your opinion on the UK's youth unemployment crisis and how it's affecting you. Here's what you said on our Facebook page, on Twitter (using #upforhire) and via email.

Q: What's it like being young and unemployed in 2011?

Alice: “I feel useless. I have worked so hard for years at school - I am a positive, intelligent person. I am willing to do any kind of work and do tons of volunteering. It makes you think: why does no one want me? What is wrong with me?â€

Ben: “It makes you feel so bad about yourself. You try everything and most of the time you don't hear anything back - it's like, why even bother trying anymore?â€

Felicity: “You start to feel like your skills and qualifications are worthless, then that you are worthless, then that you will never be employed.â€

Q: Can young people be good managers?

Jake: “The test would be in how the team responded to that manager, regardless of age.â€

Kieran: “I believe young people can be good managers if they have the necessary skills and the confidence to take on such a role.â€

Samantha: “Age is but a number. It's more about young and old people respecting each other and remembering that they are there to do a job.â€

Lewis: “Age doesn't necessarily mean maturity - if the younger person has the experience/drive to do well, then management might be the way to go.â€

Q: Getting a job through nepotism - right or wrong?

Laura: “I got my job through months and months of looking. I believe that is the best and fairest way, as YOU made the effort to look for it and get it. I now have a job and am very proud of myself.â€

Matt: “I spent eight months unemployed and was knocked back time and time again. What I didn't do was give up and blame nepotism, I just kept at it. It's too easy to blame outside factors.â€

April: “I got a job interview through a friend and was successful, but I don't think I cheated. It's how you are in an interview.â€

Q: Are degrees still worth it?

Thomas: “Depends on the degree. £9,000 a year on Media Studies is a joke. However, £9,000 a year for a degree in Maths or Physics at a top five uni would still be worth it.â€

Stephanie: “I've dropped out after my first year, as I was paying far too much and not learning much to benefit me - in fact I was barely at uni. Not worth it.â€

Simondo: “People expect to go to uni, graduate then walk into a job. University isn't a waste of money. It EDUCATES you and then PREPARES you for work - it's not there to give you work.â€

Lee: “University isn't a waste of time or money, so long as you make the best use of your time there and the subject you study. Going to uni just for the sake of going is a waste of time, but if you're studying a degree that's relevant to the career you wish to pursue, then of course it's worthwhile.â€

Q: Should so-called ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees be scrapped?

Lauren L: “Why does so much emphasis have to be placed on university leading to jobs? Whatever happened to education for education's sake?â€

Christopher: “Learning at uni and learning on the job are just as good as each other.â€

Lauren: “Imagine if everyone went to uni and studied medicine or law? Then we'd have a country full of unhappy doctors and lawyers with no jobs. Balance is important too, right?â€

Q: Should you go it alone and start your own business?

Scott: “I'm in the process of a start-up now. It's really frustrating because I have an idea that will make me money and keep others in employment for a long time to come, but I can't get the initial funding to start trading.â€

Lee: “I started a business a few months ago that helps people find jobs and provides career advice - going really well so far!â€

Liam: “I'm an entrepreneur, funded my business in photography and videography myself by saving money up instead of spending it on things I didn't need, like going out etc. Already have a flow of clients. If you have an undying passion for something, why not make money from it?â€