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Wednesday 24 Sep 2014

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RAJAR 2010 Quarter 4: Radio 5 Live posts biggest ever audience

  • 5 Live posts record audience
  • Radio 3 continues strong performance following ±«Óãtv Proms
  • Director welcomes enduring popularity of "distinctive radio"

±«Óãtv Radio 5 Live added nearly a million listeners in the last year to post its biggest ever audience of 7.09m, according to figures published today by RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd).

The Sony Station of the Year's weekly reach was up from 6.11m last year and 6.30 last quarter, whilst its share during the measurement period (20 September to 19 December) was up to 5.3% from 4.5% last year and 4.7% last quarter. The station's performance was boosted by 5 Live Breakfast with Nicky Campbell and Shelagh Fogarty, which added more than 600,000 listeners over the year to post a reach of 3.17 million (from 2.51m last year and 2.72m last quarter).

Elsewhere, ±«Óãtv Radio 3 built on its strong performance following the most successful ever ±«Óãtv Proms, attracting a weekly audience of 2.22 million listeners – up from last year's 1.87m and last quarter's 2.15m. The network's share is 1.2% (up from 1.1% last year and level with last quarter).

Tim Davie, Director ±«Óãtv Audio & Music, said: "These figures show that listeners' appetite for distinctive, high quality radio is as great as ever. They also mark a milestone for digital radio, with a quarter of all listening now taking place through a digital device.

"I'm delighted at Radio 5 Live's success – a tribute to its unparalleled commitment to high quality coverage of news and sport – while Radio 3's sustained performance following the ±«Óãtv Proms is a great achievement."

In a strong period for radio listening, all ±«Óãtv Radio had a weekly reach of 34.51m – up from 33.26m last year and 34.24m last quarter – and a share of 55.3% – from 54.3% last quarter and 55.2% last year.

±«Óãtv Radio 1 attracted 11.42 million listeners per week in the quarter, compared to 10.76m last year and 11.65m last quarter. Its share – at 8.8% – is down on last quarter (9.1%) and last year (9.8%). The Chris Moyles Show now has 7.45 million listeners every week – up from 7.10m last quarter and 7.24m last year.

±«Óãtv Radio 2 has a reach of 13.94 million – up on last quarter's 13.68m and last year's 13.47m. It has a share of 16.2% compared to 15.6% last quarter and 16.5% last year. The Chris Evans Breakfast Show attracted 8.72 million listeners every week, up on both year and quarter.

±«Óãtv Radio 4 attracts 10.32 million listeners every week, up from last year (9.84m) and slightly down on last quarter (10.37m). Share is 12.1%, from 12.5% last year and 11.8% last quarter. The Today programme drew 6.63 million listeners per week over the period – up from 6.41m last year and 6.51m last quarter.

In digital-only services, ±«Óãtv 6 Music has 1.14 million listeners – from 695,000 last year and 1.20m last quarter. ±«Óãtv 1Xtra continued to grow with 816,000 weekly listeners – up on last year's 531,000 and last quarter's 806,000, while ±«Óãtv Radio 7 posted a reach of 941,000 listeners – from 931,000 last year and 1.05m last quarter. The ±«Óãtv Asian Network's weekly reach is 477,000 – up from 360,000 last year and 462,000 last quarter.

The ±«Óãtv World Service attracted 1.46 million listeners – up from 1.23m last year and 1.32m last quarter - and ±«Óãtv Local / Regional radio drew 9.84 million listeners – up from 8.86m last year and 9.14m last quarter.

Weekly reach - ±«Óãtv Radio
Reach in thousands Ìý Ìý Ìý
Ìý Dec 09 Sep 10 Dec 10
All ±«Óãtv 33,264 34,243 34,505
All ±«Óãtv Network Radio 30,010 31,018 31,128
Radio 1 10,763 11,647 11,421
Radio 2 13,473 13,682 13,943
Radio 3 1,874 2,145 2,216
Radio 4 9,841 10,368 10,319
Radio 5 Live 6,106 6,295 7,093
Radio 5 Live (inc Sports Extra) 6,188 6,439 7,212
±«Óãtv Local/Regional (inc Nations) 8,862 9,144 9,836

Weekly reach - ±«Óãtv Digital Radio
Reach in thousands Ìý Ìý Ìý
Ìý Dec 09 Sep 10 Dec 10
5 Live Sports Extra 663 648 751
±«Óãtv 6 Music 695 1,196 1,137
1Xtra 531 806 816
±«Óãtv Radio 7 931 1,045 941
±«Óãtv World Service 1,227 1,319 1,459
±«Óãtv Asian Network UK 360 462 477

Weekly share - ±«Óãtv Radio
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Ìý Dec 09 Sep 10 Dec 10
All ±«Óãtv 55.2% 54.3% 55.3%
All ±«Óãtv Network Radio 46.7% 45.4% 46.4%
Radio 1 9.8% 9.1% 8.8%
Radio 2 16.5% 15.6% 16.2%
Radio 3 1.1% 1.2% 1.2%
Radio 4 12.5% 11.8% 12.1%
Radio 5 Live 4.5% 4.7% 5.3%
Radio 5 Live (inc Sports Extra) 4.6% 4.9% 5.5%
±«Óãtv Local/Regional (inc Nations) 8.5% 9.0% 8.9%

±«Óãtv Radio Publicity

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