
Press Office

Wednesday 24 Sep 2014

Press Releases

±«Óãtv Local Radio adds over 700,000 listeners

±«Óãtv Local Radio in England has added 722,000 listeners year on year and 466,000 quarter on quarter according to RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd) figures released today.

Overall reach for Local Radio in England came in at 7.43 million for Quarter 4 2010, compared to 6.71 million in Quarter 4 2009 and 6.96 million in Quarter 3 2010. Market share is stable and up 0.2 to 8.2% year on year and down from 8.4% by 0.2 quarter on quarter.

David Holdsworth, Controller of ±«Óãtv English Regions, said: "This is the second quarter of growth in ±«Óãtv Local Radio and is encouraging evidence that our renewed focus on high quality local news and information is resonating with audiences."


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