
I Kissed a Girl – Everything you need to know

The series that serves drama, smashes stereotypes, and promises more twists and turns than ever

Published: 31 May 2024

It’s loud, it’s proud, and it all starts with a kiss.

Dannii Minogue welcomes ten single girls to Italy. The newly-matched couples meet for the first time with a kiss, and are encouraged to give their new relationships a good shot.

But in the Masseria, everyone is a possibility. As they celebrate their first night, hearts race for two girls who take no time in exploring the chemistry outside of their match.

Watch the trailer for I Kissed a Girl

When is the I Kissed a Girl Final Kiss-Off?

The girls are nearing their Final Kiss-Off. Will they commit to a relationship back home? Or will they call time on their summer romance?

Watch on ±«Óãtv iPlayer on Sunday 2 June from 6am or on ±«Óãtv Three at 9pm. 

When is the I Kissed a Girl Reunion?

Eight months on from the Masseria mayhem, the girls are back to reveal all. Dannii Minogue hosts a very special one-off studio reunion to ask burning questions.

Watch on ±«Óãtv iPlayer on Sunday 2 June from 6am or on ±«Óãtv Three at 9.50pm. 

Dannii Minogue is back to play Cupid as host of I Kissed a Girl

Dannii Minogue wearing a purple grecian style dress. background of pink light on blue sky

Dannii Minogue is back to play Cupid, as host of the UK’s first dating show for girls who like girls.

"We are so excited to be back and to share the stories of these girls. They are open and honest in their search for love, funny and surprising, so get ready for a whole rollercoaster of emotions. I genuinely laughed and cried watching all the antics in the Masseria."

Who are the I Kissed a Girl singles?

composite of all the girls in triangle shapes
Cara, Abbie, Fiorenza, Naee, Meg, Demi, Amy, Lisha, Georgia, Priya (Image: ±«Óãtv/Two Four)

TikTok star, comedian and presenter Charley Marlowe voiceover artist for I Kissed a Girl

Charley marlowe wearing a red silk top with large sleeves. her hands are on her hips and she's smiling

Charley Marlowe has been announced as the voice of ±«Óãtv Three series, I Kissed a Girl.

Charley is a Liverpudlian LGBTQ+ presenter and comedian best known from TikTok for her hilarious, down to earth personality and comedic presenting style.

"Of COURSE there’s gonna be drama!!! As much as we love it when everyone gets along, an argument is always going to hook us in. Which is exactly what this series does. Shock revelations, mass amounts of snogging (which made me realise I’m more of a prude than I thought) and lesbians being lesbians. It’s got it all!!!"

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