
I Kissed A Girl: Dannii Minogue welcomes three new girls to the Italian Masseria

Just when the girls are starting to find their feet, the path to love takes an unexpected turn...

Published: 10 May 2024
Dannii Minogue with her arms outstretched to her sides, wearing a yellow dress.

A vision in Amalfi lemon yellow, at the end of episode three Dannii Minogue gathers the girls at the front of the Masseria for a challenge. At the end of the game, a surprise awaits…

Enter Beth, Em, and Lailah!

Relationships in the Masseria are about to be tested…


Beth looks to camera

Age: 25

From: Bath

Occupation: Paralegal

“We are just an ordinary group of twenty-somethings trying to find love in the world. This show plays a huge part in normalising queerness - we are just like everyone else!â€

Known for her brilliant laugh, you’ll probably hear Beth before you see her. A paralegal working in London, Beth calls herself a staunch lefty, a vegetarian, a horror film enthusiast and in her spare time she also likes to volunteer.

Beth grew up in Bath and came out aged 14. Since moving to London, she says that her life has exploded and her ‘inner gay is jumping out’.

Beth is proud to be a Lesbian. She loves girls with masc energy and jokes that butch women are her weakness – she loves how they seemingly don’t conform to gender norms and how they walk into the room with a sense of dominance. Beth says that sexual chemistry is the most important aspect of a partnership because, with queer relationships, it’s probably the one thing that separates a relationship from a friendship.

Beth is excited to join the party at the Masseria and find her perfect masc girl.


Em smiles to camera

Age: 25

From: Surrey

Occupation: Cancer Research Scientist

“I hope I've shown that staying true to yourself is always the best way to be, whether that is making tough decisions about your sexuality and relationships or being honest about who you actually fancy. Honesty is always the best policy!â€

Em is an adventure-seeker, with big plans to travel Europe and explore life on the road. She’s converted a van into a mobile home and has planned a route through Europe to ski and surf. But first, she’s heading to Italy to find the perfect girl to join her on the road trip...

Over the past few years a lot has changed for Em. She was previously in a five-year-long relationship with a man she thought she would marry. After talking to her partner about her sexuality, they decided to end the relationship and they remain good friends today. Em cut her hair short and started to embrace more masculine clothing. She says that finally seeing her true self in the mirror was a cathartic experience.

Em is attracted to femme girls. She’s looking forward to joining the Masseria for her next big adventure.


Lailah smiles to camera

Age: 25

From: Cardiff

Occupation: Student/Footballer

“It was amazing being in a fully queer environment! Growing up feeling like a minority, for me it was a nice change to know we were all girls that liked girlsâ€

Lailah lives at home in Cardiff with her family and three dogs. She came out to her mum at 20, who supported the news wholeheartedly.

In 2021, Lailah landed a pro football contract in Switzerland at Lugano FC Women, where she played professionally for a year. After coming back to Cardiff she took a season off, then played for Swansea Women AFC. Football has taken her all over the world, even earning her a scholarship to college in the states of Michigan and Georgia. Today Lailah is studying a degree in Forensic Psychology.

Being the only person of colour in her friendship group, Lailah always felt a bit different, with that feeling growing stronger when she realised she liked girls as well as boys. Reflecting back on her younger years, Lailah says she would try to blend in as much as possible for fear of standing out. Now in her mid twenties, she is proud to be a bisexual woman of colour.

Lailah doesn’t have a set type, but it’s important that her partner matches her chilled energy and shares a love of adventure. Lailah says that the lesbian dating scene can move so fast and that pace is just not for her – she is looking for a serious relationship.

Well Lailah, you’re in the right place!

Ages correct at time of filming.

Episodes three and four of I Kissed a Girl will be available to watch on ±«Óãtv iPlayer from Sunday 12 May. Episodes 3 & 4 of I Kissed a Girl will air on ±«Óãtv Three on Monday 13 May at 9pm and 9.50pm.

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