
Responding to HIV and AIDS in Nigeria

From 2009 to 2014, we supported local radio stations to produce content to help control the spread and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS.

Published: 8 December 2014
As a result of listening to Ya Take Ne I went to get tested and confirmed my HIV status.
— Sadiq, listener from Abuja, aged 20

From 2009 to 2014, ±«Óătv Media Action supported local radio stations across Nigeria to produce content and public information that aimed to control the spread of HIV and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS. The project included:

  • Youth-focused radio magazine programmes Flava and Ya Take Ne (What’s happening?) broadcast in English and Hausa on a network of partner radio stations across Nigeria
  • Production of short films and TV and radio public service announcements (PSAs) about HIV and AIDS
  • Training for journalists, TV and radio producers and station managers, as well as film and music producers
  • Delivery of annual media awards for radio and television stations

Engaging the creative industries

In the years 2009-2014, it was estimated that more than three million people in Nigeria were living with HIV. During that time ±«Óătv Media Action helped to tackle misconceptions about HIV and AIDS, encouraged people to seek testing and treatment, and challenged stigma surrounding people living with HIV and AIDS.

In addition to making radio magazine programmes and radio and TV PSAs, ±«Óătv Media Action worked with Nigeria’s booming Nollywood film industry, musicians and other creative producers. This included staging workshops for more than 50 producers, directors, singers and scriptwriters during which they learned more about the science behind HIV and AIDS as well as meeting people living with the virus.

For some the experience was life-changing.

“Opening my mind to the fact that HIV is manageable and seeing healthy HIV-positive people is mind-blowing,” said producer, writer and film director Elimihe Osezuah. “I shook their hands and hugged them.”

Singer J’odie said she would “subtly weave in the urgency of [tackling HIV] into my work”, by writing a song to “inform and entertain people, nudging them towards a new mind-set”. One writer pledged to include “subtle messages” about HIV in every new movie while another writer asked ±«Óătv Media Action to help ensure the information about HIV in his scripts were accurate.

Four short films tackling issues relating to HIV and AIDS were created by Nollywood producers and directors as a result of the collaboration.

To encourage media managers to commission radio programmes about HIV and AIDS, ±«Óătv Media Action also ran “master classes” with senior managers from partner radio stations. This bespoke training covered editorial guidelines, broadcast management and revenue generation. 

Project information

Project name Enhancing Nigeria’s Response to HIV/AIDS (ENR)
Funder UK government’s
Dates 2009-2014
Themes Health

Radio magazine programmes Flava and Ya Take Ne, television and radio PSAs, four short films about HIV and AIDS, training for journalists, producers and station senior managers; training of film and music industry


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