
Raspberry and white chocolate pavlova

Raspberry and white chocolate pavlova

This raspberry and white chocolate pavlova makes a spectacular dessert. It's ideal for special occasions because it can all be made well ahead.

For this recipe, you will need an electric mixer, one large baking tray and a cooking thermometer.


For the meringue

For the chocolate shards

  • 200g/7oz good-quality white chocolate, chopped
  • 1 small handful (approximately 5g) freeze-dried raspberry pieces, plus extra to decorate

For the raspberry filling

For the coulis


  1. Preheat the oven to 150C/130C Fan/Gas 2. Draw a 28cm/11in circle on a sheet of baking paper (you can draw round a large dinner plate).

  2. For the meringue, whisk the egg whites using an electric mixer until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed. Then, with the motor running, add a tablespoon of sugar at a time until all the sugar is incorporated and the meringue is glossy and holding stiff peaks.

  3. Blend the cornflour with the vinegar and whisk into the meringue, along with the vanilla extract. Dip the tip of a skewer or small knife in the red food colouring paste (if using) and mix well to make the meringue pale pink.

  4. Take the prepared sheet of baking paper and place it, pencil marks down, onto a large baking tray. Use a little meringue in each corner to stick the paper to the baking tray.

  5. Using a large spoon or spatula, pile the meringue onto the circle on the baking paper, spreading it to cover the edge of the circle and swirling and building up the sides so that they are higher than the centre. You need to leave a slight dip in the centre to allow for the cream filling.

  6. Place the meringue in the oven and immediately turn the oven down to 140C/120C Fan/Gas 1. Bake for about 1 hour, or until the outside is crisp but not browned. Turn off the oven and open the door fully, then leave the meringue in there to cool for at least 1 hour, but preferably until cooled completely.

  7. For the shards, set aside a third of the chocolate. Place the chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of gently simmering water. Allow to melt until the chocolate reaches 45C on a cooking thermometer.

  8. Remove from the heat, add the reserved chocolate and stir until it is melted and reaches 26–27C. Return the chocolate to the bain marie and heat gently until the chocolate reaches 28–29C.

  9. Using a palette knife, spread the white chocolate over a large sheet of baking paper. Top with the freeze-dried raspberry pieces and set aside to cool and set.

  10. For the filling, whip the cream until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed. Stir in the vanilla extract and fold in the freeze-dried raspberry pieces.

  11. For the coulis, place the raspberries, icing sugar and 2 tablespoons water in a saucepan. Warm over a gentle heat and stir frequently until the raspberries have collapsed. Remove from the heat and use a fork or hand blender to further break up the raspberries.

  12. Push through a fine sieve into a jug and loosen with a splash of water, if necessary to reach desired consistency. Place in the fridge to cool.

  13. Once the chocolate has set, break it into shards (these will be used to decorate the top of the pavlova).

  14. To assemble, spoon the whipped cream mixture into the centre of the pavlova. Scatter the fresh raspberries on top, followed by a sprinkle of freeze-dried raspberry pieces. Drizzle with the raspberry coulis and decorate with the shards of chocolate. Cut into slices and serve.

Recipe Tips

If it is a hot day, chill the baking tray used for the chocolate shards beforehand to help the melted chocolate cool and set.

Freeze-dried raspberries are available in the baking aisle of many large supermarkets.

When making the pavlova, any electric whisk will do the job, but a freestanding mixer makes life easier.

In the programme Suzie makes a three tiered pavlova, which we've pared back to make it easier to cook at home.