
Easy cock-a-leekie soup

Easy cock-a-leekie soup

This warming Scottish cock-a-leekie soup is made in the traditional way, with shredded prunes to add slight sweetness and comfort.



  1. Sit the chicken in a large saucepan so it fits snugly and add the stock; you need enough to cover the chicken.

  2. Add the bay and season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil on a high heat. Cover and simmer for 1–1¼ hours, or until cooked through. Remove the chicken from the liquid and check the juices run clear with no trace of pink when the thickest part of the leg, between the drumstick and the thigh, is pierced with a skewer (if not, cook for a little longer). Pull it apart slightly so it cools quickly.

  3. Add the leeks, carrots, celery and prunes to the cooking liquid (if you used water, add a couple of chicken stock cubes at this stage).

  4. Bring to the boil, then cover and cook for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

  5. Pull the meat from the chicken carcass into bite-sized pieces, discarding any skin and bone. Remove the bay leaves from the pan, add a little salt and pepper if needed, return the chicken to the pan and stir. Heat until piping hot. Serve in warmed bowls or mugs.

