
by Justine Pattison

Similar to a tuna Nicoise, this salad has the addition of canned beans for extra fibre. Use drained and rinsed red kidney beans if you can’t find mixed beans.

With a GI of 50 this meal is high protein, low GI.

This meal provides

390 kcal, 39g protein, 21g carbohydrate (of which 5.5g sugars), 15g fat (of which 3g saturates), 8.5g fibre and 1.3g salt per portion.

Light meals & snacks

Buyer's guide

Green beans should have a bright, strong colour, with crisp pods with a satin-like sheen. They should not look wilted, discoloured or brown. They are best eaten when young and tender. To tell how fresh they are, snap one in half. The ‘snap’ should be clean and clear. Don’t buy them if the ‘snap’ is lacking, and if the insides do not seem juicy when you break them open. ±«Óãtv-grown green beans are in season from June to September.


Store in a paper bag in the salad drawer of the fridge and use within 3-4 days. To freeze beans, wash them well then top and tail. Blanch, plunge into iced water, drain well and pack in polythene bags. Cook them from frozen in boiling, salted water.


Top and tail and either boil briefly, steam or stir-fry. Toss in butter and serve as an accompaniment to meat and fish dishes. Add to salad Niçoise or cut into short lengths for vegetable soups. As the home-grown season advances, the pods may become more fibrous, so they are best used in curries and vegetable stews.