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The Reporters: US mid-terms

Katty Kay

Which way next?

Two weeks to go and Washington has election fever. Party strategists, pollsters and journalists are thinking of nothing else.

bush_helicopter_ap.jpgThe world is about to change. Or is it?

I'm starting to get the depressing feeling these much-heralded elections might not change very much at all here in the city of political stagnation.

Democrats can taste victory and are thrilled at the prospect of winning something, anything, after so many years out of power. Desperate to woo moderate voters they promise, brows furrowed with earnest sincerity, that if they win they will not spend the next two years investigating the Bush administration.

Whether those moderates can keep a lid on the likes of , who has already suggested impeachment hearings for the president and would become head of the if the Democrats win, is unclear. The Republicans have certainly used the spectre of endless investigations for their own political means during this campaign.

But that's not what depresses me most. No, it's the lack of ideas and leadership which is really dispiriting this election season.

The Republicans are stuck in the gloom of Iraq and tumbling poll numbers. Policy ideas? You must be joking. It's all they can do to keep off the front pages.

Given the GOP doldrums, you'd think the Democrats could seize on this vacuum of ideas and come up with some eye-catching proposals of their own. I'm afraid not. The Democratic party is an ideas-free zone at the moment. Plenty of criticism, not much originality.

On both sides it's as if the paralysis caused by Iraq has infected all other areas of political life.

If the Democrats win big, the impeachment-wing of the party will feel emboldened. The result: lots of investigation, not much legislation. If the result is close neither side will have the clout to enact radical change. The result: lots of in-fighting, not much law-making.

The time is ripe for a real leader to emerge. For the past couple of weeks I've been asking people in both parties whether they can see any such figure. Is there someone new out there, someone we perhaps haven't heard of yet, who could pull the country out of logjam? So far I've only received sad shakes. No, no-one they can think of.

This 109th Congress has been aptly described as the "" Congress. Its successor could well be the do-less-than-nothing Congress.

Katty Kay is a presenter on

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  • 1.
  • At 10:54 AM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • John Joyce wrote:

Sadly I agree with you, they don't have any new ideas. Their pre- triumphalism is the only animating spirit they show. The other party is as bad, they really let us down. Where. oh where, is the person on the white horse when we so obviously need him/her,

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  • 2.
  • At 11:51 AM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Sergio wrote:

"This 109th Congress has been aptly described as the "do-nothing" Congress. Its successor could well be the do-less-than-nothing Congress."

I am sorry to say but this is not a correct conclusion. IF the Democracts win big then the US will have is a Divided Goverment, which believe it or not, is the best and most effective type of goverment. You see, since neither Bush nor the Democrat dominated Congress can get anything done on thier own, both will need to SIT DOWN AND COMPROMISE. Just like Clinton had to do, Old-Bush, Reagan, and many others. A divided gov't creates a lot of "gridlock", but out of that "gridlock" better policies come out.

Yes it would be nice to have a legit "benebolant leader" but those are hard to come by, and still event those few have thier faults that need to be checked by an opposition.

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  • 3.
  • At 11:51 AM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Stephen Morris wrote:

May I suggest that what is needed is definitely NOT a "real leader".

The one idea that none of the politicians will touch is that of democracy, real democracy on the Swiss model where the people rule rather than the professional politicians. Real democracy has delivered extraordinary prosperity, a century of peace, and one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Now answer me this question . . can you name the President of Switzerland? Can you name any President of Switzerland - ever?

Good government does not need "real leaders". It simply needs to allow the people a direct say.

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  • 4.
  • At 01:01 PM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Richard Lake wrote:

I think that the press has to take its share of the blame here. Presidential campaigns cannot be won 2 years before an election but they can be lost. At the moment all eyes are on Hilary Clinton and John McCain and no-one else wants to put their head above the parapet. If Clinton or McCain get too involved, a bad result could scupper their chances in two years time.

The election in 2008 will see both sides looking to distance themselves from the current incumbent but no-one wants to push themselves forwards to take a leading role because of the increased scrutiny.

What we're left with is "aren't the others terrible but don't look at me" and a very negative campaign.

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  • 5.
  • At 01:15 PM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Edward wrote:

They have no new ideas because all new radical ideas to REALLY change things in this country would upset the big corporations who put them into power in the first place.

There will be nothing new even if the Democrats wins. That is why it would be 50 times better for this country if we voted in 10-20 Independants, Libs or Greens. Most of whom are not accepting contributions from big corporations.

Whilst I understand why we need Democrats in control of Congress for 2007-2009.. My dream is that people wake up and put 20 people not part of the 2 main parties into power at the 2008 elections.

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  • 6.
  • At 01:21 PM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Ben wrote:

I also agree with the comment, both moderate wings of the parties have oppertunities to present fresh ideas, and they aren't doing so. I myself am a Democrat but do agree with the Republican party on some issues especially on fiscal policy. However, there is no key leader in either party, for the democrats both Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama habe oppertunities to step up. I feel the best ideas are coming from Democrats who aren't elected like General Clarke. We need someone now.

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  • 7.
  • At 02:42 PM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • BK Coleman wrote:

Both sides have ideas, and both actually agree on quite a lot. Where they differ, the differences can be a bit spectacular. I suspect you're listening to the negative comments each has made about the other, to the smoke and mirrors and not the substance. And the substance is easy to find. But when you say The Democrats, or The Republicans, where are you getting this information? These are local races, and unless you've sampled every last one you really haven't a leg to stand on. Spouting a disenfranchised conventional wisdom isn't good reporting - or even good blogging. It's what Gen X would have done...before we grew up. But we know now that the responsibility to fill our own brains lies with us, not TV, not you. You're ends to a means, and I'm sorry if you feel punished for it - but Democrats win big? Emboldened? Even if they "win big" they'll still hold only a slim majority in one, and only maybe two, houses. Please do your homework before you...well, I'd say spout off, but all you did was drizzle.

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  • 8.
  • At 03:17 PM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • David wrote:

If the Democrats have a message (which, they probably do. Listen long enough & you'll hear something on the minimum wage or healthcare), they aren't breaking their necks selling their platform.
It seems like their chief message as a party this year is "We're not Republicans, and we won't do what Republicans do." Unfortunately, for many of us, that's reason enough to support them. The scandals in the last year have made it seem like the national Republican party has lost self control, doing what it can because it can, and providing no check on what the White House is doing. If the Democrats can change that, it is, sadly, good enough for a lot of people.

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  • 9.
  • At 05:41 PM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Adam wrote:

I hate when people throughout the world post this sort of thing where they say "The Democrats have no policy ideas, no-one knows what they will do ... " For weeks now they have made clear what their top priorities would be if/when they get control of Congress. They would work on raising the minimum wage, allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies, enacting every recommendation of the 9/11 Commission, cutting the interest rate on student loans, enacting a "pay as you go" system to remove uncosted spending by congress, and expanding federal funding of stem cell research.

All of this is clearly posted on the Democrats website, it's not hard to find, it all has bipartisan support within the public, and it's all something the Republican's failed to do despite 6 years of total control. To say that they are an 'idea-free zone' who will simply focus on investigation instead of legislation seems to be simply pushing Republican propaganda instead of stating the facts.

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  • 10.
  • At 05:18 AM on 27 Oct 2006,
  • Chico wrote:

You're (mostly) right but you miss the fundamental change that's necessary before anything else.

Both parties continue to be indebted to their campaign contributors - generally big business interests - and until that situation is ended, no real change will come about, regardless of who wins any elections. It's simple really, but it's the first and most important step necessary to give us a working democracy again.

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  • 11.
  • At 06:36 AM on 27 Oct 2006,
  • Cynthia Andrews in New Orleans, La, US wrote:

Have people confused good governing with good campaigning?

After reading this article and the posts following it, it does seem like they have.

The Democrats do have Ideas....in fact tons of them........they just don't translate into snazzy slogans and petty cut downs that the republicans have engaged in the past 5 years.

The average voter won't sit still long enough to get a real political plan.......why don't some you just watch CSPAN.......there are plenty ideas by both parties which show where their flag is flying.

And I promise you-jokes about Kerry elitism because he is wealthy aside- the Republicans legislate to serve their financial base and occasional throw a bone like a ban on flag burning. But they could not be bothered with the problems of middle class Americans.

How do I know? I watch these people every day they are in session. I read the entire bills enacted and don't just rely on the deceptive titles. I check out how many of them vote on key legislation.

And who said we needed some new ideas to age old problems? Did you people think this is the first time this country has been at war, in hock up to its eyeballs?

Please stop letting political pundits and politicians tell you what to think. take an active interest in the political process. Investigate your congressman voting records. Be American and take a pro-active look at the political landscape

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  • 12.
  • At 02:54 PM on 27 Oct 2006,
  • Midwestern_Voter wrote:

I consider Ms. Kay a fabulous journalist and I enjoy the ±«Óãtv news here in the states every night at 7PM EST. I have to disagree about the Dems lack of a plan and ask that the goals set by Ms. Pelosi be broadcast by the ±«Óãtv after investigation. On www.dailykos.com, I have been reading the plan our Dems have set on paper should they win back the house. Repealing atx gifts to the wealthy, lowering the interest rates on student loans and rethinking the Iraq mess. Please report on this, Ms. Kay. I consider you a journalist of immense integrity. Please look into what I've typed here and report it. The news in the states won't.

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  • 13.
  • At 04:22 PM on 27 Oct 2006,
  • Roger Foster wrote:

It seemed obvious to an outsider that Bush could not have won his second election if there had been a half-credible opponent.

Here in the UK Blair had a very easy ride with successive totally implausible opposition leaders.

Whether that has changed here remains to be seen. There can be little doubt that most of the world outside the USA is desperate for a change, particularly those of us who could be described as pro-American.

I appreciate the insight this blog gives to those of us on the outside who take an interest.

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  • 14.
  • At 05:28 AM on 31 Oct 2006,
  • Dennis wrote:

A few things that the Democrats have promised to do is to raise the mininum wage, investigate government corruption and fraud as well as repeal the latest tax cuts. Repealing the latest tax cuts will be a great idea since we continue to spend money we do not have. We keep on lowering taxes and yet government spending has gone up in the last six years. Where is the money coming from? Who will pay for it? The answer is that future generations will be paying for the irresponsible spending of Congress of this first decade of the century. While the spending has gone up for some departments, it has gone down dramatically for other departments. Less agents working for the IRS to go after tax cheats for example. And look at the former head of the FDA owning stocks in companies that they regulate. It's time we clean up the corruption in Washington. No more scandals like the ones involving Mark Foley or Duke Cunningham and so on. Don't thing the Democrats can be clean but enough is enough. Change is needed.

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  • 15.
  • At 11:57 PM on 31 Oct 2006,
  • Hotwire wrote:

Senator John Kerry's comment regarding American Military personel in Iraq is an insult to America's young people. There are many different reasons why a young person enlist in the military. Shame on Kerry.

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  • 16.
  • At 11:17 PM on 06 Nov 2006,
  • mike wrote:

I'm very confused:

"If the Democrats win big, the impeachment-wing of the party will feel emboldened. The result: lots of investigation, not much legislation."

Is this a bad thing?

Bush's White House deserves investigation. Do we brush this whole thing under the rug?

I guess so.

I suppose in the long run, the Iraq invasion will be viewed as a good thing. Saddam hanging from a rope will make us all feel better, justified. No more terrorism. No more war of terror.


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