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Brian Hanrahan

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Jon Williams Jon Williams | 10:25 UK time, Monday, 20 December 2010

Brian Hanrahan's career was made by one, short, well-turned phrase - but there was so much more to the man who, for three decades, roamed the world reporting on the biggest stories of the day.

Brian Hanrahan


In 1982, as the Royal Navy Task Force sailed in the south Atlantic, Brian was stationed aboard HMS Hermes, the aircraft carrier that served as the flagship of the fleet. Then - as today - reporters covering wars are not allowed to disclose "operational details".

So the phrase for which he will always be remembered was a clever ruse to get round reporting restrictions so he could say all the British Harrier jets had returned safely. It was a classroom lesson in good reporting under pressure - and won him new-found fame.

In the early 1990s, the satirist Chris Morris wrote a spoof TV news show, first for Radio 4 as On The Hour, and then for ±«Óãtv2 as The Day Today. It was most famous for its sports reporter, Steve Coogan's Alan Partridge. But the name of the economics correspondent, Peter O'Hanraha-Hanrahan was clearly an "homage" to Brian. What greater accolade could any journalist wish for?

The steady nerve Brian showed in the Falkands served him well in the intervening 28 years - he saw more than his share of history unfold. Covering Asia from Hong Kong in the 1980s, he reported on the reforms of Deng Xiaoping in China, and the assassination of Indira Gandhi in India. He moved to Moscow when Mikhail Gorbachev became the Soviet leader, returning to Russia last year to interview Gorbachev. In 1989 he was in Beijing when the tanks rolled in to Tiananmen Square, famously reporting on the fall of the Wall as Berlin was reunited. Earlier this year he returned to Poland - where he'd reported on the rise of Solidarity - to cover the plane crash that killed President Lech Kaczynski.

In recent years, Brian had travelled to many countries, and covered ceremonial and state events such as the anniversaries of D-Day and the funerals of Princess Diana, the Queen Mother and the Pope. He was a regular voice on Radio 4 as presenter of both The World at One and The World This Weekend.

Brian fell ill the week before the election, and on polling day I went to visit him in hospital in north London. He was preparing for a long night and was frustrated that he wouldn't be at an election count, as he had been for the previous seven. Instead, he had persuaded the nursing staff to allow him to have a radio and an earpiece, and was making a date with Radio 4.

He returned to work while undergoing treatment - while tired, he was determined to do the job he loved. Last week, he'd planned to report from RAF Cottesmore as the Harriers he'd counted out in the Falklands were counted back for the final time before being withdrawn from service. Instead, he found himself back in hospital. As Harriers landed for the final time, the crews of RAF Cottesmore recorded a get-well message to Brian.

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Brian had a special relationship with the audience - he broke through in a way few others do. They had come to trust him as a voice of calm - whether reporting on momentous events of history, or the grand state events. For more than 30 years, it was that quality above all others that distinguished Brian as one of the ±«Óãtv's brightest and best. We mourn his loss.

Jon Williams is the ±«Óãtv World News editor.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Great guy, he will be missed by a lot of ±«Óãtv regulars.


  • Comment number 2.

    Actually, Chris Morris's character was Peter O'Hanraha-Hanrahan. You missed out a syllable.

    Did he ever disclose how many Harriers there were? It'd be a shame if we never did find out.

  • Comment number 3.

    I knew Brian for over 20 years. He had to suffer my briefings in the FCO! He was a first-rate journalist. So sorry he has gone.

  • Comment number 4.

    Will really miss him on the radio. He has kept me informed and amused and awake over the last 30 years. Thank you Brian.

  • Comment number 5.

    A sad, sad loss. I remember his 'immortal words' so very well and always gave him my full attention when he was reporting. Rest well Brian.

  • Comment number 6.

    Terrible news about Brian. he was a great journalist and commanded respect and attention whenever he spoke. You will be greatly missed by so many people.

    My thoughts are with his family.

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks Brian. You were the man who brought News reporting to life during my formative years, and were there at the key events.
    Rest in Peace.

  • Comment number 8.

    hugely sorry to hear this very sad news. Always valued Brian Hanrahan's contributions and programmes.

  • Comment number 9.

    Brian was a wonderful colleague, a humane and decent man and without doubt the best television news writer of his generation. I will miss him greatly.

  • Comment number 10.

    somehow so fitting that if we have to loose them, with their connections, we loose both together

  • Comment number 11.

    I met Brian, during the Falklands conflict. I was there as a soldier. I found him to be a most wonderful person and I know that he was a consumate professional. I have always listened to him on the radio, or, watched him on the TV. He extended the hand of friendship to me at a dificult time for me and I warmed to him as a result. He will be greatly missed by me and I am sure by other Falkland veterans who met him. Semper Fi, Brian.


  • Comment number 12.

    This is indeed sad newws a great loss..I was priveleged to work with Brian on many occasions,From receiving his reports from the Falklands to the Fall of the Berlin Wall...He was also the corresepondent on my first assigment in the field at the Dayton Peace talks.Just an immense pleasure to work..He will be sadly missed..

  • Comment number 13.

    Brian was a terrific help to me when I started out in TV journalism. In an environment full of competing egos, he was always generous with his help and advice. My thoughts are with his family.

  • Comment number 14.

    I worked with Brian in the Television Centre newsroom for many years and never heard him say a bad word about anyone or lose his patience with any problem. A quiet, lovely man.

  • Comment number 15.

    Old school. And one of the best. Too young to be counted in so soon. Sad news indeed.

  • Comment number 16.

    I remember back to the Falklands campaign when I was about 9. I would tune in every evening to watch Brian report from the front lines. He had a very distinctive voice and a fantastic reporting style. I have also seen him report from various other conflict zones after the Falklands and his unshakeable style was always evident. He seemed, to me, to be the opitome of a war correspondent and I cant believe he is no longer with us. I would have loved to have sat down with the guy and listened to his accounts of the events he had witnessed. I'm sure it would have been mindblowing..

    A sad loss.

  • Comment number 17.

    I thought the famous "I counted them all..." remark had a further subtle message: not only did it confirm that all the aircraft had returned safely, but that ALL the aircraft the Task Force had at its disposal had been sent on that first sortie.

  • Comment number 18.

    As the engineer looking after the Sea Harriers I was with Brian on HMS Hermes in the Falklands conflict and again alongside him when we came back into Gosport. A wonderful journalist who put everyone at their ease and, rightly, earned complete respect from everyone onboard. I, and everyone involved in that conflict will miss him.

  • Comment number 19.

    I vividly remember those famous words first heard as a 12 year old watching the news and then read on the cover of the book he wrote after the Falklands war.

    He came across as a nice bloke who had a nack of explaining complex issues in simple ways for the public.

    Sadly missed.

  • Comment number 20.

    It sounds from the reports that Brian died from an unfortunate side effect of chemotherapy, which renders the patient dangerously vulnerable to infection during treatment. (I nearly lot my son this way 4 years ago).

    Very sad and a great shame. A lot of progress has been made in cancer treatment but this is a stark reminder that there is still some way to go.

  • Comment number 21.

    I am just so so sad to think we will not hear his voice again, quite unbelievable.

    My condolences to his family, I hope they know how much he was respected and admired. I always believed what he said because he had such integrity.

  • Comment number 22.

    Met Mr Hanrahan on board HMS Hermes during the Falklands conflict. Then as later years prevailed on the numerous occasions we met, he was a most humble gentleman. I send my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  • Comment number 23.

    I met Brian during the Falklands war,he often used to spend time on my ship sending reports back to the UK as it was one of the few that had Sat Comms.On his last visit before he returned to the UK,he offered to take all our phone details,so that he could let our families know we were all okay.True to his word he phoned my parents,which I know was a great relief to them,and for that I will be forever grateful to him.

  • Comment number 24.

    Integrity, dignity and trust. Brian Hanrahan.

  • Comment number 25.

    Brian Hanrahan was a Colussus of a ±«Óãtv reporter and will forever be remembered for his engaging humour, consummate professionalism, and endearing humanity to his fellow reporter and man alike.

    Brian was a towering figure in politics and current affairs, and his invaluable contribution to the shaping of the world's perspective will stand the test of time.His dramatic coverage of the Falkland's War will remain etched in the memories of all those who witnessed and heard his immortal words describing the carnage,horror and brutality of war.

  • Comment number 26.

    I never met Brian in my life, but being of very similar ages, I've always felt I knew him, just like as a lifelong friend.
    A giant of intelligence and integrity, a reporter who told the story without bias, just the truth.
    Someone who you could believe in.
    One of the best, the very best indeed.
    Farewell Brian, and may God Bless you! RIP.

  • Comment number 27.

    A huge loss, now counted back, himself. An inspiration in many fields
    RIP, Brian.

  • Comment number 28.

    Just heard & shocked.Sincere condolences to the family and friends of another ±«Óãtv Legend.

  • Comment number 29.

    I was a cub reporter with ±«Óãtv Radio Guernsey at the time of the Falklands. Brian Hanrahan's incisive and distinctive dispatches were an inspiration - and a voice of integrity and truth for millions who tuned in over the years. A sad loss indeed to journalism.

  • Comment number 30.

    As a child of the mid-80s to mid-90s I grew up watching Brian narrating the key events that have shaped the world into how I now know it. RIP.

  • Comment number 31.

    Just condolences to all close to him. It is so sad such a talent is lost so early. Life just ain't fair, it never was.

  • Comment number 32.

    Such a gentleman - he will be sadly missed. God bless and keep him. XX

  • Comment number 33.

    A great shame Brian has gone. Nowadays I often have to take to task the rude interviewing techniques of the Today squad - that's mostly you E - and I used Brian and the other well mannered interviewer, Gary Richardson, as examples of how things should be done.

    Brian Hanrahan was always courteous and greeted his interviewees by name. He even let him/her finish the answer before moving on to the next question. How often do you hear that on the ±«Óãtv ?

    A very bad day for ±«Óãtv journalism, that's for sure.

  • Comment number 34.

    I worked with Brian in Kosovo as a young news producer on his first big foreign assignment. A great teacher and great company. I shall miss him and his voice...... Condolences to his family.

  • Comment number 35.

    A decent man, a total professional and best of all, utterly uninterested in 'celebrity'.

    A very sad loss

    Mme AC

  • Comment number 36.

    I never met Brian but I thought of him as a distant, reliable and trusted friend who told me how it was in so many amazing circumstances - the falklands, the berlin wall and, and, and ...does that make sense?

  • Comment number 37.

    I trusted the integrity of Brian Hanrahan"s reporting and mourn his loss as did I for another great Brian, Mr Redhead. R.I.P.

  • Comment number 38.

    I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Brian Hanrahan's death & at such an early age too, there is no justice in it. I always found him to be such a brilliant reporter, concise, efficient, professional & with just the right amount of empathy any news item required, whatever the event.
    I for one will miss seeing him on TV & send my deepest sympathy to his family, friends & colleagues. God Bless you Brian. R.I.P.

  • Comment number 39.

    Very sad to hear this, Brian was the voice I used to hear from my bedroom whilst doing my homework at teatime and thanks to him, developed an understanding of world events that teachers and parents simply cannot impart. Thoughts go to his family and friends, very sorry for your loss.

  • Comment number 40.

    For once, this kind of thread is actually justified.

    Unlike the Americans usually featured, most of us will know and have an opinion on Mr Hanrahan.

    It's a great shock to hear that he has died, especially so relatively young.

    He will be greatly missed.

    He certainly stands in stark contrast to ±«Óãtv journalists nowadays. I remember listening to, and believing, his reports about the Falklands. He obvioulsy regarded telling the truth as very important.

    If the ±«Óãtv were covering that story with its present style, it would have spent months whipping up support for the junta, and Mr H would have made sure that he reported every negative piece of news he possibly could have about the British war effort.

    I suspect that 'counted them all out, counted them all back in' remark would never have happened. We would have heard all about every one of our ships sunk, every soldier killed, every kit failure., and nothing about Argentine problems or losses.

  • Comment number 41.

    Just a pleb who recognized arodite when he heard it! Brian's commentaries over the years I followed them were also dripping with his dry humour and wit. Peace, Rod.

  • Comment number 42.

    It's a shame the current crop of ±«Óãtv journalists aren't more like him. He was authoritative, highly professional, full of integrity and never tried to push his view of the world like so many others do.

    He will be missed.

  • Comment number 43.

    This is a sad day. The ±«Óãtv's reputation is founded on reporters of such decency and integrity as were encapsulated in Brian Hanrahan. His are values which must be maintained.

  • Comment number 44.

    Sad news. Always had my respect when reporting around the world.

  • Comment number 45.

    As expressed by so many others here, Brian was a favourite fellow correspondent of mine also. Quiet, confident, determined, modest and kind. A thoroughly nice and good person in a profession full of, shall we say, larger egos...

    He was - it can perhaps now be revealed - one of a small band of journos interviewed for a psychotherapy Masters thesis over 10 years ago on the personal experience of the foreign correspondent. Questioned gently about earlier - and possibly distressing? - life experiences that might have prompted a career choice to deal, amongst other stories, with the worst things human beings can do to each other, he was, I recall, rather mystified.

    He didn't seem quite able to grasp what it might mean to have unhappy memories. Yes, his family had been quite poor, but he had clearly set out on and pursued life's journey as someone quite simply at ease with himself - comfortable in his skin. It showed in Brian's reporting and in his friendships. How sad that, of all people, Brian's warm, warming life has been cut short so early.

  • Comment number 46.

    Two great journalists - Brian H and Anthony Howard - die within hours of each other, leaving us a bit poorer today. Their reporting styles and thoughtful analysis helped shape my thinking and view of the world. If there is a silver lining it is that, hopefully, the Beeb will continue to find, train and project such talent as theirs, regardless of budget cuts.

  • Comment number 47.

    One of the very few ±«Óãtv reporters about whom I have never complained, either to people I am with, or by email. I'll actually miss him. There was an air of reliable indispensability about him. It is a very sad day indeed.

  • Comment number 48.

    Brian was always worth listening too, had a knack at getting to the heart of things without letting his own views, whatever they were, (it's a tribute to the man that I've no idea) lean the discussion to one side or another. I wish more of the up and coming crop would honour this tradition of true impartiality.. Brian you will be much missed.

  • Comment number 49.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 50.

    In so much of the world when people think of the UK & irts reputation, they think of the ±«Óãtv.

    Today so many will thinking of Mr. Hanrahan; his integrity, his incisiveness & his decency.

  • Comment number 51.

    A decent and honourable reporter whose laid back style will be fondly remembered. Just a pity reporters like these are an ever decreasing breed.

  • Comment number 52.

    A professional and a gentleman. He will be sadly missed! My whole hearted sincere condolences to his family.

  • Comment number 53.

    Very sad day indeed, but a fantastic legacy he leaves. There a few younger journalists no doubt on here that could do worse than learn from his example.

    There are also some older journalists that we the public just wish had learnt from the likes of Brian.

  • Comment number 54.

    One of the few who reported the news as it was without putting his interpretation or a political leaning on it as so many other television reporters seem to do.

  • Comment number 55.

    I felt very saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Brian Hanrahan. Amongst the showy, egotistical reporting so often found in journalists, Brian stood out as an understated, albeit highly intelligent reporter, with a succinct, telling turn of phrase delivered in a factual way which still managed to convey his genuine concern for those involved.

    As the anchorman on 'The World at One' he was also a pleasure to listen to.

    I am sure he will be greatly missed but his legacy will be his unique style of broadcasting.

    Sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  • Comment number 56.

    As others have noted, that's two of the increasingly rare breed of "true reporters" we've lost and our knowledge of world events will become be much poorer.
    Where are their replacements amongst the current happy-clappy AutoCue reading lot?

    A sad loss. I always did like Mr. Hanrahan's style and quality.

  • Comment number 57.

    Brian stayed with my family and I in Skopje in 2001 during his coverage of the Macedonian conflict. He was one of the most entertaining house-guests I have ever had the good fortune to welcome into my home, enthralling us all with his personal accounts of years of world-changing events from across the world. He was a family man; sincere, warm and articulate. It was a privelege to know him and my thoughts are with his family and close friends on this sad day. God bless you Brian.

  • Comment number 58.

    How sad, but appropriate, that Brian Hanrahan and the Harrier bowed out together, far too early.

  • Comment number 59.

    I was making a phone call from a phone box in Harlow. Michael Foot was blasting away on a megaphone. Noone was seemingly listening so i shouted for him to be quiet, and Brian Hanrahan turned around and profusely apologised.

  • Comment number 60.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 61.

    A rel professional in the world of pros.You will be missed by all who valued your expert capabilities of getting your story over.RIP

  • Comment number 62.

    I cannot agree more with 'balzac' (#43); "His are values which must be maintained." Having lived overseas (Canada), globally the ±«Óãtv commands the highest respect due to it's quality. Brian, and his infamous Falklands "I counted them.." quote helped inspire me into the armed forces. My best years:- Rest in Peace Brian.

  • Comment number 63.

    His distinctive tones and precise reporting will be sorely missed by many. RIP

  • Comment number 64.

    I met Brian on just couple of occasions, he was such a sincere and charming person. His television report on the fallen of the Berlin Wall, will for me, remain one of the most iconic and lasting images of a great news correspondent. He will be sorely missed.

  • Comment number 65.

    you listened to him and trusted and believed what he said... he was not a self loving typical ±«Óãtv type in a berghaus taxpayer funded ski jacket.

  • Comment number 66.

    good bye old friend. you were very good to me. i was a novice in your trade. you had a mission, a mission to report. there is no higher calling in journalism. i shall miss you.

  • Comment number 67.

    What a shame, the best seem to go first, Brian and the Harrier in the same month. RIP.

  • Comment number 68.

    Awful news and unexpected as I had left the ±«Óãtv in 1994 and didn't know of his illness. My fault that he went to the Falklands in the first place.Nobody (except perhaps Mrs. Thatcher)thought that the war would happen - the warships etc would frighten off the Argentinians. So we needed someone who could file regularly for two or three weeks while the ships steamed up and down the Atlantic. The reports would have to be elegant, factual, accurate, conveying a sense of expectation. I was Head of Newsgathering (as it's now called) at ±«Óãtv TV News and Brian was the obvious man for the job. And when it became a war what an amazing, brave and powerful job he did when, unexpectedly, he became a war correspondent under fire.Brian's cameraman, Bernard Hesketh, and sound recordist. John Jockel, have also died in recent years. The team's welcome back at RAF Lyneham was warm and understated -rather like Brian himself. TV journalists who have not worked with him have missed a lot - but I'm confident that he has inspired and encouraged others to strive for what he has achieved.

  • Comment number 69.

    Brian joined a very small group of VSO teachers in The Gambia in 1969, and taught for a year at St Augustine's Boys' High School. He soon became a very good friend and companion, and l missed him very much when he left.
    We kept in touch spasmodically, and it was only later when l was on leave in UK that l suddenly heard a familiar voice reporting on television, and there was Brian transformed into a well known and well respected reporter.
    It was a huge shock to hear of his sudden death so early; thankyou Brian for all the happy times we had when we were young together. We shall miss you.

  • Comment number 70.

    Very sorry to hear Brian died today aged 61.

    He reported on the Falklands war on the attacks of the Harrier Jump Jets from one of our huge aircraft carriers.

    He was unable to say, due to MOD reporting restrictions, how many jets took off and thundered into battle.

    He got round this by famously saying "The Harriers took off this morning and I counted them out and then counted them all back in again, pilots unharmed with big smiles and thumbs up"

    Last week the Harriers rose into the sky, tipped their wings and roared off into the sunset for the final time.

    and this morning, Brian joined them.

  • Comment number 71.

    I am saddened to hear of the death of Mr Hanrahan. He is sadly, another voice of my youth who has passed away this year. Whilst I don't remember a great deal of detail about the Falklands conflict being only 5 at the time, I can clearly remember hearing his voice coming from the TV. When i think back now it seemed to somehow exude calm authority on a subject that even at that age I could tell was very important. Between the loss of Mr Hanrahan and others such as Bill Mclaren, I fear that my youth seems further away than ever. The world is most definitely a worse place without them

  • Comment number 72.

    I met Brian and his cameraman some years ago whilst we were trying to film a trip on the Death Railway in Thailand. My camera was very small in comparison to his cameraman and we juggled to obtain the best view as we travelled on it. He would arrange himself at the window in front of me, then I couldn't see. So I would then get to the window in front of him so to speak with the result that we were all about 10 meters from where we first started. He took it in great spirit and it was a pleasure to meet him even though I took the mick by saying I didn't recognize him without his beard. RIP Brian and condolences to his family and friends.

  • Comment number 73.

    He was a wonderful reporter and such a nice man. Never took fame too seriously and stayed thoroughly grounded. He had a great way with words -which you could hear in his presenting as well as his reporting. Terrible he's died so young. Shocking.

  • Comment number 74.

    65. At 3:04pm on 20 Dec 2010, iplayerlot wrote:
    you listened to him and trusted and believed what he said... he was not a self loving typical ±«Óãtv type in a berghaus taxpayer funded ski jacket.

    Brian Hanrahan's passing represents the end of the ±«Óãtv he symbolised - stoic, resourceful and above all, without bias.

  • Comment number 75.

    //62. At 2:52pm on 20 Dec 2010, Alistair wrote:
    I cannot agree more with 'balzac' (#43); "His are values which must be maintained." Having lived overseas (Canada), globally the ±«Óãtv commands the highest respect due to it's quality. Brian, and his infamous Falklands "I counted them.." quote helped inspire me into the armed forces. My best years:- Rest in Peace Brian. //

    I spend a lot of time abroad.

    The ±«Óãtv USED to look pretty good compared to foreign equivalents. Nowadays, it's at best ordinary. The people who say what you do tend to be

    a - of a certain age (not young)


    b - comparing it to North America.

    Not having interminable ad breaks etc, the ±«Óãtv does look pretty good compared to 'over there'.

    But in European terms, even in UK terms, it's 'ok', at best.

    Back in Brian H's heyday, the ±«Óãtv did stand out for its lack of bias. That's a long time ago, though.

  • Comment number 76.

    Such a shame, even though i'm a bit too young to remember any of his reporting. Going through his reporting of the Berlin wall was so good I could feel the joy that they would of felt. He shown the world in a truely great way.

  • Comment number 77.

    This is about the sad death of a man whose job placed him in many of our lives during major events of the last thirty years; a death that is important to many of us because of the symbolism of his passing, even though we never met him.

    Is there no thread that can't be hijacked to bash the ±«Óãtv? Have some taste and decency, please.

  • Comment number 78.

    Brian taught me TV news production in the ±«Óãtv. He'd just come back from Afghanistan (about 1988) and one report had a great piece of roses being placed in the gun barrels of the withdrawing Russian soldiers, to very apposite words I've sadly now forgotten. In those days getting the picture/word synchronisation spot on from remote locations, all edited at base, was difficult. But we asked and Brian explained freely passing a tip which has lasted a career so far. Many others who talked to us felt we were the new upstarts, polite but guarded...Brian stood out as someone happy to assist, support, debate and pass on his enthusiasm (and secrets). Remained a hero, even when later I was able to work with him which often exposes lesser mortals(!), and now sadly missed.

  • Comment number 79.

    A true gentleman, he will be sadly missed

  • Comment number 80.

    When Brian was at Essex University he "cut his teeth" in radio presentation by comparing a weekly news programme on the local hospital radio service. I was his technical operator, so was probably one of the first people to switch his mic. on. He had very high standards of journalism and exacting technical requirements. If a tape feed was slightly late in being cued I soon knew about it! We both visited the ±«Óãtv at BH and it was obvious even then that he would go on to become a radio journalist.
    He was a unbiased professional, and I still can not believe that he has been taken from us at such a young age

  • Comment number 81.

    May I point out that both the late Brian Hanrahan and the ±«Óãtv's obituary on him wrongly pronounced "orang-utan" as "orang-utang"? Is it so difficult?

  • Comment number 82.

    Brian Hanrahan represented ±«Óãtv journalism at its best, authoritative, perceptive and humane; the man himself was always there in his words, not in screaming capitals but the flavour of the piece itself. May his family find peace in their loss by the reassurance that he was the epitome of his profession and will be remembered with pleasure and respect by his many listeners.

  • Comment number 83.

    I had the privilege of meeting Brian Hanarahan whilst serving with the Royal Navy during the Falklands war. He was a man of great kindness and empathy with a very perceptive mind. Those things that marked him out as a well respected and very professional journalist. At a time when we we all a little nervous about whether we would come home safe, Brian's objective reporting gave us all a better idea of the big picture.

    "Men that go to war do not come back as heroes but as wiser men that know their own frailty and the reality of someone else's truth"

  • Comment number 84.

    some men's deaths diminish us more than others

    condolences to his family

  • Comment number 85.

    I got to know Brian during the passage to the Falklands in HMS Hermes. I was struck by his calmness and composure as we headed into a very unpredictable environment. He had a wonderfully affable manner which endeared him to the everyone on board and he became a very popular shipmate. I'm sure we in Hermes will remember him as much for his good natured participation in all aspects of our preparation for war as for his actual reporting of the conflict. I can distinctly remember his determination to be in the first landings so as not to miss the action. He didn't miss the action but he will be missed.

  • Comment number 86.

    I am very fortunate and proud to have known Brian for over 45 years, he was a man of honour and I could call him a friend. Goodbye

  • Comment number 87.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 88.

    I didn't know Brian at all....but felt like I did.

    To me, that's the sign of a great communicator. You'll be missed mate.


  • Comment number 89.

    Indeed, a man who never said a controversial word, whatever he was reporting on. A very good ±«Óãtv journalist, not at all in the mould of Julian Assange.

  • Comment number 90.

    One of the old school reporters who could clearly convey in an instant, any situation. I feel that he has reported on some of the most important events in the last 30 years. It's a sad loss for the ±«Óãtv and for all of us that enjoyed his friendly and succinct delivery of news from around the world.

  • Comment number 91.

    I and my family were on holiday at the same resort as his 10 years ago, we spoke briefly at the bar. A very nice man away from work and a journalist I have long admired and respected. A very sad loss at an early age.

  • Comment number 92.

    I counted them all out and I counted them all back in.
    Why do the majority of the ±«Óãtv news readers fail to include "all" that Brian said twice.
    So annoying!

  • Comment number 93.

    I was Brian's Producer in making a series of short films for ±«Óãtv TV News to mark the 10th anniversary of the Falklands War. He was the ultimate professional, calm, co-operwative and always quietly amusing.
    His piece to camera on the beach at Sea Lion Island in front of a herd of noisy sea lions exemplified his clever use of words.
    At San Carlos, where British troops had first landed in 1982, he wrote in the Visitors' simply "A lot quieter than it was when I was last here..."
    In Argentina, we were there to see that country "10 years on", his interviews, conducted with instant translation via an ear-piece from the interpretor, were so unflustered and to the point.
    I have been the producer with many of TV News & Current Affairs correspondents: Brian was right up there with the legendary best.
    A great journalist, a good friend, and above all a very lovely man who will be sorely missed by those who had the privilege of knowing and working him.

  • Comment number 94.

    Not too good on blogs so not sure how my comments about Brian's assignment to the Falklands War came out under the byline "you". Quite happy to have my name published - it's John Exelby. Thanks

  • Comment number 95.

    Rest in peace Brian. The world of television journalism is the poorer tonight.

  • Comment number 96.

    A sad loss to the world of journalism. A truly impressive figure whose reports from all over the world were always of quality. When Brian spoke everyone paid attention.
    Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.

  • Comment number 97.

    brian hanrahan will be missed a great deal in india. this is a sad day for bbc and all viewers in india.

  • Comment number 98.

    My thoughts are with his family and friends. We've lost another one of the good guys with no one to replace him. This is a dark day. We will miss him and the news will be poorer without him.

  • Comment number 99.

    What very sad news about someone who always delivered such interesting news. My thoughts are with his family.

  • Comment number 100.

    A familiar face and voice, reporting at key points in our history gone and so young...
    May Allah give his family patience through this difficult time.

    Perhaps posters should use this to leave tributes for Mr Hanrahan and not bash others.


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