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Friday 4 March 2011

Sarah McDermott | 15:57 UK time, Friday, 4 March 2011

Mishal Husain is presenting tonight and she's been speaking exclusively to Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen about how his organisation plans to respond to events in Libya.

Meanwhile Lyse Doucet - who is in the country - will be asking Libyans what intervention they expect from the West.

Then we'll be hearing from our Political editor Michael Crick who has been meeting people living in rural areas to ask them how rising fuel prices are affecting their lives.

And Liz Mackean has had exclusive access to a report which has found that many local authorities will not be guaranteeing funding and will be cutting services for victims of domestic violence from the end of this month. Should local authorities be the sole providers of these services? We'll debate.

Do join Mishal at 2230 on ±«Óătv Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    Something ... still not clear and would appear to be widely misunderstood:

    Any kind of millitary or other intervention in Libya (or indeed any other countries with a similar siuation) by a multi-national force will require a 'No Fly Zone' ... because of the risk of UN or other peace-keeping/ humanitarian service people being bombed/shelled by 'accident' ... in order words, either:

    1)the Libyan people are entirely now on their own without international (or other assistance) in terms of their security in finding their way forward


    2) There will have to be a no fly zone (unless the Libyans themselves take all of Gaddafi's air force out of commission at a very early stage and which looks very unlikely) if there is any kind of 'international intervention'

    When is the ±«Óătv going hold to account the previous Labour administration regarding its dealings with Gaddafi including issues such as how much was known about Gaddafi's program of e.g. re-arming Libya in recent years?

  • Comment number 2.

    Why should the West intervene in Libya anyway? When the West went to Iraq, did it solve anything - not really, it's got WORSE and has bankrupted the US, the UK and others. Why didn't the West go to The Congo, where they did ask for help as women were getting their limbs chopped off and raped? NATO is correct to not intervene in the matter.

  • Comment number 3.

    2. At 7:43pm on 04 Mar 2011, Mistress76uk wrote:

    Why should the West intervene in Libya anyway? When the West went to Iraq, did it solve anything - not really, it's got WORSE and has bankrupted the US, the UK and others. Why didn't the West go to The Congo, where they did ask for help as women were getting their limbs chopped off and raped? NATO is correct to not intervene in the matter.


    Its in our strategic national interest to promote human rights, law and order, and try and assist the massive ordinary free peoples populations in the middle east from disintegrating into a massive 'oil lords' war zone in the next few years? ... The next killing fields and potential armageddon?

    That's all!

  • Comment number 4.

    The power of a non hierarchical structure :-

    "I always ask the people I meet in the street, 'Who is the leader of the revolution?' It's a loaded question, and everybody I ask smiles knowingly: 'Nobody' is the answer. This revolution, unlike any other revolution in world history has no discernible center. And the government that is being toppled can't stop it without shutting down the Internet and therefore shutting down the entire country's economy."
    The post you have sent for further consideration is very significant to possible important future events and relevant to this :-

  • Comment number 5.

    UK government pressing on with ÂŁ50m broadband plan

    basically another subsidy for the rich. what happened to 'market forces'? If they want services then they are going to have to increase the population in those areas to make it viable. which means stop blocking housing projects.

    tax money is for the poor and needy not the affluent equestrian class. land owners already get 4 billion a year subsidy merely for owning land with no demand to make it productive. given the price of soft commodities if they can't make money farming they never will. its just sponging of the state.

  • Comment number 6.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 7.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 8.

    Was on about this the other night !

  • Comment number 9.

    The situation in Libya will allow the more radical fundamentalist elements to hijack the revolution - the longer it takes to topple the old regime, the more blood is split, then the more likely it is that the new regime will be antipathetic to the west and blame us for our support of the previous regime and our failure to help the liberation struggle.

    The reality is that an amphibious battle group could assault Tripoli and end Gaddafi's military capability in a little over 10 hours, then return to their ships and leave the Libyans to it - the west would then be seen as saviours provided we pulled out immediately and the loss of life would be minimised.

    No one talks about Sierra Leone - we sent in an effective force that neutralised the terrorisation of the population by drugged thugs paid by diamond smugglers - the Brits are praised to the skies by the people they set free. After years of wrangling the coalition forces went into Bosnia and ended the genocide in a matter of days.

    Iraq was a neo-colonial war started by Bush for his NeoCon political reasons - this is not the only model for military action - I'm sure the Libyan people would welcome our forces with open arms.

  • Comment number 10.

    Sad to see Nu Liebour still bleating about alleged green jobs when the latest report states that you lose 3.7 traditional jobs for every theoretical green job created. When are these idiot politicians finally going to get the message and start basing policy on the probable truth ?

  • Comment number 11.

    Typical Corporate Nazi pro eco-fascist comment from the ±«Óătv but what do you expect when they push programmes like Escape to the Country, alleged impartiality out of the window on this one ?


  • Comment number 12.


    "When are these idiot politicians finally going to get the message and start basing policy on the probable truth ?"

    When you ponder the amount of effort that goes into configuring any Westminster utterance IN TERMS OF GRATUITOUS ATTACK FROM THE OTHER SIDE, hostages to fortune, U-turnitis etc, you realise how inefficient adversarial politics is. It is not good management model. Parties only lead to games.

  • Comment number 13.

    "Mr King, who rarely gives interviews, suggests that the culture of short-term profits and bonuses within the banks may ultimately be responsible for the problems.

    He says that traditional manufacturing industries have a more “moral” way of operating."

    Mr King has also spoken out at the need to reform Fractional Reserve Banking which is the very basis of our problems. The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act 1932 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999 and signed by Clinton means that the money anyone puts into high street banks can either be leveraged and loaned out (FRB) or used to speculate - create price volatility by talking huge positions in a commodity for profit - in the case of food literally stave poor people. So the money you the public put into banks is directly related to what is happening in the Middle East. It is one reason why Max Keiser is asking people to remove money from banks and buy silver. We also need to demand new banks without the risk and destructive behaviour. It seems the ±«Óătv is no where on this - the banking fraud has been utterly huge.

  • Comment number 14.

    9. At 10:14pm on 04 Mar 2011, richard bunning wrote:

    Absoluetely, I am in favour of Britian minding its own business and not being a world policeman but this is not an Iraq regime change situation; the people of Libya are asking for help ... it is in the interest of the international community ... there will be a blood-bath of innocent people as Gaddafi still has massive oil welath to buy every kind of trouble ... Gaddafi is seizing his opportunity to strengthen while the international community dithers ... any international intervention of any type requires a no fly zone and an attack of Gaddafi's air defences ... just get on with it and stop dithering or the entire region can explode.

    At least we can say ... we told you/them so!

  • Comment number 15.

    More jobs leaving Britain,

    ....but improving my weight no end, I've stopped eating the disgusting chocolate oranges, and gave up on Cadburys, so now it's Thorntons only! : D

  • Comment number 16.

    ^#15 OOOpps :/ Correct link!

    But the rings are mildly amusing! ; )

  • Comment number 17.

    So what's a Credit Default Swap ? Its a bet on a default

    Its relevance ? Its incentivises destructive behaviour

    How ?

    Liars Loans are loans to people who cant realistically afford to repay and are likely to default.

    So there is incentive to destroy or set up to fail. And that includes Countries and States.

    Again see Janet Tavakoli :-

    How is this relevant now ? We still have them - watch out

  • Comment number 18.

    The message being sent out to the world

    We now have an IHS not just NHS, no wonder everyone is now waiting longer for appointments, and that's before the con/lib cuts really get going.

  • Comment number 19.

    The dollar seems close to possible collapse. There would normally be a flight to safety in the $ due to all the Middle East events but its not happening. Gold and Silver have made significant highs. All of this is very significant but has not been spoken, mentioned, written about or given significant emphasis in the main media.

  • Comment number 20.

    the dollar set to collapse? Oh Goody////!

  • Comment number 21.

    Cant have it both ways all the time, she's been brilliant but exploitation of the wannabes goes so far. Wake up call folks - remove hierarchical structures of importance 'name' 'brand' status and you remove one important method of fraud, delusion and exploitation.

    stevie - if it happens and we have some kind of Special Drawing Rights currency its going to be very mucky for anyone who does not have gold and silver.

  • Comment number 22.

    Mr King probably went as far as he could in his position but its nothing; what happened is monumental fraud and the banking criminals have taken the wealth of the public. Everyone who fails to face up to this appalling fact is captured to the banks and that will totally include heads of State let alone economists working for the said bankster criminals on Wall Street or those looking out for their next job. You and the captured media are a disgrace.

  • Comment number 23.

    europe has 100 plus days storage of energy. how much do we have? they can ride out temporary spikes. we cannot. how much fuel is being hoarded till the price goes up?

    the oil price hike is speculation nothing to do with real supply. so the higher cost is just an oligarch tax.

    domestic violence

    there is no deterrent. some is even viewed as 'cultural'. the uk legal system is a failure. maybe because too many people make a lot of money out of it and so want repeat offenders who keep going through the system and so generating revenue?

  • Comment number 24.

    Eco-fascist high fuel tax victims plus their industrial sites made worth more dead than alive due to programmes like ±«Óătv " Escape to the Country " ?


  • Comment number 25.


    Is it any wonder this country is corrupt, through and through? The chain of corruption runs: Westminster - parties - MPs - commerce/banking - fat-cats.


    Until we dismantle the Westminster Ethos to ground level (aka revolution) we shall go nowhere but down.

  • Comment number 26.

    "A Wisconsin state lawmaker has been tackled by police as he tried to enter the state Capitol that is closed to the public.

    Democratic Representative Nick Milroy of South Range in northwestern Wisconsin was trying to retrieve some clothes from his office in the Capitol Thursday night.

    Video shows police officers pulling him away from a revolving door and tackling him to the ground before he was able to show his ID."

  • Comment number 27.

    Isn't this the claim JC keeps posting about?

  • Comment number 28.

    THAT FIGURES (#27 link)

    See my #26 above.

    Our MP is from a landed family. He is defending family-receipt of EU millons in this weeks local paper.

  • Comment number 29.

    More evidence that a degree isn't worth the paper it's written on

    or the money it costs.

  • Comment number 30.


    Governments engineer formative years, to yield 1) ill health mental/physical 2) social incompetence. This provides taxable jobs in Health Repair and imprisonment. Health Repair ultimately yields 'living dead' stored in taxable facilities (employing taxed staff) awaiting proper death. The sub-clinically mad masses, consume taxed alcohol, taxed tobacco and taxed TV, to avoid reality. When unsuccessful in this, violence (social, domestic and pleasure) ensues, and provides taxed income for police.

    Welcome to imaginary civilisation.

  • Comment number 31.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 32.

    'If your doing something wrong we dont want to know'

    Captured in a hierarchy structure :-

    Reason :-

    "Speaking to business leaders in Downing Street at the launch the Chancellor said:

    Today Alan Johnson, John Hutton and I are announcing details of a risk based approach to regulation to break down barriers holding enterprise back. "

    "A risk based approach helps move us a million miles away from the old assumption - the assumption since the first legislation of Victorian times - that business, unregulated, will invariably act irresponsibly. The better view is that businesses want to act responsibly."

    Those words kinda ricochet through the devastating loss of jobs, homes and broken relationships down to the poor in the Middle East being starved by commodity speculation. Human beings are repulsive creatures served up in a expensive suit, 'an easy smile' 'firm hand shake' and Wall street/City of London hierarchy brainwashing with delusional derivatives naked short sold on a firm bed of fractional reserve rights of exploitation.

    The ±«Óătv had David Buick talking about Mr Kings comments yesterday as I painted and listened to his words and instantly compared to my research into the finance world I fully realised his like would cause more harm sooner than later. Its nauseating to see the ±«Óătv interview these people especially from large firms like HSBC -

    "They had to know," Madoff told the New York Times. "But the attitude was sort of, 'If you're doing something wrong, we don't want to know.'" He told the paper that financial institutions, "banks and funds were complicit in one form or another".

    "Madoff's statements will come as another blow to the reputations of banks including HSBC, Citigroup and JP Morgan that are facing lawsuits brought by Irving Picard, the trustee representing Madoff's victims. Over the past few months Picard has filed suits seeking $90bn (ÂŁ56bn) in damages arising from the fictional profits he claims the banks and others withdrew from Madoff's scheme over the years."

  • Comment number 33.

    Where we're at :-

  • Comment number 34.


    Dave is going to war with the 'ENEMIES OF ENTERPRISE'.

    I suppose he will enlist the 'GREAT IGNORED' (who went straight back to being ignored - by Dave - when that one didn't fly).

    The pathetic 'mind-politic' that is so tabloid and crass, not only loves slogans, but also wars, 'initiatives' simply for announcing, and 'honour' without honour.


  • Comment number 35.

    For me this is preparing the public for another war. Just remember all the austerity talk .

    The quality of non hierarchy insurrection is also its terrible fault thereafter - you have to have a plan of action that is feasible to be able to move forward, and to implement usually requires a hierarchy structure . That terrible fault is where the finance hyena's of The West will strike. They go looking for help and get exploited; think of Greece's politicians and Goldman.

  • Comment number 36.

    OH No another Bumble/Dumboband, he wants to squeeze colon Gadaffy, would that be the same way as TB squeezed him .. money money money honey

    its all very well having a route map, can politicians Navigate mmm NO

    Bring On The Manic Street Preachers .. I am A manic street preacher .. one which keeps pissing in2 wind, I am Not a Wet, any Idiot can get cold and wet

  • Comment number 37.

    Curcumin in Turmeric proving itself once again as CNB-001, be very interesting to see the results of human trials :-

  • Comment number 38.

    Anyone else see ÂŁ600K pa Andrew Marr's feeble attempt on ±«Óătv 1 this morning re: interviewing Milliband regarding lessons learnt by New labour over their dealings with the Gaddafi despots?

    A disgrace to Milliband, New Labour, Marr, the ±«Óătv, and Britain and its coalition govt for failing to investigate this ongoing corruption, sleaze, impropriety and lack of integrity?

    Is Marr really worth ÂŁ600K pa to the British licence payer payer and to be suitable and qualified to have this Sunday morning prime time position in British media ... only to mess it up with weak friendly questioning, particularly of Marr's labour and celtic chums?

    The newsnight team could, I'm sure, do a much better job than Marr ... as his feeble questioning of his chums and his obvious bias has become a national joke.

  • Comment number 39.

    Didn't paint as well today (yet) as I did yesterday . Had my mind set on a tika kebab at this place near to the local uni but my plans were thwarted by sick relatives requiring attention.

  • Comment number 40.

    Yet more collateral damage to any potential jobs growth and the future profitability of industry ( perhaps especially small business ) due to appeasing the eco-fascists again !

  • Comment number 41.

    :o) England won the cricket against South Africa today, and India won against Ireland......who cares about the rest of the news :p

  • Comment number 42.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 43.

    '38. At 10:47am on 06 Mar 2011, nautonier wrote:
    Anyone else see ÂŁ600K pa Andrew Marr's feeble attempt..

    As it happens, one did catch a glimpse.

    And it was noticeable as much for what he did not seem troubled by at all, as what he didn't wish to trouble future dinner guests with whilst in his studio.

    Like developing the notion that the 45yo Mr. Miliband himself raised, where he has thought, after 'developing' the country so well with his PPE social engineering whilst in government, now is the time to crawl up out of the bubble and see what the real world is like.

    Marr also invested his ÂŁ600k trying 1/10 of a Paxman, asking the same cretinous question over and over, before giving up as he has been told it would not be appropriate to put folk in danger by doing so.

    And speaking of money, Mr. Marr epitomised the corporation's grasp of fiscal reality outside the public sector bubble.

    Money, it seems, 'gets found'. That's it.

    No suggestion as to where, with a finite limited amount in the kitty, from.

    And such a question not asked of a key player in the previous outfit who blew it all on everything from aid to Gaddafi to indulging enforced market rate talent pay packets that those who are reguired to fund it can't know about.

    I'll tell you where some of such money can come from, and ÂŁ600kpa can be much better invested, which will not be missed outside the boudoirs of Islington, the Merc dealerships of Liberia or comfy Presidential sofas of Tripoli, currently hosting the the pearls of journalistic insights of 'I don't know, I just 'work' here' Bowen.

  • Comment number 44.

    38/43 yes

    bbc news this Mourn some nulabour tit slaging off HRH Andy

    HRH has Fought for this Country .. Not as nulabour have tried to Destroy It

  • Comment number 45.

    I’ve just declared a no-fly zone over my house in Brighton.

    Those Dicky-foreigner birds that keep settling on my roof now get repelled by my have Border Control green laser beam: better than my previous attempts to lob stones at them once they’ve settled. All my bird boxes are fully occupied by native British birds, so I’ve no room for any invading species. But I’m not taking the war to the birds in the park: that would only increase the tendency for them to seek sanctuary in my garden.

    Come to think of it, might there be a macro moral in the microcosm of my backyard?

    Also, with the news that more and more English jobs are being exported, might we end up being less attractive for economic migrants? There must be a finite limit to the creation of ‘real’ jobs once Gordon’s horde of public sector ‘community-type’ jobs have been eliminated, Dave has got his Big (voluntary) Society under way, and Ken’s wrongdoers are put to community work instead of accommodated in crime/drug prison schools.

    That just leaves the task of preventing the NHS growing into the IHS.

    In my own experience, the country has become a major employer of foreign ‘students’. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen UK Border Control documentaries showing lots of time and money spent checking on individual ‘students’ who have exceeded the permitted 20 hours per week paid employment - of any description, not related to their area of study. I know several who work 20 hours for more than 1 company: all it needs is for a Statutory Declaration to be offered for signature, (by care homes, supermarkets and similar employers of unskilled labour) with clear wording that instant repatriation will result if caught exceeding the 20 hours. National Insurance numbers, so liberally issued, should have a specific series and be tracked for all temporary employment and students to identify abusers, rather than catch the odd cheat only when they apply for a visa renewal.

    In my closing years, I’m looking forward to a reduction in population and over-indulgence of services: buses now pass my door every 4 minutes, instead of the 2 per hour of a few years ago.

    Only a shift to the Right will achieve this, so vote’ YES’ on 5th May and we may get a few Radical thinking MPs.


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