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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Sarah McDermott | 11:49 UK time, Tuesday, 2 November 2010

David Cameron has said new treaties on defence and nuclear co-operation with France marked a "new chapter" in a long history of defence co-operation. Speaking alongside French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the UK PM said it would make both countries' citizens safer and would save money.

Colonel Tim Collins - who has served with the French many times - will join us tonight. We'll discuss if the deal is a challenge to our sovereignty and if it will work.

The US Federal Reserve is set to launch a second round of quantitative easing, known as QE2 today - probably the US policy community's last shot at averting a double-dip recession. The Bank of England holds its monthly meeting tomorrow and QE will also be on the agenda there. Tonight our Economics editor Paul Mason will explain what the bankers are doing and why, and explain the argument raging among economists over the dangers of QE2. Read more on

Meanwhile, voters are going to the polls in the US mid-term elections which will see a new House of Representatives and a third of the Senate elected. President Barack Obama's Democratic Party is expected to lose its majority in the House of Representatives, but may hold on to the Senate. Republicans hope to capitalise on voter discontent with the economy.

Tonight Peter Marshall reports from the key swing state of Pennsylvania where Democrats could lose house seats, the governorship, and a crucial race that could ultimately decide who controls the senate.

And Emily Maitlis will be joined in Washington by Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National Party who himself ran for President in 2004, and by the satirist PJ O'Rourke.

Do join Kirsty and Emily at 2230 on ±«Óătv Two.


  • Comment number 1.


    Will the extended entente make it impossible to send refugees, who have come via France, back there for asylum?

    I don't think we should make Sarko angry - David Banner was a mild little bloke.

    Oh - it's all going awfully expediently.

  • Comment number 2.

    What else can I say but to wish the Obamas to do well today.


  • Comment number 3.


    Whether jaunty is grand remains to be seen
    Though it's doubtful, thinks me

  • Comment number 4.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 5.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 6.

    Scotland has of course been in military alliance with the French since the 'Auld Alliance' was signed in 1295!
    So no problems for us on that score. More worrying is the prospect of nuclear weapons testing co-operation.

    Back in 1995 the reticence of the previous Conservative Government in Britain during the legal challenge by
    the Government of New Zealand in the International Court of Justice in The Hague over French nuclear tests
    on Muraroa Atoll in the South Pacific was explained by UK aspirations even then to co-operate - with Chirac.

    15 years later it is of course interesting to revisit the positive comments made about this at the time by Malcolm Rifkind but even more interesting to re-read the criticisms of the Tories by Liberal Democrats!

    'The Independent' article above quotes, for example, Sir Menzies Campbell QC MP saying of the French nuclear tests on Muraroa (which Chirac argued is part of France and the EU despite being in the Pacific):
    'The British Government's continual silence creates a serious rift in our relations with the members
    of The Commonwealth like Australia and New Zealand'.

    As I remember the tests were ultimately stopped followed intervention by the EU President Jacques Santer who was anti-nuclear and who called the French bluff by invoking the rights of Brussels to intervente as
    Muraroa was also part of Europe if if was part of France. He sent in inspectors under a health and safety
    provision of the Euratom Treaty!

  • Comment number 7.

    I notice too that in yesterday's Adjournment debate Gordon Brown's only argument for the aircraft carriers seemed to be that they were needed to defend The Falklands .... and this was then followed by more pork
    barrel politics as he simply asserted that British carriers should be service at Rosyth as the port is British.

    Sarkozy won't like that! Personally I would rather have a fast ferry for Rosyth and a new Forth Bridge link!

  • Comment number 8.

    A member of the support staff in a school is advised that if she tells a parent something the school doesn’t think they should know .... It’s a written warning.

    But if they tell anyone from the media then it’s Gross Misconduct leading to possible Dismissal.

    Why the difference? (Is this some form of ‘professional integrity’ or fear of ‘no longer being in control’?)

    And if the intent - on the part of the support staff - was to genuinely ‘protect the child’ ..... where’s the problem?

    Someone has got to ‘stand up for the children’ it as it would appear that the 'qualified' professionals are really not that good at it.

    And ..... Oh yes! .....

    A woman - due to be sentenced tomorrow - refuses to attend her own trial on the basis that she does not recognise the jurisdiction of the Court ....

    So why does she live in the UK?

    And ..... Oh yes! .....

    Yesterdays ‘Today’ ....

    Mr Conmeron may well be right ... Society appears to be broken. At least in some areas!

    A ±«Óătv Reporter, doing a piece on music being played loud - e.g. via a personal MP3 unit/‘phone - on public transport , asked a youthful bus user what would be the outcome if someone asked him to turn his music down ... He replied ...

    ‘This is Hackney ‘innit. fings ‘appen!’

    And ..... Oh yes! .....

    The forthcoming US results .....

    Judging by Andrew Neil’s programme last night, and with a bit of - not too difficult - reading between the lines ....

    It could be that the US of A is rushing to push the ‘self destruct’ button.

    And ..... Oh yes! .....

    So Mr Conmeron makes reference to an “bleep car crash” .....

    Maybe privileged schooling isn’t worth all that much?

    It used to be said that using an expletive was a sign of a poor education.

    And besides ....

    Car crashes don’t procreate!

  • Comment number 9.


    So no one cried 'hold enough' then? You might expect a global viallage to be eschewing hooligans and idiots (warmongers) by now. But I forget: the joy of Globopoply, to high rank politicians, is IN THE PLAYING. Eh Tony? Actually ACHIEVING advancement of the human race, stays on hold to the end of time. Not long now, hopefully.

  • Comment number 10.

    even a hardened right winger like Andrew had a sharp intake of breath at some of the devastation and dereliction of some of the suburbs that exist in middle America. It was a very good piece by Andrew Neil and well worthy of an hour long programme, I wish there was more. It is not all bad for Obama, the Republicans will have to produce 'their' solutions to what is an immense American problem and as they started it where are the amswers going to come from....not from the tea party who couldn't summon up a sensible solution in a millenium, they are good at....making the tea....

  • Comment number 11.

    Andrew Neil is a complete hypocrite to suggest that Glen Beck is attempting to set the US political agenda when nobody has done so much as Neil to attempt to manipulate the UK political agenda. Perhaps its time the ±«Óătv gave him the boot, the Daily Politics has a much wider debate when Neil is absent for some reason.

  • Comment number 12.

    Is it perceived that the ±«Óătv is run by 1,2 and 3
    Or 2,2 and 3?
    And is it true that the number 52 will be 'clever' forever?
    Plus, since my ditties are normally 4 or more than 4 liners
    Can we stand any longer the decliners of common sense and some at least kindness?

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    What happens if we want to invade France?

  • Comment number 15.

    Anybody who wishes to view what for some spurious reason broke house rules can watch the aforementioned Keiser Report ( #13 ) at midnight on RT channel 85 freeview.

    This time Max and co-host Stacy Herbert, look at the biggest, richest party ever as ponzi schemes and a paralyzed Fed defraud America. They also talk to James Scaminaci III about the Tea Party and bankers...

  • Comment number 16.

    "David Cameron has said new treaties on defence and nuclear co-operation with France marked a "new chapter" in a long history of defence co-operation. Speaking alongside French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the UK PM said it would make both countries' citizens safer and would save money.

    Colonel Tim Collins - who has served with the French many times - will join us tonight. We'll discuss if the deal is a challenge to our sovereignty and if it will work."

    Lisbon Treaty.

    8. At 6:46pm on 02 Nov 2010, JAperson wrote:

    "So why does she live in the UK?"

    She probably doesn't. Many people (you'd be surprised how many) really do just live in their own worlds. Their communities are just extensions of themselves genetically (often their kids and extended family). All else are alien objects, often considered obstructions to their having their own way. In brief, some people stop growing very early. In the not too distant past, many Britons went abroad and did much the same. Why we opened our gates to many we knew would behave this way is a bit of a mystery to many of those who study human (and other animal) behaviour.

  • Comment number 17.

    "The Exchequer has been ­giving sums of money to less well-off people, the underprivileged as they used to be called, that are far greater than the country can afford. Now the compassion racket has hit the buffers. Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt received a barrage of abuse from the Left, and was denounced on the airwaves for a supposed ‘gaffe’, for suggesting last month that before ­having large families, people should consider whether they can afford them. Yet to most people not living on benefits, Hunt was stating the obvious.

    Why do most mothers confine themselves to two or three ­children?
    Because they do not think they can afford decently to rear more. This is honourable as well as sensible.

    Yet the entire welfare system, including housing benefit, is run on the basis that almost unlimited assistance is ­provided in accordance with the size of a recipient’s family."

    Why is Boris so outspoken? Might it be because the BTL property developers and retail industry would massively lose out on this source of easy income if such subsidised people (1/3 at least born outside UK) had to move out of the cities into cheaper accommodation? Is this why wants to BoE to buy Bad mortgages too (BTL mortgages)?
    See what may be going on?

    Thanks for the last one DJ.

  • Comment number 18.

    "Along with George Osborne and "two other cabinet ministers", I avoid paying tax. Only saints and incompetents don't. Most people pay the minimum amount of tax they're legally required to and not a penny more.
    That's prudent tax avoidance not illegal tax evasion. Osborne is doing what any self-employed person who keeps receipts for stationery is also doing. It's not "legal", it's just legal."

    The problem is that most people who are not self-employed, and who
    comprise the 90% of the population that should be contributing the 50%
    of due taxes, can't so easily tax-avoid as those who earn over 48K and
    who don't have to pay just via PAYE. The 10% who earn over 48K a year
    and who end up doing a SA tax return can find ways to avoid, which makes
    one wonder if the 50% of tax due from that 10% are in fact all collected
    by the IR, and if they were, whether the drastic cuts into the Public
    Sector would be happening, not to mention the predation we have seen by
    those in the upper band in recent times. The problem is that being smart
    enough to avoid tax often seems to go with having no social conscience.
    That is the hallmark of being a 'success' in a Liberal-Democracy it
    would seem, i.e. to have cognitive ability and little or no
    conscience.... cold ruthless ambition...

  • Comment number 19.

    14. At 8:48pm on 02 Nov 2010, DebtJuggler wrote:
    What happens if we want to invade France?

    That would be akin to one attacking another and The Lisbon Treaty makes that verboten, just like secession. You are seeing UK Balkanise, aka go NUTs (aka Regional Development Agencies?)

  • Comment number 20.

  • Comment number 21.

    Tories turning our NHS into a Welfare State for the Pharmaceuticals ?

  • Comment number 22.

    Response to ....

    At 7:14pm on 02 Nov 2010, stevie wrote:

    Couldn’t agree more!

    At 7:56pm on 02 Nov 2010, brossen99 wrote:

    Couldn’t agree less!

    With last line, that is! The rest ..... well?

    Only two ‘things’ make the DP worth watching ... The guests - most of the time - and Andrew Neil! ( The Elder Pretender is too much of a third rate carbon copy and far too lacking in impartiality. And the Junior Apprentice? She’s developing a good personal and individual style, I live in hope maybe one day .....)!

    Response to ....

    At 9:12pm on 02 Nov 2010, tabblenabble02 wrote:

    The first three words ( i.e. “She probably doesn't. “ ) are just IMO so accurate. And yes, it - isolationism - has been cultivated and fostered for many of the reasons you’ve indicated in your posts.

    But where are the solutions, the political will, the public clamour?

    Got it!

    Let’s go back in time and change history!

  • Comment number 23.

    20. At 9:47pm on 02 Nov 2010, brossen99 wrote:

    I'm wary of Zerohedge, RT and PressTv etc. These all seem to massively negatively spin just as others positively spin. I suggest the real news lies in our trying to unpack what the true referents are when we're told this and that about private debt. Is this landlords' and companies' investments, or is it really the humble (and often all too easily duped) homeowner/mortgagee? At present, I don't think any of us know, and that's very convenient for some, and that's what worries me.

  • Comment number 24.

    "What's it all about?"

    I say it's about a libertarian EU. It's about the right to run a business without pesky regulation by British, French, German + 24 other Parliaments. It's about The Lisbon Treaty and fragmentation or Balkanisation of EU member states into NUTs run from Brussels as one political and economic body. A common foreign and defence policy. That's what it's all about.

  • Comment number 25.

    Not seen the Warkster for a while.
    The tea party movement. Just in case you don't know; they are the middle class and folk who believe in the constitution, less Govt etc. Some believe having that mind-set renders them incapable of any "sensible solution in a millenium"..spoken like a true liberial eh

    Obama has proven himself a President worse than even Jimmy 'the peanut' Carter. Barry Obama also has divided the country not seen for years. I've recently heard Obama described as a Pan-Leninist, I'd call him an old fashioned Marxist meself. What I do know for a fact is Obama is surrounded by the Wall St Mob.

    So money is going to be printed. Will Benny boy be the one who is responsible with the divvy out. And will he tell us who gets/got it.

    I hope the ±«Óătv reporters -especially Mark Mardell -don't get too upset when the Demos get beaten at the polls by the republos, I know how much they love Obama and the Socialist dream.

  • Comment number 26.

    How can any serious political journalist do a feature on the US mid terms and not even mention the Climate Change Scam factor, I believe that even one Democrat is firmly against it in an attempt to cling on ?

  • Comment number 27.

    Ed Geoas claimed Saddam Hussein would not allow the weapons inspectors back in to Iraq on this evenings programme, this is a blatant lie, weapons inspectors went back in and had to leave only because of the imminent invasion by US/UK forces and his lie was not challenged! The actual timeline leading up to the invasion is on the ±«Óătv website-

    "2002 November - UN weapons inspectors return to Iraq backed by a UN resolution which threatens serious consequences if Iraq is in "material breach" of its terms."

    "Saddam ousted

    2003 17 March - UK's ambassador to the UN says the diplomatic process on Iraq has ended; arms inspectors evacuate; US President George W Bush gives Saddam Hussein and his sons 48 hours to leave Iraq or face war.

    2003 20 March - US-led invasion topples Saddam Hussein's government, marks start of years of violent conflict with different groups competing for power"

    Of course the ±«Óătv has edited out much of the timeline, such as failing to get a second UN Security Council Resolution, one of the propaganda dossiers, David Kellys allegations etc etc.

    Of course this lie about Iraq is one of the shifting excuses given for the war-

    Come on ±«Óătv, stop the lying, we are smarter than that and will catch your mendacity every single time.

  • Comment number 28.


    "Obama is surrounded by the Wall St Mob"

    Wouldn't you want to keep a close eye on such an expensive purchase? Doesn't Murdoch do the same here?

    I think Obama is more of a Pan-Downtheist.

  • Comment number 29.

    #15 brossen99

    It's a Max Keiser classic!

  • Comment number 30.


    Refuse to live within the lie Turbojerry.

    Mind you, I am not sure anyone is 'at home' at the Beeb, though the lights are on - as usual. Did you see the computer-generated, line-drawn daisies, to either side of the wall of money? They built up, AND THEN THEY DECONSTRUCTED! That will be another award for news presentation then.

    Weep cerebrum.

  • Comment number 31.


    Thanks for the tip Bro.

  • Comment number 32.


    Obama is not a socialist and is definitely not a Marxist or a Leninist, kevsey. You don't even realise what a bore you are. It's sickening.

    Obama is a caring man who does believe in freedom, social justice, balance, etc., as well as free but properly regulated enterprise.

  • Comment number 33.


    go back in time to promulgate the scam, spam, 123 clan???

    forget it or you'll regret it

  • Comment number 34.


    'cold ruthless ambition' at which you seem to 'excel', I hasten to say. I suspect you, alas, do know George Osborne, which for me is a worrying 'bone'.

  • Comment number 35.

    22. At 10:22pm on 02 Nov 2010, JAperson wrote:

    "But where are the solutions, the political will, the public clamour?"

    A Statutory Instrument which defeminizes UK by a) making sex outside marriage a criminal offence b) forces females to give up work once married and c) nationalises the means of production, exchange and communication so government actually has control over work, prices and incomes?

    So, yes, that would be the same as turning back time I guess (and probably just as likely). But technically possible nonetheless.

    After watching some of the nonsense from NN tonight, it somehow seems desirable too. Emily, the first part of the programme had a guest on saying that the initial measures did work, in that they stopped an economic melt-down.

  • Comment number 36.

    'Meanwhile, voters are going to the polls in the US mid-term elections'

    I'm sure the programme had a bit more on this last night, but how did that all work out?

  • Comment number 37.


    desirable nonsense or the attractive and intelligent Emily?

  • Comment number 38.

    It's good to see that a lady won the Brazilian Presidential elections, isn't it? If I had ways of contactin her, I would send Mrs Roussett a note of congratulations.


  • Comment number 39.

    Emily covered the Mid-Term elections much as she covered Hollywood events not long ago. It's was all about appearances. All about what people think. If elections are based on fooling people into believing X or Y regardless of what's true, it's inevitable that those who drive Hollywood also drive Washington, and that the media coverage will be indistinguishable. Is the ±«Óătv's NN Production Team happy with this? I guess the proof is in the viewing? How about some data on the viewing demographic?

    Turbojerry (27), facts don't matter, it's what people 'think' that counts. This is the Tribal 'logic' which became endemic in the late C20th. It was 'discriminated' against in the first half of the C20th, but was very actively fought against in pursuit of liberation. People don't see how destructive the cave in has been. They really don't (or is it won't?)..

    PressTv and RT are not friends of 'The West', but at least they're not UK publicly funded.

  • Comment number 40.

    If one moves to a new community if it is civilized it is inevitable that it will already have an established system of local governance, but if you are not willing to assimilate it may appear to you that it's a closed-shop. In fact, if you refuse to assimilate, you may well feel discriminated against. But what if the problem is just one of self-centeredness? What if your failure to assimilate is the real bar to social inclusion? Those who refuse to socialise in this way often behave in a paranoid manner, i..e asserting that others are excluding them, even persecuting them. They're like spoiled children, prone to tantrums when they don't get their own way. If they band together to subvert the status quo, you have a problem. We have had just such a problem.

  • Comment number 41.

    The following piece of news seems to me like a very sensible idea:


  • Comment number 42.


    If thinking is what matters and I told you I didn't think much of what you 'think', whose thinking does matter? Yours or mine? Should perhaps a competition be organised among the politicians and the public and see who wins? I know it's not going to happen on the official level but if I lost I would accept the results, would you? Or would you insist on changing the rules, which you seem to have been doing all along, tb02, etc?? I seem to have lost the count of the number of names you've been using since I started writing on this website.

  • Comment number 43.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.


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