
±«Óãtv BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Wednesday 25 November 2009

Sarah McDermott | 14:39 UK time, Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Newsnight has won a gong at the MIND Mental Health Media Awards 2009 - you can watch our winning film about .

And we've also been voted Political Programme of the Year in The Political Studies Association 2009 awards. You can read and watch our political editor, Michael Crick's acceptance speech this Saturday on the .

Tonight we look into the claims by the Tory party - and counter-claims by the Labour party - that Hizb-ut Tahrir has close links with a charity which runs two schools and has received public funds. We'll be trying to get to the bottom of the row.

We have an exclusive investigation into the new generation of safe, affordable and mass produce-able nuclear reactors that the government hopes to introduce across the UK. Newsnight's Meirion Jones and Justin Rowlatt have visited Finland to see the type of reactor that it is hoped could be replicated in Britain - but what they found was a facility three years behind schedule and billions of pounds over budget. What does this mean for Britain's nuclear future?

Phillip Blond, the self-described 'Red Tory' opens his new think-tank ResPublica tomorrow. So what is Red Toryism? How much of a departure is it from Thatcherism, and to what extent does David Cameron embrace it?

And are we seeing the demise of Wikipedia? That's what a new report says. What does that mean for the ideals of the democratisation of the internet - and how can you sustain a popular web phenomenon.

Join Jeremy at 10.30pm on ±«Óãtv Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    A HUGE Congratulations to the Newsnight Team!!!!! :o)
    Look forward to tonight's show too

  • Comment number 2.

    not that there is much competition on political news. its either NN or AM.

    talking of strange charities can you look at brown blair and camerons patronage of the jnf that has polices that would be illegal here?

  • Comment number 3.


    I think 'Matt' from Daily Telegraph made a cartoon of your post #17 from last nights NN blog (in todays Telegraph).

  • Comment number 4.

    Interesting chat on Wikipedia going on here at the technology blogl

    Also, on a side issue, interesting revelation at the Iraq Inquiry about Chemical Weapons. You can understand why the Americans wanted to go that week if they felt that the chance of a chemical attack on there troops was lessened.

  • Comment number 5.

    ±«Óãtv and Cameron trying to hide the really important news behind fear of Islamic fundamentalism again, its a bit sad when a senior UK MP has to appear on Russia Today to get his political point across to the UK public.


    and in the " free world "

  • Comment number 6.

    In the piece with Gavin, Tim Lott and Mark Oaten, on depression amongst MP’s, TL stated he would “find it hard to vote a minister or prime minister who suffered severe mental illness.â€

    1. NO-one gets to vote for a minister or prime minister.
    2. If depression is classed as a severe mental illness, I am not sure what category we place schizophrenia, bipolar, severe personality disorders etc in.

    One of the biggest pitfalls of ‘live discussion’ interviews in the age of the internet is that an item with poor choice of word/phrase/definition made on the hoof in a split second will STAND in the public domain for a long time and perhaps become accepted as correct.

    Perhaps the relatively recent re classification of depression, supported by medical staff and sufferers to a ‘mental illness’ may come back to bite.

    This is no way to belittle the issue, the illness? or sufferers. But to point out that language and categorising/labelling everything to within an inch of its life can be counterproductive.

  • Comment number 7.

    I shouldn't imagine they're likely to ban me because if they do, I shall let the the high places know as I have done this morning.

    I sent off my objections about unwarranted interferences with the running of the ±«Óãtv and of Newsnight in particular, as well as my objections to having some of my posts deleted to the Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr John Bercow, to the Leader and Deputy Leader of the House as well as to Mr Cameron.

    I don't particularly mind my post at #84 having been banned though because it does touch on very personal issues and as long as all the parties concerned have access to it I'm happy to leave it at that.

    I'll probably send a seperate post in a few moments which will deal with some of the NN bloggers.

    I shall definitely carry on sending my ditties, Streetphotobeing. Thank you so much for asking me to do that.


  • Comment number 8.

    on the islamic school thing i saw andrew neil lose it on the daily politics.

    for a bit of balance a recent example of jnf sponsored talk had a speaker with 'history'.

    ..In a series of lectures organized by Caravan for Democracy, a project of Media Watch International and the Jewish National Fund.....

    Eitam, known for controversial political views, made headlines in 2006 when he called for the expulsion of Arabs from the West Bank and the Knesset. "We will have to expel most of the Judea and Samaria Arabs from here. We cannot live with all these Arabs. We will have... to remove the Israeli Arabs from the political system,"

    Eric Lankin, chief of institutional advancement and education at JNF, said the organization was not concerned those statements would compromise his effectiveness as an advocate for Israel. "What really unites all of our speakers is that they speak the truth," he said....

    brown blair and cameron are patrons of the jnf. how do they square that with human rights for all? is the jnf model of statehood something they wish to promote in the uk?

    more importantly it just looks like cameron is a biased witness? only picking on set of extremists? which is what the islamcists will say? how does that help the promotion of human rights for ALL.

  • Comment number 9.

    7 to those in heaven

    him - mim

    Good on the ditties - inject fire power
    concentrated intensity into every word
    until it becomes more so and everything
    else is 'just a falling away'

  • Comment number 10.


    As I never cease to highlight, the Westminster Citadel 'draws its own' by advertising itself to be dishonest, disgraceful, dissembling, deceitful and duplicitous (that's just the 'ds'). Only individuals with markedly 'adjusted' personalities are going to survive in such an atmosphere. As for thriving, and rising to high office, extremes of aberration are required; and the antics of incumbents speak loudly of such, to those few outside the lie, who know how to 'listen'.

  • Comment number 11.


    "Presentation was imaginative." Can anyone on the NN team tell me WHY information needs IMAGINATIVE presentation? Is it because the self-selectd NN audience have been barely lured away from Mr Blobby and Jordan's puppies? Or is it that you are all juveniles, having a ball, at the mental expense of seekers after information with gravitas?

  • Comment number 12.

    #7 update


    As promised, here are a few of my thoughts on some of the NN bloggers who to me are somewhat deranged, to say the least. They include jj, newfazermk2, barriesingleton, cookieducker, jauntycyclist, wappaho, bubblgumtriffid and junkkmale.

    It's enough to read things like #66 and from #79 to #83 to realise that there is something seriously wrong with their heads and contents of their trousers. The worst problem is that they do not realise that there is something seriously wrong with their heads and the contents of their trousers.


  • Comment number 13.

    Whoops!...I left the link out.


    I think the cartoonist 'Matt' from Daily Telegraph made a cartoon of your post #17 from last nights NN blog (in todays Telegraph).

  • Comment number 14.


    Caroline Hawley's piece was partly shot through that bogus bloody gas-lamp AGAIN. Or is a Hackney'ed Carriage lamp? That would be fitting. Are you now going to win an award every 15 minutes?

    Where were the foot shots? Where were the obscurantist pillars - the slow focus - appearance round a corner. You might as well have run the full, banal gamut - this IS Newsnight.

  • Comment number 15.

    #12 Mim

    'They' say when you think you are going mad, you're normally OK...but when you think everyone else has gone mad...it's time to start worrying!

  • Comment number 16.



    In my list I forgot to include #brossen99.

    Apart from that I've just noticed that the bullets that were previously present with all the posts, are now missing, not that this should make much difference as after all it was only a symbol, a sign and not an expression of anything real, really.


  • Comment number 17.

    Bravo to Newsnight for having won the MIND Award! Although I quite frequently complain about this and that item, I know that if not for Newsnight I may still be in hospital as a 'mental' patient having more 'innovative' treatments experimented upon my brain and body.

    I shall quickly reiterate that on 13 April I was whizzed off to Queen Mary's, Roehampton. Once there I immediately asked for a Tribunal which I consequently won, a rare 'treat' apparently, with immediate release and thus being able to attend the Media Society Gala evening at the Landmark Hotel in Maida Vale to celebrate Jeremy's Award for outstanding contribution to journalism in 2008. I sometimes wonder if one of the reasons for my forced whizzing off was not largely to do with that particular evening.

    Talking of mental issues, this morning Dr Jennifer Wild of the Institute of Psychiatry was quoted on the ±«Óãtv front page as saying that the GPs should restrain themselves from treating their patients with drugs and encouraging them instead to use psychological methods whenever possible to which I replied:

    'Dear Dr Jennifer Wild

    I couldn't agree with you more but it is not the GPs who insist on drug taking but the psychiatrists themselves. I know something about that as I have had a few opportunities to watch them 'treat' their patients.
    In a few cases by simply talking to patients I've managed for them to feel better and go home, etc. I know it sounds a bit of a boast but this can be checked. It's all on record.

    Please do not give up about the overuse of drugs on psychiatric/psychological patients but if I were you, I would start with your colleagues first.'

    Thank you to the kind minded members of the Newsnight team for your help with getting me released from the clutches of particularly one psychiatrist at Queen Mary's.


  • Comment number 18.

    Here's a quick ditty for Streetphotobeing
    Before tonight's Newsnight's beginning
    On which they are planning to talk
    Of nukes as well as Westminster folk.


  • Comment number 19.

    Bravo, also, Newsnight Team, for the other award!

    I still have to see the Judges' comments about that.


  • Comment number 20.

    The solution is so very, very simple ....

    No funding whatsoever should be given to any school that segregates by way of faith, belief or religion. .... Period


  • Comment number 21.

    Who was that Tory fella?.. he was like Michael Gove on steroids.

    They have a dream:

  • Comment number 22.

    The idea that knowledge should only be shared and added to for PROFIT belongs in the 80's.

    Wikipedia is probably the most important knowledge base since the Encylopaedia Brittanica.

    Knowledge is power... profit is for the selfish and the stupid

  • Comment number 23.

    I love wakopedia...I get all my misinformation from it.

  • Comment number 24.

    I don't know a great deal about economics and I've heard of externalities (positive or negative) now can that angry author dude have written the book he has without having done so.
    I couldn't help wondering if he was hoping we'd pay him to go away.

  • Comment number 25.

    @ JAPerson #20 - I've always wondered why there has been government funding given to religious schools anyway. Perhaps it's time government funding was taken away from all faith schools.

    @Cookieducker #21 - I think his name was Lord Hunt........

    Bumper edition of Newsnight tonight - from Jeremy's discussion with:
    Ed Balls v Paul Goodman on the faith school funding fiasco to
    Danny Finkelstein & John Redwood on Phillip Blond and then the Wikipedia debate. The guy on his laptop had the entire place laughing about how he wouldn't clear the rubbish in his neighbourhood as it didn't benefit him......

    Superb stuff :o)

  • Comment number 26.

    @ Hardylane #22 - Wikipedia is hardly the most reliable source of information on a subject is it? Anyone can go on there and write anything, even if it is complete rubbish. As for knowledge being "free" - there is no such thing. If it was, then there would be a lot of unemployed teachers/professors etc....

  • Comment number 27.

    barriesingleton wrote:

    "Presentation was imaginative." Can anyone on the NN team tell me WHY information needs IMAGINATIVE presentation? Is it because the self-selectd NN audience have been barely lured away from Mr Blobby and Jordan's puppies? Or is it that you are all juveniles, having a ball, at the mental expense of seekers after information with gravitas?


    When you have between 2 and 5 minutes for a package that runs into a discussion, you dont have time for a long winded and really boring diatribe. It needs to be short to the point and interesting.

    Good presentation with imagination can get over information far more quickly and efficiently than somebody just waffling along for a while.

    So, thumbs up for imaginative presentation!

  • Comment number 28.


    And one more for you my friend
    Before retiring to bed
    Or armchair in fact these days
    Where better my sleep pattern ways


  • Comment number 29.

    I found the guy who thought all the information he shared carried a 'price' rather sad and shallow.

    He shouldn't have agreed to give an interview. Wonder what he charges per word?

  • Comment number 30.



    Viewed outside the context of 'the game' I agree with you wholeheartdly, but in view of '2 academics' expecting others to work for them for free, I appreciate what the young man meant and wanted to say.

    I'm in the process of composing a ditty for you, Brightyangthing, but shall send it separately.


  • Comment number 31.

    Here's the ditty, Brightyangthing

    Although I've woken up well before three
    I'm feeling bright and relaxed and could go on a spree
    But then all is now closed so I'm therefore instead
    Writing for you this ditty once you get out of bed.

    Hope that you have slept soundly and well
    And that you are also feeling as swell
    Ready to live out there in the world
    And see me perhaps once I have twirled

    One never knows. You might be in London.
    If this is so, please do pop in to see me at Queen's
    And after my twirls we'll go for a meal.


  • Comment number 32.

    In fact, Brightyangthing, the 2 academics have been fooling everybody for years now either at other people's expense or that of the taxpayer. And not only the taxpayer of this country, no, the global taxpayer.

    How they've been allowed to get away with it for so many years, begs a lot of questions but then isn't there a saying 'it's never too late' which can easily be applied to all kinds of situations, not only to situations expressing hope. Well, in fact, in this context it could mean hope for the taxpayer's purse, for example.

    Madam Mim

  • Comment number 33.

  • Comment number 34.

    Anybody read this funny story...

    Wouldn't have made much difference would it, what about all the millions of cows in India, I suppose they don't give off methane!

    But I suppose it would improve our imports, all that milk, cheese and meat coming from around the world. ; )

  • Comment number 35.

    I've just found out from onet.eu, confirmed as per:

    that a huge fire broke out this morning in Peckham, London, in Sumner and Rosemary Road.

    I suspect that the fire was deliberately started by the spies/traitors I have so frequently warned the authorities about who revel in using scare 'symbolic' tactics for me to give in to their whimsical and pathetic 'dreams'. Fat chance, I say, but why is it taking so long to do something about them?

    Who is in charge in this country? Not Gordon, obviously. Nor Pete the Mandy neither, unless he is behind this, one never knows. After all they do call him a reborn Machiavelli.

    How many more people are to die and to suffer for nothing?

    It's not that I haven't given enough warnings about the creeps!

    Madam Mim

    P.S. Should Mr John Sawers wish to contact me my details are with the Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr John Bercow, as well as with Newsnight.

  • Comment number 36.



    I like your non-story. Makes one think, doesn't it?


  • Comment number 37.

    #35 update

    brossen99's link at #33 might provide a clue to the fire event

    Madam Mim

  • Comment number 38.


    You're the Guru!

  • Comment number 39.

    #35 further update

    barriesingleton's #38 is also worth taking note of

    Madam Mim

  • Comment number 40.

    @Ecolizzy #34 - I've got a giggling fit after reading that article! No wonder they've been going on about becoming vegetarian....

  • Comment number 41.


    I note that, like World Leader Brown, wild follower Balls has no cognizance of the proscribe/prescribe distinction. Might this be why extremism is being prescribed for schools, while in matters financial, truth and wisdom are proscribed?

    Never mind honour - competence would be a place to start.

  • Comment number 42.

    But Gurubear, #27

    Isn’t that just the point about a programme like Newsnight. If it’s covering a story it should be much more than just a 2 – 5 minute flashing lights, whistles and sequins . We can get that from the ±«Óãtv breakfast sofa.

    I would like to see more clean, clear, concise, easily understandable, well presented reporting and debate around NEWS ISSUES that matter to us all in a format that appeals to a younger possibly LESS intellectual demographic.

    BUT I seriously believe it should be presented as SERIOUS NEWS, and not ENTERTAINMENT. There is already far too much FACTION and DOCUDRAMA out there muddying the waters. I seriously believe it is counter productive to deliver NEWS in too a sensational manner

    I don’t too much mind if it is imaginative (but doesn’t imagination correlate rather strongly to seeing that which may not be there) , but gimmickry should be ruled completely out.

  • Comment number 43.

    #34 Ecolizzy
    I thinks that’s a much more damning indictment of ministerial malaise than the expenses scandal. But it gave me a laugh and I needed one of those this morning. Cheers!

  • Comment number 44.


    What can I say, Brightyangthing?
    Once again I'm with you on that 100%!
    Hope you have a great day.


  • Comment number 45.

    Excuse me did anyone bother to watch the part of last nights programme concerning Eds new nuclear build plan?
    This says everything, modelled on the new Finish reactor, design faulty according to the commentators( no the safety executives) 3 Billion euros overbudget , inoperable until 2012, three years late. The company Areva(french of course) who in cahoots with Cogema/EDF dumped radio active waste/slurry from the french Uranium mines all over their beautiful countryside, especially around Limoges the worst examples of pollution, reservoirs in particular,under new building plots carparks in fact anywhere they saw fit.....
    And of course now British Nuclear Fuels has been bought and is controlled by EDF/Areva.Accoringto the minister whom Jeremy challenged of course Lord Hunt... formerly NHS with no experience or expertise in Nuclear Energy claimed that by 2017 a similar new plant to the Finnish, which is unfinished will be uo and running?

  • Comment number 46.


    goodness Mr Goodman seemed a bit hysterical? if they get in will the tories be a witch hunt government?


    not convincing was it?

    What is Conservativology?

    what is their model of man and thus the state?

    lets look at the reality. whoever pays donations gets their way. what philosophy is that? Prostitution?


    a central database that speeds up searches is a good public service. many hands make light work.


    when are the trials?

  • Comment number 47.


    Had me wide-eyed in amazement at this adaptable administrator; sent me straight to my dictionary of rhyming slang.

  • Comment number 48.

    I think you may find some interesting options among Motor Racing annals of the mid 1970's.

  • Comment number 49.

  • Comment number 50.


    Oh, Brightyangthing, could you advise me where I can get hold of the mid 1950's ones?

    I'm going back on ice to practice my sit spins now.


  • Comment number 51.

    Mim #50
    Do you mean motor racing annuals?
    If so, best place I can think of would be a certain auction site starting with E ending with Y with a BA in the middle. That or Goodwood (Revival) site, but mostly traders at the Revival Meeting in mid September rather than the main site.

    Any special interest?

    We do the Revival every year. Cars from the 1920's to 1960's over three days and 60,000 - 100,000 visitors many in period dress. My hand is up.

  • Comment number 52.

    The nuclear power part of the programme (14 mins to 26 mins) worries me much.
    I foresee a scenario where a desperate dash to get new nuclear stations built will be poorly overseen by health and safety authorities encouraged to administer a "light touch" approach. The contractors won't be technically capable of delivering the high standards for complete safety because they will be the cheaper variety of contractors (probably imported labour). All buildings will over run their build time and their cost budgets but by the time this is revealed the stations will be half completed and so unstoppable.
    Its a mess that's still in the unopened jar at the moment and with a fraction of the money for nuclear spent instead on a broad spread of renewable energy projects, coupled with a serious energy conservation programme we could have a lot of the required power delivered to us far sooner, on time and with no safety risks attached!


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