
±«Óãtv BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Monday 19 October 2009

Sarah McDermott | 16:59 UK time, Monday, 19 October 2009

Hamid Karzai lacks enough votes for an outright win in the Afghan elections. That's according to the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) who have ruled that 1.3 million votes from August's election are invalid. Under election rules, Mr Karzai now faces a run-off against rival Abdullah Abdullah - an outcome that the Afghan president has been fiercely resisting. Tonight our Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban will be outlining what all this means, and Lyse Doucet is in Afghanistan and plugged in to the Kabul rumour mill. Lyse has also been speaking to a representative from the ECC. We'll have interviews with the major players as we ask what's next for Afghanistan.

It is 49 days now to the crucial Copenhagen climate summit. In one of a series of pre-meetings, the Major Economies Forum is in London today, bringing together 17 of the world's biggest greenhouse gas-emitting countries. Our Science Editor Susan Watts will be giving us her analysis of today's events and we'll hear the view from China, the US and from our own Energy Secretary, Ed Miliband.

And Sir Ludovic Kennedy the legendary writer and broadcaster has died at the age of 89. He is perhaps best known for his relentless pursuit of miscarriages of justice and was a familiar face on ±«Óãtv Two on Newsnight's predecessor programmes. We will be remembering him.

Do join Jeremy at 10.30pm on ±«Óãtv Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    50 days to save the world, with pathetic soundbites like this does Gordon 'the Greek' Oracle understand the damage he does to trying to get the UK population believe that Man is responsible for climate change?.

    As for asking Ed Miliband onto NN is also a massive own goal, our so called Energy Secretary should have been sacked ages ago.

    Mankind must be impacting the environment, but then so do Volcanic eruptions and of course the worst offender the Sun (not the newspaper).

    I once met Ludovic Kennedy, as a writer I greatly admired him.

  • Comment number 2.


    In our Liberal-Democracies - shucks, we can't force private sector energy companies and industries to cut emissions as it's, errr undemocractic/unconstitutional you see.

    But you Chinese etc statists, you can insist all those coal-fired power stations cut back, because you are dictators.....

    Human Rights stuff, it applies to Public bodies.... hmmmm

    Global Warming and Human Rights: A way to slow/cripple Chinese (and other statist) growth/GDP whilst safeguarding what's left of anarchistic Liberal-Democracies?

  • Comment number 3.

    frrom mimpromptu

    I'm now in a park called after Queen' Dad
    With the sun being by some clouds now clad
    It's lovely and peaceful sitting on a bench
    Away from all humbugs peddling all their stench.

    to be continued

  • Comment number 4.


    The World has Britain led by JG Brown to guide it nowhere; Britain has ±«Óãtv's Newsnight led by a relentless search after new effects and studio expenditure to tell it nothing; Newsnight has Susan Watts reporting the bland consensus with no critical inspection from wider knowledge to leave it no wiser.

    Let joy be unconfined.

  • Comment number 5.

    hain and the bbc

    can hain explain how brown blair and cameron can be patrons of the jnf and still support human rights for ALL?

    thought not.

  • Comment number 6.


    Mr Hain is an avid anti-'Nazi' campaign, which is just a little bit odd for a statist (let's nationalise the means of production) Labour Party politician if one really thinks about the statism which was true Old Labour.

    That aside, does anyone see even a hint of racism or ?

    Now, this is tough cognitive link, but bear in mind the Lisbon 53 article Human Rights FCHR applying to PUBLIC SECTOR bodies too.

    See the anarchistic pattern?

    What government party was the 1974 Race Relations Act brought in under, and who was behind it, and why?

    Thinking caps time?

  • Comment number 7.

    afghanistan isn't based on reason so there is no end game. its based on a false belief that breeds a false narrative. We never invaded ireland or the usa even though the ira had support structures there. but suddenly we now think this is exactly what we should do. start invading any country that have support networks. given the uk is AQ europe HQ shall we invade ourselves?

    why does afghanistan have to have a greater level of democracy than we do? we cannot elect our head of state. if doing so is a greater security against becoming a failed state than why do we not have it? is it because its a load of bullocks?

  • Comment number 8.

    We're going to rue the day we ever let the anarchists into the country in the 1890s. Out of a naive belief that they were being 'persecuted' (instead of thwarted) we then brought self-destruction upon ourselves as did the USA.

    Anarchism - good for business/deregulation, but very bad for states.

  • Comment number 9.

    Gordon Brown bleats that we only have 49 days to save the planet but what message does it send to China and India when his collective government hasn't even got the nouse to suspend all traffic calming projects. Ed Miliband also knows about the increased CO2 and pollution linked to asthma, the latest stats are 82% extra CO2 and 37% extra NOX.

    Lancashire County Council are pushing ahead with a major traffic calming scheme for the Edisford / Henthorn area of Clitheroe which includes " speed cushions " on the bus route. The Lib-Demmics are campaigning against all the humps ( one hump is right outside a key Lib-Dem's house ) but want a " less pregnant " ( 10% increase in pollution ) 20 Mph speed limit. However, under the latest rules you can't have a 20 Mph limit without humps unless you use Average Speed Cameras at 150 K a pair. Its not worth the cost but perhaps Tory controlled LCC will introduce the humps just to spite the objecting local residents who voted in a Lib-Demmic ( with the help of UKIP ) by just three votes to beat the Tories at the last council elections.

    Perhaps this is the sort of thing you get when you have got a prime minister who can probably only read large print reports specially prepared for him by dubious civil servants ?

  • Comment number 10.

    given gordon has blocked every attempt to bring in a feed in tarrif and letting foreign multinational energy companies milk the british people as cash cows he hasn't any eco moral high ground?

  • Comment number 11.

    Ah, Climate Change, again.

    This is getting to be a habit.

    I think I'll give Newsnight a miss, again.

    My Licence Fee is due, soon; around the time of the Copenhagen summit. Hmm.

  • Comment number 12.

    bookhimdano (#7) "afghanistan isn't based on reason so there is no end game."

    Afghanistan borders Iran as does Pakistan, as did Iraq. Iran not like Zionist Entity. Pakistan not invaded as has nukes. Simple?

  • Comment number 13.

    from mimpromptu
    I was so tired I missed one of my fav. programmes
    The one with Jeremy where from his chair
    He asks the students and probes their minds
    To correct answers for us to provide.

    Well, I did catch the last four minutes
    Jeremy's tie was of colour blue
    The rest of it, don't have much clue
    Being quite desperate to go to the loo.

    But now with my bladder empty and comfy
    I'll see what's happening in the big and wide world
    Following which yet one more word
    May send in a ditty dotty or lofty.

  • Comment number 14.


    Some heavier reading for those bored by light-touch NN.

    Some groups fight for their own, others just don't have a clue what they have thrown away under the influence of the former.

  • Comment number 15.

    JJ and BS

    You guys should get out more.

    The autumn can be rather pleasing to the eye y'now, better to appreciate that than sloshing around in the labyrinthyne intellectual realms seated in humanities delusion of its own self importance.

    No good will ever come of it.

    You may as well sit outside calmly and watch the leaves drop off the trees fior all the good it will do, you will feel much better for it and will probably interact more positively with the world as a result.

    Occasionally you get to see a squirrel run up a tree also, which is far more of a delight than any words I have seen written here, ask any three year old the truth of that.

  • Comment number 16.


    There has been an interesting development on the Copenhagen front: it turns out that Lord Monckton has discovered that the draft treaty contains plans to introduce a form of one-world government.

    This smacks of backroomdoor-ary. You can forget about carbon and taxes: this is the real agenda.

    I trust the Tories will not let matters rest there: Lisbon could turn out to be a picnic by comparison.

  • Comment number 17.

    Jericoa (#15) On the other hand, maybe you should stay in more and try to improve the quality of your contributions to blogs? ;-)

  • Comment number 18.

    from mimpromptu
    Well, Streetphotobeing, I did see some interesting news
    Concerning Obama’s forthcoming views
    On how to progress in a non-China style
    I shall now stay at my laptop for a little while.

  • Comment number 19.


    "labyrinthyne intellectual realms seated in humanities delusion of its own self importance."

    Good to have you with us Jericoa - at least YOUR spleen has a semi-rational quality.

    I rely on my delusion of self importance to continue on my pointless journey from unsought birth to inevitable death. Many with less conducive brain chemistry than I, are cheated of the ability to pretend life is good or of the banality not to care either way. Personally, I am unable to discriminate between exercising the brain (as in jousting on the NN blog) or walking the rivers, parks and fields of Newbury and environs - both of which I do with equanimity.

    So: while my intellectual labyrinth continues to be suffused with the chemicals of acquiescence, I shall continue - perceptively deluded - on course for my death (of which, indeed, no good will come!)

    Do call again. (:o)

  • Comment number 20.


    "Part of the purpose of this meeting was to narrow down some of the differences." 49 days and counting Ed. A little more urgency perhaps?

  • Comment number 21.

    #19 from mimpromptu
    Mr Barrie Singleton
    Personally, I can't help feeling happy, now that I'm twirling my own way, rhyming with no training, just like that, out of a hat and sensing that I do have at least a few appreciative recipients, with some of them expressing their appreciation directly /it's all on record/. Until relatively recently I didn't really have a clue I had it in me.
    It's not a question of knowing that all will end in a coffin or in an urn, it's a question of how to live and share before the final inevitability awaiting us all. Besides if only you knew what Streetphotobeing knows, you wouldn't be giving jj active support but at the same time I know you're of a completely different make up altogether and it's good to hear that you out and about in the parks and fields of Newbury with an equanimity to making sure that your intellectual chemicals are functioning in an organised and creative way.

  • Comment number 22.

    from mimpromptu to Streetphotobeing
    Eleven past five, I’m back at my laptop
    Knitting more words to send you, Streetphotobeing.
    Today’s promising to yield insightful, ripe crop
    Ready for gathering, but first more spinning,

    Twirling and gliding I’m planning to do
    Once back at Queensway at half past two.
    Or maybe earlier, maybe at noon,
    Or earlier still, maybe quite soon.

    Streetphotobeing, have the mods put you off so much by not accepting your post of yesterday afternoon that you've given up on sending more? Hope not! If I were you, I'd complain to the Chairman of the ±«Óãtv, Sir Michael Lyons about it. Since I've done so virtually all my posts have been accepted. But, as you may know, I do have other ways of publicising my thoughts anyway so unless I really break house rules, they might as well be accepted. After all, I do not send venom like some of the other Newsnight bloggers.

  • Comment number 23.

    from mimpromptu to ecolizzy
    Following our recent correspondence I'd like to raise a couple of consequential points:
    First of all, it looks like the BNP's leader will be able to express his opinions which can then be challenged by the studio participants on Question Time this week. So it seems to have gone your way.
    And the other point is that after having asked the President of the USA a direct and open question of whether he was a murderous type Maoist, I have now had a reply confirming that this is not the case. In fact, on my ditty at #18 instead of using 'non-China style', I should have used 'non-Maoist style'. After all, there must be millions of Chinese people yearning for open democracy in their country. And anyway, 'non-China' may have for some individuals symbolic connotations of having something to do with 'fine bone china' and that's obviously not what I meant.

  • Comment number 24.

    from mimpromptu
    According to the ±«Óãtv news this morning, two former heads of the Army, i.e. Sir Michael Jackson and Sir Richard Dannat, as well as Major-General Sir Patrick Cordingley and former Chief of Defence Staff Lord Guthrie have issued a statement expressing their concern about the reputation of the armed forces being tarnished by right-wing political 'extremists' with the implication that it is to do with the BNP. I have been suspecting all this for a long time now though I would add to the list a few nutcases who seem to be getting away with 'murder', as they say, manipulating whoever and whatever they 'can lay their hands on'.
    I still think that it would be an ideal opportunity for Nick Griffin to appear on Question Time to be grilled about all this in public by the public, as well as by the other panellists. The title of the piece that deals with this info is "'Extremists hijack' military name".

  • Comment number 25.

    barrie (#19) Excellent!! Wish I'd said that!

  • Comment number 26.

    I'm a bit confused about this.. perhaps someone here knows.

    I thought all the MoD houses were sold off at a low price to some big property company? So why don't they instead of the MoD incure the cost of upkeep? Why do they make the profit and we pay the care? Oh that's the same as the banks isn't it?

  • Comment number 27.

    Has New Labour etc had quiet words to rally the troops? It's odd, as the Generals are supposed to be apolitical in their official capacity, as are all public servants. If the BNP is doing illict things, that has to be investigated, and stopped, fair enough, but even there, the law can not discriminate for or against political parties in a free society surely? Or, ? Teh BNP is not, I suggest a real threat. The real threat is that its appearance on Question Time is likely to make the false-choice between the three main anti-statist (anarchistic) liberal-democractic parties much more apparent to the long deceived British public. The real has long been Old Labour .

    Note, SPIKED - see history, see their 'about'.

  • Comment number 28.

    Sorry another question from me this morning. Someone, I believe on here mentioned percentages of when a country gave up it's identity.

    Now as we have 6.6 million new foreign people here, in the last few years, almost 11 per cent of the population, when does loss of identity happen here? Someone said there were steps on the way to lose of national identity, e.g. 10 per cent indicated one thing, 15 per cent something else, etc.etc. Of course as we are mainly speaking of England, just what is the percentage of foreign people in England?

  • Comment number 29.

    ecolizzy (#28) "when does loss of identity happen here?"

    It depends what one has in mind when one thinks of 'here'. That 11% is not equally, randomly distributed across the country. It is concentrated largely in the South-East, so, in London it is creeping up towards 50% and in some of it's boroughs in the lower age group, it's more like 70%. In other words, in some areas the indigenous Britons (whatever they are) are the minority group, and talk of BME groups is an egregious nonsense. That is how this subversion, and it really is discrimination against White British, is played. It is not that most White people have anything against so called BME groups, it's that it really does seem to them that these groups are being discriminated in favour of, and the White British against. Yet how often do we hear that taken up as a cause by the Equalities people?

    When Peter Hain was on, I thought it was obvious that race was just a subterfuge, as one can see how all this anti-racism lark is really a ruse to advance anarchism. There are lots of Blacks and Asian Britons who will think the same way. It isn't really about race in the end. Anarchists used a different ploy in the 1890s through 1930s. Today they have just found a new tool in the political box. I repeat, in the end, this is not about race, it is about breaking the state which is an obstruction to shady, exploitative, i.e predatory business practices.

    You are, I think, tapping into some of these in several of your posts. Keep it up. We may not be able to stop it, but we may collectively be able to help blow away some of the mist...

  • Comment number 30.


    Hi Eco! I venture to assert it is established that Westminster is populated by fools and knaves. There is plenty of proof that personal 'advantage' is routinely accrued by those who take decisions, but as I have said before: British corruption is of a high order; none of that foreign muck. (Here I should 'declare interest' as a Private Eye reader.) When confronted by the sort of (outwardly) barmy situation you have linked, it is time to 'follow the advantage'. If, however, it leads nowhere, then some fool dun it.

    It all comes back to Westminster governance and its dismantling. Whether we find one individual who by a series of chance events (genetic, nurturing, schooling etc) has become whole, centred, mature, competent and compassionate (whom I designate 'hero') or install JJ's self-moderating group of dedicated Whitehall functionaries, is of no account. We need a focus for action. But the self-perpetuating pustule that is Parliament, which pops from its follicles the like of Blair and Brown, to lead us into deluded folly, HAS TO GO if we are ever to see an end to the bizarre practices under a supposed 'civilised democracy' - such as you have pointed up.

    As an electorate we are almost totally emasculated. The Westminster pustule is self healing. Wound it and the breach closes over. The outer appearance may change, the odour might sweeten and the noises become less harsh; but the core ethos remains. The ballot box has lost all but a few wild optimists + the slavish party-belongers + the totally gullible; democratic suffrage at its most degraded. I still see no other route, at the coming election, than to vote-in independent candidates, in the hope we can SPOIL PARTY GAMES. One small step.

    Sadly, I am beginning to feel as inefficient an 'onshore wind' when I need to be as viable and constant as Moon-driven tidal power.

  • Comment number 31.

    Jewish Marxism predicted the collapse of capitalism in the most advanced industrial societies first, and these were , Germany (we know what happened there) and the USA (crash 1929). How better to help that process along other than through a mass injection of shock troops via immigration under the guise of refuge from 'religious' perecution? Amidst all the genuine poor, and destitute Jews, were the anarchists (later to be called Bolsheviks).

  • Comment number 32.


    I am prompted by JJ's telling post: "When Peter Hain was on, I thought it was obvious that race was just a subterfuge"

    For the angry personality, there are various ways to salve your pain. One is to blog on here with vehemence, and spleen (my approach) another is to get into a position of power and 'show them you are somebody'.

    Hain, like Blair, Brown, Thatcher et al, is fighting his demons on our lawn. Westminster embraces such driven individuals - they belong. But what they can (and do) do to millions of people in the name of 'governance' is dire.

  • Comment number 33.

    barrie (#30) One of your best!

  • Comment number 34.


    1) Who is chairing this (see ethnicity)
    2) What is the context viz hissy fits over BNP?
    3) Why are there not more women and BME group members in Parliament etc?

    Assume equality (the Null Hypothesis is the starting point in research).

    Randomly sample from all ethnic groups, not just in UK, but abroad in their home countries.

    Use culture fair IQ tests which are logically tests of logical-spatial reasoning, basic to maths etc.

    Supplement with tests of the best in universities. Do across world. Do so at 15 years of age too. (PISA).

    This has all been done, for years. Guess what? Dramatic mean international ethnic differences show up.

    Now, say you encourage immigration. Are you likely to cream off the brightest of the foreign countries or those less able to do well over there?

    Now, test male-female IQ too. Note that men come out brighter, especially marked in the upper tail.

    Now - start talking about targets in public positions where women and BME members are to be proportional to population frequency (50% and 11%).

    See a problem?

    If you don't see the problem you are either a) not very bright or b) an anarchist. Either way, endorsing proportional representation of the above sort will damage Public Sector delivery, which is precisely what this is all in aid of I suggest. It is in a word. SUBVERSION.

    Do I expect anarchists/subversives/free-marketeers to agree. NO! Why? Because it is against their interest/agenda to do so.

    The logic and empirical evidence is sound.

    Discuss - preferably rationally ;-).

  • Comment number 35.

    barrie (#32) "Hain, like Blair, Brown, Thatcher et al, is fighting his demons on our lawn."

    You focus too much on people's imaginery inner life - i.e psychology. What matters is behaviour. Those people have an impact on everyone's behaviour via their anarchism/wrecking. It is political destruction of state regulation we are witnessing, and it's in favour of the free-market.

    Simple? Or am I wrong? If so, I can't see it.

  • Comment number 36.

    hain did not explain how his leaders patronship of the jnf that discriminates on race is some kind of good or has honour?

    no one seems able to explain how patrons of the jnf cameron brown and blair is compatible with human rights for all. should they be banned from the bbc?

  • Comment number 37.


    what happened to bbc investigative journalism?

    these days the [i'm worth a 100 journalists] bbc comes across as just a place for people to trough the licence fee? this they call 'talent'. in one way it is. but is it praiseworthy?

  • Comment number 38.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 39.

    from mimpromptu

    Alice who helps me socially is coming along
    With me to have a chat, to see how I’m getting on.
    So I have just prepared some coffee and bits
    To make it all pleasanter while with me she sits

    Talking of dittying and twirling and Jeremy Paxman
    How are you getting on up in Birmingham?

  • Comment number 40.


    Hi JJ - thanks for various approval and, indeed, 'direction'.

    Regarding: "You focus too much on people's imaginary inner life + Simple? Or am I wrong? If so, I can't see it."

    There is little doubt (in my 'world') we are each 'writing about what we know'. Where we differ, is that what you know, disproves (for you) the validity of what I know. However, I think a strong 'JJ response' to your last sentence might not go amiss?

  • Comment number 41.


    VERBATIM FROM WEBSITE "Welcome to the National Black Police Association
    The NBPA is open to all in policing on application, there is no bar to membership based on colour."

    There are 19 bars in The Palace of Westminster but they all mediate against rational, joined-up regulation. 'Do as thou wilt' shall be the whole of the Westminster Elite law.

  • Comment number 42.

    #6 jaded_Jean

    "Mr Hain is an avid anti-'Nazi' campaign, which is just a little bit odd for a statist"

    It was probably even odder that the "statist" Labour Party is and was very proud to have fought the Nazis in WWII.

    Even worse the "statist" Soviet Union was invaded by the "statist" Nazis.

    Perhaps you are off at a bit of a tangent from the rest of the world ...

  • Comment number 43.


    barrie (#40) "I think a strong 'JJ response' to your last sentence might not go amiss?"

    I'm all eyes and ears, 'up for it', 'bring it on' ...etc etc.

    To the best of my knowledge (and believe me I've looked for it!) there is no refuting evdience. There are just people who don't even know the evidence that I'm aware of and who insist on telling me what they ignorantly believe and when I knindly correct them they throw hissy-fits (aka narcissitic rages sometimes ever so cleverly disguised).....

    grrrrrrrr ;-)

  • Comment number 44.

    #29 jaded_Jean

    "one can see how all this anti-racism lark is really a ruse to advance anarchism"

    Gosh do you think that some of it may be to do with racism and thats why people decide to use the phrase "anti-racism". If you are in the majority you don't need to pretend do you?

    As stated many times before according to your own definitions the BNP themselves are anarchists as they are "not a Nazi Party" and they are only a "nationalist party" as say the SNP are - though the SNP have no racist entry criteria.

    Therefore there are no non-anarchist political parties in your view.

    Of course the BNP could be telling porkies ... some may suspect that to be the case.

  • Comment number 45.

    #34 jaded_Jean

    "If you don't see the problem you are either a) not very bright or b) an anarchist. Either way, endorsing proportional representation of the above sort will damage Public Sector delivery, which is precisely what this is all in aid of I suggest. It is in a word. SUBVERSION."

    As your pal Hitler used to say the masses will believe the big lie rather than the little lie.

    But not the stupid lie.

    When you say that people who do not endorse your view are not very bright did you want to identify the long list of academic establishments that back your views? Are they not very bright.

    If you try to claim then they must be bright anarchists then you must of course note that the BNP is "not a Nazi Party" and therefore they are anarchists.

    So are they anarchists or are they in fact - shock horror - National Socialists.

    If people can't see the problem with a racial policy that takes no account of the fact that the scientific evidence shows that there is greater genetic variation within a race than between races I would suggest their intelligence is not the issue. The far right is obsessed with their seventies image of knuckle dragging hooligans - though did you see Panorama last night. But Mengele was clever. Heim was clever.

    The Nazis weren't hated because they were stupid but because they had a mindless xenophobia and they were evil. Evidence is the Nuremburg trials, the Holocaust, and of course circa seventy million war dead - many civilians.

    As for subversion its generally seen to be "something that subverts or overthrows". Its very hard to subvert democracy by using democracy.

    National Socialist tyranny overthrowing democracy via the far right dream of a race war could be seen more fairly as subversion.

  • Comment number 46.

    #35 jaded_Jean

    "It is political destruction of state regulation we are witnessing, and it's in favour of the free-market.

    Simple? Or am I wrong? If so, I can't see it."

    You are terribly, terribly excited aren't you! I suppose you are dreaming of of cute little flags and arm bands like your Hungarian counterparts.

    In a democracy its quite reasonable to be in favour of a smaller state.

    Some would argue that because the state owns such big chunks of the banks and regulation of the financial markets in fact state regulation has increased.

    But a neutral not used to your rants may observe that you can't "see" the Holocaust and you think Hitler was a peace lover and that those who dare criticize him are "anarchists and Trotskyites who do so far party political reasons".

    In other words your judgement may not be quite as impartial and well balanced as you imply.

    Now click your heels or something and try not to get so excited.

    Remember there is probably only going to a short window before people start to scrutinize what the BNP are really all about.

  • Comment number 47.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 48.

    #34 Jaded_Jean

    The logic and empirical evidence is sound."

    Forgot to add that you mean "sound" like your Holocaust "agnosticism" statistics?

    The statistics that have never shown up at any war crimes trials and you won't take them yourself to the Djemjanjuk trial as you "aren't an expert witness"? I always mean to ask you to expand on that. I suspect you mean incompetent.

    Are these the kinds of statistics that Irving used in his failed attempt to defend his Holocaust Denial views in Austria?

    Is this the same logic that tries to prove evidence of racial differences when in fact all of the genetic science shows the truth is otherwise?

    Are there hordes of academic establishments queuing up to back your various racial views?

    No! Ha ha!

  • Comment number 49.

    As has been pointed out many times the far right endlessly rail against anarchism.

    In Spain in the civil war anarchists and Trotskyites were shot with gusto. World War II was more obviously a bloodbath for those that opposed Hitler. Even the "statist" Stalinists lost twenty five million. They claim they respect Stalinists.

    According to these far right creatures an anarchist is basically somebody who is not a "statist" - so essentially that means people who aren't National Socialists and Stalinists.

    So are you an anarchist as they are looking for votes in the short run?

    After that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see where they are going.

  • Comment number 50.

    thegangofone (various) You appear to be in an today.

  • Comment number 51.


    thegangofone (#49) "According to these far right creatures an anarchist is basically somebody who is not a "statist" - so essentially that means people who aren't National Socialists and Stalinists."

    1) Nope, far-right=anarchists
    2) Don't leave out as statists. They are the real target of all this ire.

  • Comment number 52.


    In his statment to the Lords he remarked that Royal Mail only made 1% profit. But aren't Public Services supposed to a) provide Public Services and b) jobs, rather than be run for profit? Once a Public Service is judged in terms of how profitable it is, we might as well have the country run by ..errr.... White Rabbits and Mad Hatters.

  • Comment number 53.


    Just in case the non-academics missed it the first time, .

    There are a number of hard-nosed researchers who hold this to be true on the basis of a wealth of empirical evidence. Attentive readers of this blog will now be a little more familiar with some of it, i.e it will be starting to seem a little less 'academic'.

  • Comment number 54.

    No mim just been busy.

    The last post was an ice skating coaching link
    Don't know guess it might be seen as commercial.

    More driving in murky weather.

  • Comment number 55.


    While driving around been wondering how our world would look had Heron developed his steam engines and created the Industrial revolution two thousand years ago and the Library of Alexandria not been destroyed. And we still had the work of Phidias, Alcamenes and Agoracritus :

  • Comment number 56.


    Let's get some history and politics clear.

    1. In WWII, Germany, Italy, Japan and even the USSR, were initially fighting a common enemy - Jewish Bolshevism and its anarchistic economics.

    2. Germany wanted an alliance with Britain and the USA against International Socialism - i.e Jewish Anarchism. Stalin was not 100% in control, he was not a dictator, Democratic Centralism is a from of democracy! People talk of Obama and Brown as if they were dictators!

    3. Germany, like Italy ran a left wing government. It was statist. This is much like post WWII Old Labour and the People's Republic of China today.

    4. Our angry, retired, Generals, like those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, have been fighting for anarchism on behalf of Neocon aka libertarian politicians. They are politically naive. They are supposed to be.

    5. Freedom means freedom from the state in Liberal-Democracies. Human Rights applies to Public bodies. This is designed to cripple them. It makes them unworkable. This is why NGO used them agaisnt the USSR and PRC for ****'s sake! Now they are being used domestically to break up Britain etc into NUTS. Climate change emission targets work the same way, they are anti-statist. This is all being used against the statist world, namely the SCO and those who want to join it (e.g. Iran, Pakistan).

    The BNP may have some daft ideas about race, but they are not altogether wrong in seeing a threat in International Socialism aka The Socialist International. What they oppose is not Jews per se, but age old political Jewish Anarchism/Bolshevism, which works to topple states, just as it did Russia in 1917. Germany used Jewish ANarchism to get Russia out of WWI, ie. off their Eastern Front. Even Churchill said that in 1919 in Hansard! Look it up. Hansard also says that the Russian revolution was Jewish.

    The propaganda which you are hearing is from the three liberal-democratic aka anarchistic parties, not from the BNP. The BNP is just confused.

    I repeat, the membership restriction on the basis of race is daft, there are plenty of Black and Asian Britons who think what is happening to Britain is wrong. The BNP should restrict membership so that their constitution bans anarchistic Bolshevist, and neocon behaviour.

    In fact, as I have said before, it may as well adopt the as that was essentially National Socialist/Stalinist. It was drafted by Michael Young..

  • Comment number 57.

    Copenhagen Climate Summit.

    So what did your guests actually disagree on ?
    I couldn't work it out , but there again maybe I missed the nuances of disagreement between them.

    Here is Lord Moncktons , he seems to hold a clear difference of opinion on the issue.

    Anyway, I figure I can not be alone in thinking there is more to this subject than I am being told , why else would our government spend money on what some people might call ?

  • Comment number 58.

    from mimpromptu

    Thank you for all the links. Conernimg the one about ice-skating you could just mention the name and I could look for myself.

    The icedog was waiting when I arrived
    So couldn't twirl to what I planned
    But kids gave me praise, nevertheless,
    Which pleased me more rather than less.

    On getting home I'll have some snooze
    Following which I'll make some soup.

    Take care while driving

  • Comment number 59.

    mimpromptu (#58) Lots of first person pronouns in that one. Are you self-centred/obsessed?

  • Comment number 60.


    If you click the link 'Coaches' on the National Ice Skating Association website that's it.

  • Comment number 61.

    If they don't allow that post above click cut and paste the link in my first post on Fridays NN and I'll give it to you on flickr.

  • Comment number 62.


    Referrin' to Jaded Jean post @ 56 above, I note the followin' remark:
    "Our angry, retired, Generals, like those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, have been fighting for anarchism on behalf of Neocon aka libertarian politicians. They are politically naive. They are supposed to be."

    All I can say is that those BNP chappies need a spell in the armed forces, bondin' with some fine, patriotic, fighting men and wimin, while showin' Johnnie Foreigner what we do to those who want to bring their alien ways to these islands. The British are a superior breed (always have been always will be) who believe in tolerance. Intolerance will not be tolerated - it will be stamped out wherever, in the world, it shows its ugly face. Do I make myself clear?


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