
±«Óãtv BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 22 September 2009

Sarah McDermott | 16:44 UK time, Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Tonight we'll be hearing what our Science, Economics and Diplomatic Editors make of today's crucial international gathering in New York.

One hundred world leaders are meeting ahead of December's make-or-break conference in Copenhagen aimed at approving a global climate change treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol.

Our Economics Editor, Paul Mason will be live in New York and our Science Editor Susan Watts will be assessing the chances of success.

And Jeremy will be speaking to Tony Blair who is also in New York about the obstacles to an international agreement.

Plus, shortly after President Obama's UN address on climate change he'll be hosting talks with the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. Our Diplomatic Editor, Mark Urban will be watching for signs of a break through.

Also tonight Paul Mason reports from the small, working class town of Clairton, Pennsylvania, famous as the location for the 1978 film, The Deer Hunter. He asks what America needs to do to reinvent itself.

And to complete the set, our Political Editor, Michael Crick is at the Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemouth, from where we'll be speaking to Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg.

Do join Jeremy at 10.30pm on ±«Óãtv Two.


  • Comment number 1.


    "And Jeremy will be speaking to Tony Blair who is also in New York about the obstacles to an international agreement."

    Might one of the most serious obstacles to ANY international advancement, be that the UN saw fit to install a delusional visionary (who felt moved to abandon one subset of monotheism for another) as ENVOY TO THE LAND OF MONOTHEISM? That is 'The Holy Land' where the One God has engendered such a mess, that it will need an even greater god ever to it sort out?

    Will the fearless Paxman Probe, go within a diocesan-mile of such things?

  • Comment number 2.


    Oh dear. Obama has caught Tripartitis - probably from ('let's bomb Iraq' Blair, who gave us choice triplets as crass cause for war)

    What is more: DIFFICULTY is no excuse for COMPLACENCY. UNEASE is no excuse for INACTION. And we must not allow THE PERFECT to become the ENEMY OF PROGRESS. (I can't help feeling there is a typo in that last one - please let there be a typo!!)

    I see the above as tripe-art at its best - on a par with Tripy Blair himself - and about as tripe as it gets. Obama is the New Brian, follow the Holy Tripe of Barack. Singing la la la la . . ..

  • Comment number 3.

    "He asks what America needs to do to reinvent itself."

    I don't suppose he's any of the people who are ? We even have a knocking about , but what do the facts matter when someone can opine in an interesting way?

  • Comment number 4.


    Please do not forget Baroness Scotland. This really is quite an extraordinary story. After all the furore over MP and Lord's expenses we appear to have an Attorney General who believes she is above a law she incepted.


  • Comment number 5.

    from mimpromptu
    I wonder, Newsnight Moderators, whether you would kindly allow me to post a slightly modified version of my ditty from this morning with a couple of lines added at the end?
    Here it is:
    Streetphotobeing, today is Tuesday
    And on Newsnight, let’s hope, more of a loose day
    For Jeremy to be able himself to portray
    Rather than acting for creeps disarrayed

    By their self-importance while hiding in holes
    They must never forget they’re dealing with Poles.

    ‘Cos Poles to be sure are made of hard stuff,
    You can’t scare them away with threats and pif-paf.
    ‘Cos Poles to be sure of hard stuff are made,
    You’ll never be able to turn them to slaves.

  • Comment number 6.

    mimpromptu (#5) Is this an example of Polish mating behaviour?

    ..I thought someone should ask. ;-)

    PS Does it work?

  • Comment number 7.


    I tried it JJ - all I got was splinters.

  • Comment number 8.

    Perhaps its the easy option for the Chinese to offer concessions on CO2 emissions as part of a forthcoming climate change deal at Copenhagen. After all its pretty expensive to extend the national electricity grid to villages in remote rural locations, the residents will never miss what they have never had. Far cheaper to install solar panels or build a local wind turbine, the intermittent power will be better than nothing previously, or the expense and maintenance of a local diesel generator.

    China can afford to sit back and watch western nations shoot their economies in the foot in a futile attempt to reduce climate change. After all China wants to secure its strangle hold on global manufacturing, which it can theoretically grow unhindered if seen to be taking token measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

  • Comment number 9.

    More 'climate change' lunacy, I see.

    I don't think there has ever been a greater mass-movement ripe for psychiatric study than this delusional behaviour.

    It truly is pitiful.

  • Comment number 10.


    Jeremy's interviewing technique did not impress tonight.
    "She's banged to rights isn't she!" You are blowing this out of all proportion!"
    "She's a Law Officer!" "Not as if she has done anything really serious!"
    "How can we trust her with anything?" "You are just scoring a political point."

    How much are we paying again?

  • Comment number 11.


    As the Baroness turned from the press pack, she gave her hooter a thorough massage. Clinton went for the nose at a key moment - remember?
    Was it something she said?

  • Comment number 12.

    Jeremy on top form again tonight! Firstly with Tony Blair - when Jeremy pointed out that his own record in government was so poor, as he had , failed to fulfil his 3 manifesto commitments increase renewable energy to 10% and failed to do so. Jeremy also pointed out that carbon emissions were higher when he left office than when TB took office. However, the best was TB being told that he was a "do as I say and not as I do." All this and then a follow on with Nick Clegg and then the Baroness Scotland fiasco. Outstanding stuff :o)

    Also loved Paul in Pittsburg & Michael's sacred cow/prime cut slot too.

  • Comment number 13.

    Oh dear, the Lib-Demmics were talking about our environment for over an hour this afternoon but perhaps an engineered total news blackout on the proceedings. I suspect that it was all the usual eco-fascist nee Corporate Nazi welfare state for the stock market parasites claptrap rhetoric. Even Andrew Neil " conference watch " conveniently skipped over it, good speech from Chris Hulne but perhaps pretty hollow coming from a former stock market parasite.

    The US union rep on Paul Mason's report made an excellent point about our global environment. Perhaps its a bit ironic that western pollution free as humanly possible heavier industry stands to be sacrificed on the altar of climate change only to be replaced by further expansion of really dirty Chinese and Indian industry.

  • Comment number 14.

    from mimpromptu
    Streetphotobeing, missed Newsnight tonight,
    Must have been tired, or something like that.
    It’s just bang on midnight, oh, it’s Wednesday now
    More twirling and dittying, with another row

    For us to face, despite the all the creeps
    We’ll see who finally is the one who weeps.
    I wept for my father, the one who begat me,
    And for my mother who failed happy to be.

    Such can be life, alas, difficult to know
    What’s waiting ahead if one’s not in control
    Of one’s own strengths and weaknesses alike.
    Enjoyed I a lot Jezza’s talk to Mike.

  • Comment number 15.

    from mimpromptu re: her dad's date of death:
    It was 18 October 1978, not 17. I'm tired because of the creeps.

  • Comment number 16.

    The US union rep on Paul Mason's report made an excellent point about our global environment. Perhaps its a bit ironic that western true pollution free as humanly possible heavier industry stands to be sacrificed on the altar of climate change only to be replaced by expansion of really dirty Chinese and Indian industry.

  • Comment number 17.

    #14 from mimpromptu
    re: second stanza's first line should read:
    for us to face despite all the creeps

  • Comment number 18.

    Hmm nothing worth commenting about for weeks, and then like busses along comes three...
    Why is Tony Blair being given air time, after the mess he left behind. It would be preferable if he hid in the same place as his buddy Bush. How many innocent people lie dead because of their crusades?
    What was the point of the Pali-Israeli-Yankee, photoshoot?
    If Obama was serious about pprogress there, all he needs to do is threaten to withdraw financial support to the Zionist occupiers.
    The global warming tax raising scam is becoming boring.
    I've just come back from a nice trip to Ireland. The wife's relatives come from Cork, on the coast looking out to the Fastnet lighthouse. I got there in my 1988 Passat that does 60mpg on a run. I didn't achieve that this time as I was towing a caravan. It still achieved 37mpg! Better than many current production cars, and so having economically performed for 21 years, and saved the production of maybe 5 cars; it should be recognised as a 'green' car by this gov't if it is truely environmentally concerned. Please give me a road tax bill to match.
    Sorry I've strayed off my point slightly...
    In Ireland I quizzed the locals who have been launching their boats off the same quay for 60 years. I asked them if any of them had noticed any of the querky lumps, bumps and rocks had dissappeared under a rising sea level, seeing that their harbour is attached directly to the Artic and Antartic ice melts? "No" they replied.
    Looking up Polar satellite data from Illinois University,whose observations go back to 1979, it can be seen that Artic Ice cover varies every year from about 17 million square miles down to 3 or 4. This is mirrored in the Antartic. This summer and the last have seen the minimum ice cover of 2007 gradually restore. Next summer will be interesting, to see if the trend continues. The Antartic has over recent years actually been increasing above it's 1979 to 2000 average. So minimal overall effect in total world ice cover and no sea rise from the 1 million sq mile overall temporary deficit.
    Finally, we all know there were ancient cities now in arid environments. Were they wetter during unknown periods of global 'warming' and small polar icecaps or during times when more water was trapped in ice. A strange paradox it would appear...

  • Comment number 19.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 20.

    #14 from mimpromptu
    I meant to say Spike instead of Mike, but in fact Mike is equally good as far as Jeremy's interviews go

  • Comment number 21.

    from mimpromptu
    my first limerick:
    It will be most interesting to hear
    When Brown in Parliament appears
    What he’ll have to say for himself
    Before being laid off to a shelf
    With his cronies running with fear.

  • Comment number 22.

    Strugglingtostaycalm (#9) "I don't think there has ever been a greater mass-movement ripe for psychiatric study than this delusional behaviour."

    Seems so doesn't it?

    But these days with all these dissenters, Care In The Community, and hedging over in NYC and beyond.

  • Comment number 23.


    Newsnight poetry, Name That Cat etc - is this yet more to obscure rational analysis and discussion or is it the result of humanistic Care In The Community? Is there any functional difference judged in terms of outcome?

  • Comment number 24.

    from mimpromptu
    a follow up to #21
    Then Blair comes up with defence of jj
    It's as stupid as that, the long or the short
    Whom will get Madam Mim to act as her escort?
    Well, it's neither the first, the second or third,
    None of them Madam Mim is taking to bed.

  • Comment number 25.

    mimpromptu here, again, just in case #24 doesn't go through
    Then Blair comes up with defence of jj
    It's as stupid as that, the long or the short,
    Whom will Madam Mim get to act as her escort?
    Well, it's neither the first, the second or third,
    None of them Madam Mim is going to wed.

  • Comment number 26.


    David Miliband has risen to new heights of fatuous fantasy, today, in stating that Britain should keep its NUCLEAR THREAT (my words) on the grounds that WE ARE A RESPONSIBLE POWER. Were he meaning 'responsible for the destabilisation and despoliation of much of the world, over hundreds of years', I could agree with him. However, I presume he means BEHAVING RESPONSIBLY in the modern world - and that he BELIEVES the implicit assertion true!

    Well Mr Miliband, here is my assertion. Any nation that has a political system that could elevate a DELUSIONAL NARCISSIST such as '5-WARS BLAIR' to 'Nuclear Capability' is ABOUT AS IRRESPONSIBLE AS IT GETS. Furthermore, he nurtured YOU, another man full of his own beliefs. Until Britain pays close attention to the underlying motivations, and foibles, of those who gain high office, we should be QUARANTINED; put under supervision; totally prevented from meddling in world affairs.

    The Westminster Charade, frozen in time when men carried swords (and women did not demand their own) is incapable of RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE.
    Until it is brought down - perhaps by an influx of integrity in INDEPENDENT candidates - we shall remain a danger to the world.

    Having a NUCLEAR BOOT to move round the Globopoly board, makes jumped-up little nobodies feel extremely 'somebody'. Miliband D is a prime example.


  • Comment number 27.

    Who was that guy presenting Newsnight last night, and what have you done with the real Jeremy Paxman?

    Your presenter last night might have looked a bit like Jeremy Paxman, but I can't believe he was the real thing. The real Jeremy Paxman is well known for asking tough questions of the politicians he interviews.

    Now, with a Labour minister attempting to defend Baroness Scotland on the programme, there are some obvious questions that the real Jeremy would have asked. When told that Baroness Scotland did indeed check the documents but merely failed to photocopy them, the real Jeremy would have asked: "What documents?"

    Given that Ms Tapui was in the country illegally, presumably the documents that Baroness Scotland claimed to have seen showing she was entitled to work here never actually existed.

    The real Jeremy would have spotted that instantly and asked searching questions until he got an answer. Can we have him back please?

  • Comment number 28.


    I was musing on another thread that the atmosphere might vary in its capacity to hold water, Markonee. We know the ones taught at school, but being an 'Electric Universe' signupee myself, and aware that the Sun's electrical activity is variable (and currently 'active', I am wondering . . .

    I have never looked-up a figure for water held in atmosphere (ref: sea, ice and rivers/lakes). Perhaps I should?

  • Comment number 29.

    mimpromptu (#24) "Then Blair comes up with defence of jj"

    I appear to have missed that bit, care to enlighten me?

  • Comment number 30.


    I neglected to point out that the 'Permanent Five' of the Security Council, ALL have a Nuke Card. This allows players to enter, annexe, or just sit at home and be offensive to (axis of evil etc) all nations of lower 'holding'. As I have said before: the few ninnies elevated by parochial governance (where the board ends at national boundaries, and people are pawns) cannot wait to move onto the Globopoly board and shove their country around it, trying to 'win' in terms of 'legacy' and (Obama's favourite) 'History'.

    Come in now children, there is jelly for tea.

  • Comment number 31.

    A bone of contention? Propaganda? A rally of the troops? Or what it said on the tin (like WMDs)?

  • Comment number 32.

    Why are the Labour government utterly morally bankrupt? I find it incredible that no-one will resign when they have made a very bad mistake, thinking of "Baroness Scotland". She introduced and wrote the law so cannot be ignorant of it, so why doesn't she resign? I see various restuarants and nail bars fined every day, but usually £10,000 a person. I suppose they didn't keep photocopys!

    If she had chosen to employ a "British" person who spoke english, she would not have had any problems. There are probably 6 million available for work, couldn't she have found one of us to work for her. Why did she chose another foreign person, are they so much better than British people?

    I couldn't bare the shiney, smug, I'm right face of Tony last night so switched off.

    Please, please can we have a general election! And will one of the parties at least mention the problem of mass immigration?! No thought NOT!

    And what's happened to this blog?! I always learnt something here, but now it's gone all cuddley! : (

  • Comment number 33.

    ecolizzy (#32) "Why are the Labour government utterly morally bankrupt? I find it incredible that no-one will resign when they have made a very bad mistake.."

    Cuddly people sometimes serve as censures/censors.

    When is the Labour Party not ?

    Answer.. when it's the New Left. Here's what .

    Did they (like Militant Tendency) come to destroy Old Labour, not build it in Britain? If not, why the alientation of the TUC, why the funding by you know who, why the abandonment of Clause IV etc etc? Why all the obvious devolution/Balkanization/Internationalism?

    Am I missing something? I have no axe to grind here, but surely the 'entryism' is ? Is the welfre state being built or destroyed? Stalinist USSR was a big welfare state, that's all.

  • Comment number 34.

    I drive a million miles to get home and like a saddo i watch NN in the wee small hrs, you won't find a more loyal viewer. I do have difficulty with the blog dance though.

    Cut back some: Ditty pt 1

    I think I'm gonna start making up my own laws, breaking my own laws and then fining myself. If i could just claim 170k on housing allowance that I'm not entitled to, i think i could be up there with the Baroness...then I'll have the funds to pay...er the fines. Question: do i pay the fines to meself?...sounds like win! win!

  • Comment number 35.

    Original - not cut:

    Its good that our collective leaders of this earth are working through the 'new world order' agenda, the slow but steady incremental steps towards that global Govt thing. I do enjoy their 'save the planet' mantra. Well actually I'm not enjoying it at all. Can the greeners please give it a break and get a proper job...there starting to really annoy me. The 'experts' and Al Gore with his lunatic highly paid followers are on as solid ground (or melting ice shelf) with their planet warming theories as 1950s Doctors telling us the health benefits of smoking cigarettes are real because it has been proven...scientifically!..okey! got it? good...God, that was a poor analogy.

  • Comment number 36.

    tony looks a bit rough?

    tony's govt blocked every bill trying to bring in a feed in tariff when nearly every other major country had one.
    Tony was architect of light touch regulation in the uk and market fundamentalism that allows energy companies to ripp the uk people off. Still no apologies over that or iraq where brits are dying for a level of democracy principle we do not have here [we cannot elect our head of state or all the members of parliament]. No wonder, as perhaps the most disastrous PM ever for the uk, he spends his time in exile?


    Israel cannot deliver the settlers and abbas cannot deliver hamas. Obama could just stop funding israel then it couldn't oppress anyone. Occupation is expensive.


    were they not illegals working in westminster ?

  • Comment number 37.

    Jew/economy reference removed:

    Darwin's theory of evolution: I'll buy that...because its an easy one to except. Cheers Charles! good one that! we never doubted you buddy.
    Life on other planets: I'm happy to believe that intriguing theory...and even more so because you had a creature from the planet Lizard on screen tonight; sitting in a Yank studio looking remarkable like our previous Prime Minister. David Icke would've gone mental if he'd watched this. Whoever's doing the lighting in the New York studio, get it sorted! because Icke' already getting the video of the Blair interview analysed for prove that lizards are running the worlds economy, lets not encourage him.

  • Comment number 38.

    #33 Jaded_Jean

    Where do you start when rubbish is written on an epic scale.

    Old Labour was basically Stalinism - minus seventy to a hundred million killed over the decades. There was a capitalist system and not a planned economy. Old Labour was an ally of the US and Uncle Joe wasn't.

    I take the references to "they" to be more of your hideous perceptions of a "Jewish Communist International" that is not based on evidence. Previous pathetic attempts by yourself include statistics that are based on nonsense. You have previously produced "statistics" that support your Holocaust "agnosticism" and show that Jews are in good jobs and earn money.

    But then Jews have been in the UK since circa 500 AD and so you would expect that they would do better than more recent immigrants.

    If you have an analysis on people with brown eyes being in well placed social positions it does not mean anything whatever as its just a characteristic.

    But lets cut through it - this is your usual "explications" to take readers "on a journey" that will end hey presto with the fact that you revere Hitler and would replace democracy with National Socialism, eugenics and so on.

  • Comment number 39.

    #32 ecolizzy
    "Why are the Labour government utterly morally bankrupt?
    And will one of the parties at least mention the problem of mass immigration?! No thought NOT!"

    Well as you regularly have a tete a tete with Jaded_Jean you must have noticed that that poster is NOT the BNP and is not a Nazi. However that poster is in favour of national socialism, reveres Hitler and would like to see more coverage of the BNP.

    The BNP itself is "not a Nazi Party" but a nationalist one. Its supporters simply revere Hitler and want National Socialism. Nationalists should logically be considered to be "anarchists and Trotskyites" by them.

    I recall that you don't like visiting London due to the racial mix as you felt it alienated you.

    An "utterly morally bankrupt" Labour - worse than the BNP I wonder?

  • Comment number 40.

    #13 brossen99

    "I suspect that it was all the usual eco-fascist nee Corporate Nazi welfare state for the stock market parasites claptrap rhetoric."

    So you aren't going to call them "anarchists and Trotskyites"?

    They will be so disappointed. I think the BNP call them that - and everybody else who is not a National Socialist.

  • Comment number 41.

    I suppose this little head has rolled.. To save the bigger one of Scotland, and the biggest Brown. : (

  • Comment number 42.

    #3 Jaded_Jean

    "We even have a few knocking about over here, but what do the facts matter when someone can opine in an interesting way? "

    The facts?

    You are somebody who alleges Hitler was a "peace lover" and you are "agnostic" on the Holocaust.

    Old Labour was much the same as Stalin and and Stalinism and National Socialism were much the same? Ever hear of Stalingrad, the Battle of Britain and so on?

    There is in your world a Jewish Communist International?

    Facts? When do ever use them?

  • Comment number 43.

    In Germany

    'The NPD reportedly sent 30 of them letters advising them to "go home".

    One recipient said the two-page letter contained a "five-point plan" for "moving foreigners gradually back to their home countries".

    The letters were signed by a non-existent "commissioner for the repatriation of foreigners".

    "We are investigating whether there is a suspicion of inciting racial hatred," said Martin Steltner, spokesman for the Berlin state prosecutor's office, quoted by Reuters news agency. '

    Does Germany have a more realistic attitude to the crime of inciting racial hatred or do they apply the law using common sense when in the UK we are too slow in our reaction?

    Over there Holocaust denial is a crime - I am not sure how they handle those that pretend to be "agnostic" though.

  • Comment number 44.

    On Pakistan whilst I applaud recent successes against the Taliban/al Qaeda in the Swat Valley and the North West Frontier there does not seem to be any feedback coming out about the pursuit of the Mumbai controllers?

    Perhaps there is in fact an information flow with India over the matter that is discreet but if so I assume LET may have direct or indirect links to ISI and so would have an idea of how hard Pakistan was looking for the controllers?

  • Comment number 45.

    the go1 is awaiting moderaration:

    my money is on the BNP, the holocaust, Nazi, and JJ quotes. I study the form.

  • Comment number 46.

    On the UN it would seem greater cooperation between the US, Russia and China may potentially yield greater dividends in promoting stability and cooperation.

    Clearly people can see the progress that is belatedly being made on the overwhelming scientific agreement on climate change - made on the basis of fact and not wild speculation.

    But might we also start to see better progress on other intractable problems like Darfur, the two state Middle East solution and of course the war against al Qaeda.

    Not imperialism carving up the world - just an outbreak of common sense at a very timely moment as we approach the rapids of carbon shortfall, resource shortage and climate change impact.

    Perhaps like David Attenborough they will also address the very thorny issue of a potentially infinite human population and finite resources.

  • Comment number 47.

    thegangofone #40

    Corporate Nazi is a general term to describe anarcho capitalist Trotskyites to the general public, but I don't know where you get my BNP association from. In any case it would appear that the BNP have changed many of their policies since getting elected to the EU and appear to have sold out to the Corporate Nazi's in most areas. Perhaps the Corporate Nazi's intend to rig our flawed democracy at the next general election by using the BNP to split the " patriotic " vote in combination with UKIP.

    Why do you foolishly think that I am personally a BNP supporter, last night I took the Google Political Compass test.

    The result was two thirds left slightly liberal, perhaps placing me in the territory of Joe Grimond's original Liberal Party. The nearest historic political figure to me was Gandhi.

  • Comment number 48.

    ecolizzy (#41) He's gone in protest that she's still in the job has she not? The bottom line is that her office (job) should have been protected whilst she was in post. It is not her, but the her office which has been damaged. This shows me that all is not well with the state. What makes it worse is that

  • Comment number 49.

    thecookieducker (#45) "my money is on the BNP, the holocaust, Nazi, and JJ quotes. I study the form."

    His 'hysterical' Axis II verbal behaviour is just another illustration of why so many people didn't (and still don't today) believe the emotive tales told in December 1942. See #31 above, any more than people today believe the WMD stories about Iraq, Syria, 'the perils of Global Warming', Bird Flue, Swine Flu etc etc which we are constantly bombarded with and abused by zealots when we voice scepticism and respond with reason. Go1 never responds to rational challenges. His ilk rarely do. They can't.

    Care in the Community has gone way too far.

  • Comment number 50.

    Having formed the opinion that this particular wing of the asylum had irrevocably fallen into the hands of the lunatics I decided to abandon ship and go and do something else more interesting like walk the dog. But I could not stay away, not even the cut and paste rantings of Go1 nor the dreary doggerel of mimpromptu prevented me from ‘just a quick look’ this morning. It seemed relatively peaceful. A good laugh from Barrie early on boded well (I’ll do the response in the next post Barrie, I fully expect it to get blogdogged) but I forgot to check the clock. It was pre-13:00 and Go1 had yet to return from his shift and start spouting his predictable clap-trap again. Never mind, JJ is always there to provide the antidote and, looked at slightly sideways, Mad Mim has a certain amusement value. Apparently having been abducted by aliens and seriously interfered with she is now suffering from paranoid delusions that everybody in general wants to bed with her. Let me assure you Mim, nobody in their right mind would want to do such a thing – so steer clear of Go1 and be careful of a few others round here.

    It is a pleasure to have re-acquainted myself with JJ’s stoicism in the face of overwhelming stupidity, Barrie’s incisive wit, Cookieducker’s sense of fun and Ecolizzy’s common sense.

    It’s great to be back.

    Now – about the Great Climate Change Swindle, what do we blame the Little Ice Age on? Mankind not lighting fires much?

  • Comment number 51.

    Barrie #7


    Response: Only if you use a wooden pole. Boom-boom!

  • Comment number 52.


    50. At 3:42pm on 23 Sep 2009, you wrote:

    That's new! Not sure I like that, isn't is supposed to be anonymous round here?

  • Comment number 53.

    Postscript (#31) Gadaffi, in his UN speech today, makes some fair, but obvious, points about the currently undemocratic structure of the UN having led to regional security councils such as the SCO, S American, African, Asian etc. He referred to the present Security Council as a Terrorist Council asking why the African union doesn't have a permanent seat.

    Any suggestions?

  • Comment number 54.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 55.

    Postscript (#53) He has asked for 7.7 trillion in looted assets through colonisation to be returned to Africa, and if it isn't returned, the Africans should, he says, go and take it back!

  • Comment number 56.


    Come on in Cookie - the waiting's lovely. Currently #47-59. Has JJ lost her magic?

  • Comment number 57.

    The nearest historic political figure to me was Gandhi. Ha,ha, snap Brossen! I wonder if all the comments waiting to be modded, have answered your quiz as well, and the mods can't decide what to do!

  • Comment number 58.

    Gadaffi wants to know why an 'Israeli' (Ruby) killed Oswald and was then was killed himself by someone who then died, asserting that JFK wanted to have the Israeli reactor investigated... He covers quite a lot. No doubt he'll be called a 'mad dog' for all of this.

    Israel predictably gets a bad press. :-(

  • Comment number 59.

    Some things never change. 2 hours plus to 'pre-moerate'! Hardly conducive to a lively exchange. C'mon blogdog you can do better than that.

  • Comment number 60.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 61.

    Ecolizzy #57

    I was very slightly to the right of Gandhi but just above the authoritarian baseline. (Work that one out Go1!) I must try harder.

  • Comment number 62.

    In case someone asks Who's .

    Look for a transcript. I bet it's part of a double-act with Ahmadinejad. We will just get Obama's carefully scripted speech covered on NN I fear, but look at who his campaign team comprised and who comprises his staff. People in the Middle East etc will be watching this very carefully. Israel of course is making out that the very heavy Jewish representation in the White House is 'self-hating'....

  • Comment number 63.

    thegangofone (various) Do you not understand how it's the 'liberal' nonsense which people like you have been reinforcing for years which accounts for the exploitation of millions of disadvantaged people across the liberal-democracies, and especially immigrants?


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