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Tagged with: Nigeria

Posts (6)

  1. Supporting media and humanitarian practitioners to overcome communication challenges

    Nicola Bailey

    Senior research manager, ±«Óãtv Media Action

    Supporting media and humanitarian practitioners to overcome communication challenges

    Our projects in Nigeria, Somalia and Ukraine are highlighting the challenges humanitarians face in communicating with communities affected by crises. Our approach is to train humanitarian and media practitioners together, to build an understanding that both have a critical role to play in ensuri...

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  2. Examining awareness of disability in Nigeria

    Manju Gautam and Akunna Penny

    Research officer & research manager, ±«Óãtv Media Action

    An estimated 15% of the global population live with some form of disability - including invisible impairments such as anxiety or chronic illnesses. But the lack of data around people with invisible disability makes it hard to foster understanding and overcome barriers.

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  3. 5 steps to enable health workers to better meet the needs of hard-to-reach communities

    Genevieve Hutchinson and Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi

    Senior Health Advisors, Advisory and Policy

    5 steps to enable health workers to better meet the needs of hard-to-reach communities

    As World Health Day approaches, and as we look towards the first-ever UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage later this year, we’re sharing insights from ±«Óãtv Media Action’s work to help health workers and communities work better together to build a healthier world.

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  4. How we attracted women to our shows

    Anu Mohammed

    Head of Research and Learning, ±«Óãtv Media Action, Nigeria

    How we attracted women to our shows

    We wanted our radio shows about governance in Nigeria to appeal to women and girls – so we asked women in five states to help us make improvements.

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  5. The rise of edutainment: taking stock of the evidence

    Sonia Whitehead

    Head of Research Programmes, ±«Óãtv Media Action

    The rise of edutainment: taking stock of the evidence

    What have evaluations proven about the value of drama and why should the global development community care about media that informs while it entertains?

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  6. Five questions our data portal can help answer

    Sonia Whitehead

    Head of Research Programmes, ±«Óãtv Media Action

    Five questions our data portal can help answer

    There's a lack of data on what ordinary people think, feel and want in developing countries. Our new Data Portal aims to help fix that.

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