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Tagged with: Gender

Posts (7)

  1. Online violence against women and girls in Nepal: what we have learned

    Anju Bhatt and Manju Gautam

    Research manager and research officer, Nepal

    Online violence against women and girls in Nepal: what we have learned

    Cases of online abuse against women and girls have spiked in recent years. However, the legal and policy initiatives to address it do not seem to delve deep enough into the grave and changing dynamics of online violence in Nepal, or how this perpetuates gender-based violence in the offline world.

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  2. How can digital technology empower women without worsening inequality?

    Sara Chamberlain

    Digital project director, ±«Óãtv Media Action India

    How can digital technology empower women without worsening inequality?

    How can we harness the digital revolution to empower women – socially, economically and politically - without creating deeper social and gender divides? Our Digital Women's Economic Empowerment learning in India is examining this question, with fascinating insights.

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  3. Theory to practice: our work in gender transformative programming

    Elanor Jackson

    Gender Advisor

    Our gender advisors delve into the theory and research informing our programming and explores what that really means in practice for women and girls.

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  4. How we attracted women to our shows

    Anu Mohammed

    Head of Research and Learning, ±«Óãtv Media Action, Nigeria

    How we attracted women to our shows

    We wanted our radio shows about governance in Nigeria to appeal to women and girls – so we asked women in five states to help us make improvements.

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  5. Using social ties to make pregnancy safer: insights from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

    Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi

    Health Adviser, ±«Óãtv Media Action

    Using social ties to make pregnancy safer: insights from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

    Following the launch of our Global Health Stories site, Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi explains how influencing mothers-in-law and husbands can help improve the health of mothers and their babies.

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  6. Pointing the needle to a future in which gender is not destiny

    Kathryn Tomlinson

    Regional Director for Asia, ±«Óãtv Media Action

    Pointing the needle to a future in which gender is not destiny

    Kathryn Tomlinson reports back from the 2017 Needle Conference, ±«Óãtv Media Action India’s conclave on media, communication and development. This year’s focus was on gender and the media.

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