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Blood, Sweat and Luxuries: What Can You Do To Help?

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Dana Stevens | 15:56 UK time, Thursday, 13 May 2010

Sam, James and Oscar with the E-waste Kids, Ghana. After reading your comments on this blog, I know that loads of you have been deeply shocked and affected by the living and working conditions in Blood, Sweat and Luxuries. Lots of you - Gill, LilacRose, SammiO and Natasha to name just a few - have been asking what you can do to help. Faced with the enormous scale and complexity of the issues it's easy to feel overwhelmed, so I thought I'd highlight some of the great suggestions some of you have already made and post some links of organisations which you can use as a starting point.

After watching the third episode about coffee, I was appalled to see how hard people have to work just so that I can enjoy a cup of coffee! So from now on, I'm going to try to be much more aware of where my coffee has come from. As jane, elinedj, and Maxine pointed out, buying is a small but positive change we can make.

Shievonne with the ladies of the coffee sorting room, Ethiopia. Find out more about Fairtrade:
The group with locals at the sapphire mine, Madagascar

If the episode about the gem trade has made you think twice about the jewellery you buy, do your own research. As arabel lebrusan says: "If you are interested in an alternative search for ethical and sustainable jewellery. There are different brands out there, especially in the UK, which are working really hard to make a change in the jewellery industry."

Rachel C suggests finding out more about - a group of NGOs and charities that are trying to get the government to create an independent UK Commission for Business, Environment and Human Rights.

As Backspacer, Louise, Susanpat and many more of you pointed out, you can lend your voice to campaigns; write to your MPs, lobby businesses, find out whether your council recycles electrical equipment in Africa and force them to become accountable. Since the election you may not know who your new MP is but you can find out .

Jenny R urges: "If you want to make a REAL difference then allow yourself to be inspired by this programme. Allow yourself to cry over the workers plight and allow yourself to be outraged enough to push for change by lobbying parliament, join fair trade action groups, vote with your wallet and SPEAK OUT! Because our silence can be deadly. We cannot allow this to continue in our time. BE the change you want to see in this world. Think. Act. Change."

Here are some of the organisations that are working to raise awareness and campaigning for social justice:

This is obviously not meant to be a definitive list, as there are lots of charities that are working around the world, many of them small charities focusing on specific local problems. So if you are passionate about a specific subject, search online for one working in that area.

And finally some of you, like Mohammed and wickedauntie, want to know how to get involved in shows like this in the future. If you check the ±«Óãtv Be on a show website regularly you can find information about ±«Óãtv shows, including ±«Óãtv Three, which are looking for participants.

Dana Stevens is content producer for ±«Óãtv Three online.


  • Comment number 1.

    After watching Blood, sweat and luxury's, I like many others would like to sponser a child or family that were working in these awlful conditions. Could the ±«Óãtv put us in touch with a local charity in one of the areas that we could send money direct rather that go to a big charity where we can never be sure where the money goes.

    As the ±«Óãtv has made us aware of these situations could they now set up somthing that could help, i.e a free school in the area of the recycleing dump?

  • Comment number 2.

    I don't know if it has dawned on the youngsters yet, but as well as the workers at the bottom of the heap, WE at the 'top end' are being ripped off too. The goods are costing the companies a pittance - but James, Oscar and all the girls, as well as you and me, are being charged a whacking amount for them. I realise there are some things we simply can't do without, real essentials, but maybe if we boycotted some of the luxury good sellers, then there could be a readjustment all round. Yes, the man at the bottom could be paid more. Yes, the high end consumer could pay less. And yes, the guy in the middle would still make a profit. It just wouldn't be so damn big. And we'd get a fairer world all round.

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi in response to yvonnerobbo I think it's a myth that you don't know where your money goes if you give to a big charity. They all produce really in depth reports about how they've used our money and also where every penny has gone and are subject to really strict rules. The big charities can often make the most difference because they have a loud voice and because they are really respected, and the bigger they are the more people they can help. Yes they have to have offices and produce materials but big charities do an awful lot of brilliant work. You don't need a local link in order to know that your money is helping people who desperately need it.

  • Comment number 4.

    I am very hurt about what is happening in these countries which is simply digusting so that the West can get luxury goods. The young brits in the programme has shown a lot of emotion including tears for their fellowman. This is a good thing. Everytime there is a crisis in the world we all seem to think that by giving money to charity is going to solve it all. I am absolutely sick and fed up of seeing poor people in the world and in either neighbouring boroughs or other parts of the world there are people are stinking rich. When are we going to have some justice in the world. Enough is enough all this has to stop so that people everywhere can enjoy the same quality of life like everyone else. Is that too much to ask for?

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi, after watching the episode on the children in Ghana pulling apart computers on rubbish sites I cannot stop thinking about the boy who needs a catheter changed weekly and his mother said she would have to beg for his operation money. I would like to put money towards his healthcare or cover the costs if I can afford to. If his healthcare has been completed I would love to help him in any other way I could i.e sponsorship or school fees. Could the ±«Óãtv please contact me and tell me how I could go about this as soon as possible.


  • Comment number 6.

    Surely the only difference the ±«Óãtv could make is to stop these so called exploitation programmes and make a donation direct to these areas of extreme poverty

  • Comment number 7.

    Best episode so far in a truly moving series

  • Comment number 8.

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  • Comment number 9.

    I am full of admiration for the group of boys and girls from the UK who took part in this experience. There was moment when I was in tears. This group of youngsters showed us that they have high moral values. Perhaps we need people like them to rule this country. Well done to you all. You are a wonderful, positive example for all those of your generation. The programme showed us that we take for granted so much in the western world. Surely is making us re-think about the things we consume and the suffering and exploitation that there is in the third world. You have all carried out a task with dignity, compassion of human needs and sensitivity.

  • Comment number 10.

    what a moving show.
    I am so pleased I just happened to flick on and watch.
    You just don't realise the degree of what is actually going on out there to produce these luxury goods.
    Like one of your other viewers blog above..... after watching the episode tonight in the Phillipines on the Mother who has been separated from her child in Manilla as she has to go to work at EMS to support her whole family...that really struk a chord with me as I have a son the same age. I cannot even fathom having to ever leave him for a day, let alone for months on end and then have him not recognise me.
    I would like to support her financially if I may, be am not sure how this is best done. Ideally I would like to be able to send it to her directly... I am skeptical about some of these so called charities. Could the ±«Óãtv please contact me and tell me how I could go about this as soon as possible?.


  • Comment number 11.

    The Philippine Communtity Fund (PCF) is a small charity that runs schools and works to improve peoples lives in the area of the Tondo dumpsite in Manila that was on tonight's episode. It was their Jewellery that Alexandria was selling at the end, made by people who would otherwise be working on the dumpsite.

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi there, only watched episode tonight half way to the end, I thought it was amazing. I wish I had seen the others. An amazing series and the poverty in those counties is unbelievable. However I am not blown away by the responses from the kids like the ones in the series who waste money and spend it when they haven’t bothered to earn it. They usually have the same option – that they never knew this was happening. With this in mind though I am glad to see it got through to them and that when the get back home they try to make a difference. What I cant get round though is how is the boss of the company I living in a huge billion pound house which is about 10 times the size of mine in the UK...and saying he totally agrees with people living in the slums? I think that’s very hypocritical. He is not doing much himself to change how their world is living…there must be something HE can give back to his community. We didn’t even hear a mention of tax on their wages...? I would say it’s a modern day Robin Hood case and get down to what is going on with their government!?

  • Comment number 13.

    I think this series should be shown in every school every month to show the kids how they are being ripped off on their branded goods ,would they be so keen to want to pay £100 for trainers that can be seen that cost a few quid and that they are being made mugs of.
    Why was this put on ±«Óãtv Three it should have gone out on ±«Óãtv1 at peak time ,I hope we all realise how lucky we are .I am 58 and have been realy touched by this series .

  • Comment number 14.

    After watching this program It's make me feel so greatful to be able to support my family back in Cambodia. I'm also one of the girl who had to work to support the family since I was 15 or 16 years old. Right now I'm married and living in UK. Even doh I don't have a job yet but I still have to save some money from weekly food shopping to send home for my parents and sibling's school. I'm so proud of my self.

  • Comment number 15.

    I was moved to tears watching the eposiode tonight and couldn't even begin to comprehend how horrific the conditions these people live in are. I was particuarly moved to hear of the girl who's two year old son does't even recognise her due to her living in the city to work in a boring job, hard job, for very little pay- just so they don't starve. Please can someone tell me if it is possible and how it is to directly help this lady and her family.I would like to finacially help so she is in a position to see her son. As a mother myself I can't even grasp how heart breaking it must be to have your own child not even know you. Please can you tell me how to help.

  • Comment number 16.

    Thank you so much for this show ive just finished crying that totally broke my heart and made me so angry, it is such an eye opener, makes me think continuously how lucky we are how grateful i am to be born here - I thank God he looks after this country he gave us the mode cons that we all should have everywhere, why haven't the governments like ours supply the country with housing electricity and running water. we lived better in the 1930 - then they do now in the 20th century why haven't they advanced - Maybe I don't know enough, but it just seems strange we don't have anything bigger or better to sell than they do... do we? They are a bigger country surely they should therefor have more money ?? we all should be on the same economy or near enough not so extreme one from the other... Thank you for the participants for going and experiencing what you did you all did so well..well done for carrying on supporting and raising money and sending things back - I loved the fact that you paid for the lady to go and visit her baby that was AMAZING such a nice idea.they were so lovely they opened there house and gave you food amazing. That is what life is all about helping each other, saving the one, making a difference in someone's life.. even if its just spending time with them and making them smile.
    Thank you again

  • Comment number 17.

    Just watched the programme tonight, I hadn't seen it before. Even though I am well aware of all the issues the programme covered, having worked in charities all my life, it still brought everything out in a very real, raw and confronting way. I want to thank the producers for the way the program was made and for the idea itself. I thought (most) of the British young people were extremely considerate and sensitive, and the extraordinary difference between their lives and those of the workers producing their luxuries was so absolutely astonishingly shocking that even having worked on this for a long time, it was still mindblowing.
    I hope many people will have seen this, and start taking action, complaining, campaigning and buying fairtrade as a result.

  • Comment number 18.

    ±«Óãtv should set up a JustGiving page to raise money from viewers to, at least, start projects in the communities that have been highlighted. - This is a chance for a media corporation to make a difference. But will they?

  • Comment number 19.

    I watched your program last week about where some of our recycled products end up in Ghana. It really touched me. I would like to know if the child with the cathetar has had his operation yet. If not would you be able to find out how much it cost and let me know?

  • Comment number 20.

    We would dearly like to help the young man (can't recall the name) working in the gold mine who would like to get educated. Any books ( thats our trade) or even funds to get him the education he deserves.
    In an ideal situation I would want to help everyone of them, however I hope they all get some help from this exposure.
    Well Done ±«Óãtv for opening our youngsters eyes
    I am fortunate I have 3 boys who all are charity minded and do their bit when they can


  • Comment number 21.

    Dear ±«Óãtv, Thank you very much for such an eye-opening, and moving series. I cant possibly tell you how moved and angry I was after watching all of the episodes...It has made me want to help the people shown in the programmes and spread the word about how almost half the worlds population is poor and made to work to live. I cant believe that there were children working to literally survive and support thier families at 9 years old, the responsibilities that they had..Its just MAD!!! When any child was asked "What would you most want?" the answer ..."I would love to go to school.." I mean most of the kids in my school loathe and despise going and it just shows how we in the west must sort out our prorities; our luxuries is all that some live for like MP3s which people have to work 8 hours solidly to produce the components for them...and get paid less than 2 pounds.......It makes me even more determined to pass my GCSEs so that with my education I can help others less fortunate than myself. I would like to ask...does anyone know where I can send some old and new school books/informational geography to the people in Africa or schools in India directly so that they actually recieve them??? Its realy hard to find a place that sends them.
    Many thanks,you have inspire my family and I to help and buy fairtrade goods.

  • Comment number 22.

    Absolutely enjoyed watching the series, a real eye opener! It's also made me more conscious about the products I purchase, recycling, health, education and all the issues covered in the programme. The links on this page to the charity organisations is useful only to a degree, we don’t ever see the changes made! Is the ±«Óãtv directly helping anyone overcome poverty? Now I realise we are all responsible for making the changes we wan to see in this world!

  • Comment number 23.

    I completely agree with Steve - this series should be on the national curriculum. In fact, I was disappointed that we are asked to confirm that we are over 16 if watching it on iPlayer because 'it contains upsetting scenes'. Well, children should be upset - this is the world we are all complicit in creating, and we all need educating if there is any hope of things changing.

    I want to congratulate the ±«Óãtv for making this programme, and the people that volunteered to take part. Most of them went on a real journey that was both touching and encouraging. I get so frustrated with spoilt, selfish consumers who give no consideration to where their goods come from, but this show made realise that most people are just unaware, and that when their eyes are opened they can demonstrate real humility and compassion. I hope Alexandria has decided to use her obvious intelligence and ambition for a better goal than running her own PR firm now! Anything less than being a human-rights lawyer or director of an NGO would be a waste of her talents and passion.

    I'm feeling rather overwhelmed with how I can personally make a difference to such massive global inequalities, but I refuse to forget what an emotional impact this show has made on me, and I'm pledging two things to myself:

    1. To always make the most ethical choices when I buy something, even if it is more expensive. If I can't afford it, I will go without until I have saved up enough.
    2. To always remind myself how extremely lucky I am.

  • Comment number 24.

    Since watching the first series of blood, sweat and t-shirts and also blood sweat and takeaways, I have been deeply moved and concerned about globalisation and child labour and the divide between the west and the third world. This series shocked me even further about the conditions people have to work in but one thing it highlighted was the fact that people have no alternative but to leave their families and to work for very little to support them. The program was so compelling, it really made me feel despair for people who cannot escape their situations. There is no way out for them and it is incredibly sad. Last week’s episode particularly moved me when one of the workers expressed how he wanted to have an education more than anything, and how he cherished every bit of reading material he could get hold of. An education is a free entitlement to us, and many do not appreciate it nor want to be at school. I think this program and others similar should be shown in schools because faced with the alternative, I’m certain all would agree that we are lucky and should be grateful for what we have. It is really reassuring to read this blog and see that there are so many people who feel the same as me, hopefully we can all try to help in what ways we can to contribute towards trying to improve a global situation that seems to be escalating out of control.

  • Comment number 25.

    Like some of the people above, I was deeply moved by this series and want to sponsor a family to help improve their life. I would prefer to sponsor a family direct rather than the funds passed through a charity. If the ±«Óãtv could give me a contact to enable me to do so, I would be very grateful.

    Thank you

  • Comment number 26.

    I felt emotional and sorry for so many people in this series. The plight of the local people in these areas of the world was grim.
    But everything should not be viewed insolation, as its a systemic problem that will never be solved.
    No amount of small gifts of charity will ever cure the poverty problems in Africa or Asia. Its like trying to put a plaster on a gapping wound!
    The best that can honestly be achieved is a feeling that you personally did something to help, no matter how small.
    As populations rise everywhere (including here)the problems only multiply. Can nobody see its all about having more and more children with no future!
    We can be romantic about families, but if there is no welfare system OR WORK then the new children being born will suffer.

  • Comment number 27.

    An excellent, thought provoking series. Congratulations on using young people from a variety of backgrounds having to work at the sharp end of industries we all take for granted. Please show it on ±«Óãtv1 and keep the series going.
    It would be interesting to see how the costs work through the system, eg: If I buy a jar of coffee for £1 how much did the farm labourers get for making that jar? What were the other costs - transport, processing, marketing, retailing, packaging.
    The junk computers and tvs needed more detail as to why they were reaching Ghana and whether they were supposed to be there.
    It's been a humbling experience seeing how humans are expected to live and work like dogs to feed Western demand.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Comment number 28.

    Myself and a group of friends went to Tonga dumpsite in Manila, Phillipines last June on a charity trip, from Singapore. We managed to raise 1500 pounds for the PCF charity there within the dumpsite. I noticed that at the end one of the girls was selling the PCF jewellery, that we also bought from the PCF, in England. We are all returning to England permanently in the summer and would love to continue helping with the PCF. If there is already a link set up we would very much like to contribute and help with the project. Im not sure how long ago this show was made and if this link continues. Please if anyone has any information on this, we would very much appreciate it if we could hear it.

  • Comment number 29.


  • Comment number 30.

    Just saw the last of the series on iplayer. It's good that the bbc are showing these kind of programs to make people aware of the whole picture of consumerism and capitalism. To be honest, not a lot of people who have seen the program would dramatically change their buying habits. But i believe the point of the program are

    1. To make people realize, specially the young ones, how lucky they are to be living in the UK, where education is free, health care is free and people get a lot of benefits.

    2. To make people realize the importance of education. We've seen in all the 5 episodes that the number one reason why people in third world countries have no choices because they have no education.They need money to go to school, to buy school things and stuff. And yet over here, students don't take their education seriously. In the third world, they give so much importance to education because it's their way to get a good job and eventually a good life.

    3. To make people aware that behind all the luxuries that we want (not necessarily need), there are poor people, who have no choice, sweating blood and tears just for us to have these items.

    4. Looking back at all the episodes, we in the UK complain too much about work. We complain about this and that, left right and center. These low paid workers puts the western workers to shame. They don't complain while working, they do their job, they embrace their job because they have a purpose.

    5. These series have shown us that education and family are really important. I mean, how many sons and daughters can you see just letting the government and the NHS look after their parents.

    There are many lessons to be learned from this program. The one thing that i really wish would happen is not for ordinary people like us to sponsor a family or do a fundraising, because what that will do is just feed them for a day. What i want to happen is for multi billion corporations and companies who exploit third world workers, is for them to give something back to the workers such as housing, education, health care amongst other things.

  • Comment number 31.

    Next time, ±«Óãtv should send the sons and daughters of the bosses of such companies and corporations who use and exploit third world workers and make them realize who really are feeding them.
    One could argue that, damn if you do, damn if you don't. If we keep on consuming luxury items without a care about who really makes them, we contribute to the demise of third world workers. On the other hand, if we don't buy these things, there won't be a demand for the workers therefore they won't have jobs.

    To make things fairer, is really simple, make those big companies give something back to the workers with long term benefits.

  • Comment number 32.

    You have no idea the extent to which large companies in the West cause and perpetuate this problem. I have experience of this first hand. Globalisation (which is the sanitised name for this process), exports (usually) manufacturing jobs to these 'low cost' areas and then proceeds to exploit local populations to an absurd degree. Governments are outmanoeuvred and rendered impotent by large corporations who can charge Western prices whilst their cost base is in third world proportions. This is unsustainable.

  • Comment number 33.

    Having been born in the Philippines, I have witnessed the realities of what the Filipinos go through on a daily basis firsthand. The reality is that there is a limit or lack thereof when it comes to choices and options concerning their way of life. The main thing we have to remember is the reason WHY they work, regardless of WHERE & WHAT it involves. The place has good working conditions, and even though the job seems robotic, I feel particularly proud of the fact that they just get on with the job and do it without feeling the need to overthink their situation. It isn't nice to hear someone verbalise their judgment on what they think about your life, and I think this is a general problem when people think about jobs in developing countries. No one would want to do that job in particular, and it's not that hard to understand that they have to! Filipino families are tight-knit! In fairness, I've seen people who would be happy to work and just completely neglect and forget about their family.

  • Comment number 34.

    The final programme of BSL was, once again, very good - but it was disappointing to see that all 6/7 of them decide that their only possible response to the situations and unfairness that they so well described over the five programmes was charity - raising money for just a few people. What we need is systemic change and for that we need political organisation and political action. Getting local councils to commit to ethical procurement, sustainable development and Fair Trade is not a very difficult first step. Getting central government to wield its huge procurement budget in a way that supports poor people is another not-very-difficult action we can all engage in. And changing our own behaviour is key. Oscar's decision to no longer buy leather goods is a fine personal choice but it will do absolutely nothing for the Ethiopian (and other) leather workers who endure terrible conditions: boycotts, embargoes and decisions not to buy something because you don't agree with the production methods will never work on their own - they have to be supported with complementary political action, or else the current producers will simply suffer as their markets dry up. International injustice has to be tackled at an international level but with lots of local, individual and collective actions working together to effect permanent, structural change.

  • Comment number 35.

    After watching Blood, sweat and luxury's series. I am touch with it. After reading the comments on here. I think bbc or in particularly the people in the series who went to the other side of the world and witnessed and seen how the lifes are there and lived to see it and with the backing of myself as i am one of the person who also have witnessed how lifes are different to the otherside. We can sort a company in which we personally go and help out there. I feel the big companies like fair trade, and other charity organisation we dont see where it is going to help out. Like in the series the 7 brits at the end help as much as they can. Could the ±«Óãtv put us in touch with the brits who went out there and discuss a way forward in organising a company in helping out there.


  • Comment number 36.

    After watching this show i come to realise that i take things for granted. In some strange way i want to experience this show for myself just so i know what it feels like.

  • Comment number 37.

    Born in the beautiful Cape area of South Africa, to a single mom with 5 kids, also having to scavange the tips for food, I now have an extremely well paid job, have 3 kids who are totally oblivious to poverty in the world, thinking I have endless cash. I am a 39 year old male brought to tears of sadness, laden with guilt that I never want my kids to experience the difficulties I was brought up and just realised with their sniding comments how ungrateful and spoilt they are. Not being in favour of charity, myself coming from the African continent, I hate seeing people with begging bowls when they can push themselves out of poverty, or at least try. More annoying is that for every £1 donated probaly only 5p lands up where it needs be, after covering admin, professional and other fees. How does one resolve this? Why does 1st world countries provide aid to corrupt governments? Solution: Invest in setting up commercial entities, prime purpose to be profitable. It creates employment, self sufficiency and more importantly competiveness in the global market. This investment can be repaid over time, instead of dumping monies down the drains. I dont hate charities, just dont agree with the principle of it. Will now investigate opportunities on helping others becoming self sufficient, any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Comment number 38.

    Today being a lovely day i saw some children `twagging` from school and after i watched your program about Manila and it made me think why dont the Countrys school athorities buy these series of programs and show them to every school child over ten years? and it may then show them kids how lucky the are to have free education and the luxury goods to enjoy such as ipods computers in fact everything they enjoy including the clothes they wear,And then put an exam into there curriculum and as part of there `A` level exams and then they may grow up with better outlook in life and make them realise theres nothing comes easy as theres hundreds of thousands of people in the world suffering to bring it to them

  • Comment number 39.

    Though the guys and girls came back with changed attitudes (though by not much), in the grand scheme of things nothing has changed. Hundreds of millions will be stuck in the same rut displayed over the series, earning pennies whilst working long hours in rubbish conditions wife a poor quality of life. The uber rich multinational corporations, 99% of which are based in the West, keep on raking in the money.

  • Comment number 40.

    [Personal details removed by Moderator]HI
    I would like to contact someone who would be able to give me some information regarding sponsering Joan Ling, the young mother in Mindoro who works at EMS.
    I do not want to give too much information over the internet but if Danna could contact me I would be able to supply more information.
    Thank you

  • Comment number 41.

    I'm thinking, if the Ghana mineworkers were able to set up a school that taught techniques in jewelry-making/silversmithing, and they could team up with, for instance, the sapphire communities (who would be taught how to cut gems), then they would be able to produce their own fair trade products. All it would take would be to put a percentage aside of their gold/gems for this purpose.
    The "education" they are so desperate for, at first, should be something that directly helps/affects their own community. Next time I can afford to go on holiday, I would like to try this idea out, or something similar. I would much prefer to spend 3 weeks and £1,000 on setting up a collective fairtrade jeweller's or school than on cheap Bacardi breezers and Jetski (for instance).
    Then I guess it would be necessary to find a fairtrade trader to sell the end products. This would cut out the middle-men who are making all the big profits.
    Oh yeah, and I'm going to try to turn my local town into a Fairtrade Town too ... wish me luck!

  • Comment number 42.

    At the end of the last episode one of the girls was talking with an ethicial trader of jewlery, i.e gold and diamonds. I'm curious who this jeweler is as seeing what the miners have to go through and my personal experiences it seems like something i can help a bit with. I.e buy jewellery that is fairtrade and free from conflict.


    Who is the ethical jewellery trader in the final episode?


  • Comment number 43.

    The Ghana episode has just reduced me to tears. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. I feel helpless but desparately want to help in some way. The ±«Óãtv having recorded this series cannot now surely just pat themselves on the back due to the response and put it in the archives. ±«Óãtv you have rightly raised awareness through this programme, can you now please offer some real assistance to mobilise the offers of help?

  • Comment number 44.

    My family would like to help the boy with the catheter - other posts have also asked about helping him. Is contacting the PCF charity the best option, mentioning him specifically, or does the ±«Óãtv plan to set something up?

    I, too, wish that all Fairtrade related programmes, especially the "Blood, Sweat & ..." series, could be shown in all schools, including primary schools - no harm if our children see these programmes a few times as they go through our education system. Show them to parents, too, please!!! Prime time TV also. My husband steered making our town a Fairtrade Town and we've manned a few Fairtrade stalls in recent years, led by a Traidcraft agent who has been holding the torch for this for years. Our local scouts run events also. We need something to combat the consumerism our children face in the school playground and in the park. It would be great if more children ate only Fairtrade chocolate and wore Fairtrade cotton. We have e-mailed links to odd programmes on the ±«Óãtv and on Youtube to our local school, but the "Blood, Sweat & .." series are very, very good and likely to hold children's attention well. I believe that the Under 16s would be able to watch it and understand it, without being traumatised for life, though their thinking might just be influenced for life. I don't want to wait until my children are A-level age before they and their peers can watch programmes like these together in school. No-one likes to be "the odd one out", so getting whole classes to change their behaviour together might be a good route forward.

    Please let us know about helping that boy with the catheter particularly. My husband has been talking to people in town about him tonight. We really want to help.

  • Comment number 45.

    I want to support previous suggestions that the series be shown on ±«Óãtv1 at peak time. Also ±«Óãtv, please contact the department of our new Education Secretary, Michael Gove, re. having it shown in schools as part of the national curriculum. There would be so much to discuss - not just the obvious issues but the changing attitudes (or not!) of those who got to travel to the sites and be first-hand witnesses.

  • Comment number 46.

    ±«Óãtv you have rightly raised awareness through this programme, can you now please offer some real assistance to mobilise the offers of help? Also if any of the 7 brits interested in joining a group in helping the people. I am happy to form a group and help out but need help from the brits in the series as they must have contacts and have been there. Please contact me on [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator][Personal details removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 47.

    I just completed watching the entire series. I feel disgusted with myself and all the things I take for granted. Not only that, I am sickened by the exploitation of people just so we in First World countries can purchase items we really don't need!

    Every grade school child (in the UK, Canada and US) should be made to watch this series. It is enlightening, informative and truly highlights the injustice of not giving people a living wage.

    From the bottom of my heart I say - Thank you!

  • Comment number 48.

    Im a teacher in the Northwest and with some of my students we have been studying globalisation and fashion. Blood, sweat and luxuries has been a fantastic programme. It deals with real life issues, and makes students in my classroom really think about how fortunate they are. In the programme 'blood, sweat and me', one of the participants (tracey), has continued to work with the ±«Óãtv to raise awareness of child labour. Does anyone know of any organisations she works with or is there a method of contacting her? I am aware that she visits schools to discuss her experiences...this could be very valuable to my students.


  • Comment number 49.

    Could one of the program makers please advise me of the Philippine charity details shown in the last episode?

    I would like to contact them to arrange some help.

    Many thanks

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi all, I am one of many people who would like to help with some of the individuals/families that featured in this programme, I am not sure if ±«Óãtv ever replied to any of your requests about getting in touch with a local charity or how to donate directly to the family (esp the phillipinnes young mother).
    Much appreciated.

  • Comment number 51.

    This is a good thing. Everytime there is a crisis in the world we all seem to think that by giving money to charity is going to solve it all. I am absolutely sick and fed up of seeing poor people in the world and in either neighbouring boroughs or other parts of the world there are people are stinking rich


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