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Tagged with: Media freedom

Posts (27)

  1. Information you can trust: Tackling misinformation ahead of Sierra Leone’s elections

    Marian Tina Conteh, Arnold Felix-Elba, Larry Tucker

    ±«Óătv Media Action Sierra Leone

    Information you can trust: Tackling misinformation ahead of Sierra Leone’s elections

    Sierra Leone is preparing for a general election for a new president and parliament. We’ve been working with our local media partners to support them to identify and debunk false and misinformation, and to strengthen their coverage, including through the iVerify platform.

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  2. 'Thoughts of my Burmese friends haunt me still' - reflecting on Myanmar

    Dipak Bhattarai

    Series producer, ±«Óătv Media Action Myanmar

    'Thoughts of my Burmese friends haunt me still' - reflecting on Myanmar

    ±«Óătv Media Action’s Series Producer Dipak Bhattarai was working with their Myanmar team in Yangon when the military coup took place in the early morning of 1 February. He reflects on the experience and what it means for the journalists and young people with whom he worked.

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  3. Supporting public interest media in Ethiopia

    Mihret Aschalew

    Project manager, ±«Óătv Media Action Ethiopia

    Two years on from hosting the Unesco World Press Freedom Summit, Ethiopia’s media landscape is facing many challenges. Our project manager for PRIMED – Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development – looks at how we are supporting public interest media in the country.

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  4. Supporting independent radio in Zambia

    Vanessa Mweemba

    Co-ordinating mentor, ±«Óătv Media Action Zambia

    On World Radio Day, our mentor looks at how our Radio Waves project is helping independent radio stations survive economic crisis to reach local audiences with information that matters to them.

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  5. COVID-19 in Iraq: How public interest media can save lives

    Abir Awad

    Country Director for ±«Óătv Media Action, Iraq

    COVID-19 in Iraq: How public interest media can save lives

    A pop song about protecting yourself from COVID-19 is blaring from loudspeakers in a hospital in Baghdad. The public interest broadcaster behind it, Al Mirbad, is a rare and trusted voice for news and information in Basra – read more about its vital work during the pandemic from our Iraq country...

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  6. Balancing an unbalanced media scene in Libya

    Ali Sharif

    Senior Content Producer, El Kul

    Balancing an unbalanced media scene in Libya

    As the Global Conference for Media Freedom opens in London, our North Africa team talks about the importance of our project El Kul (For Everyone) in bridging societal divides in Libya.

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  7. World Press Freedom Day 2019: Our youth delegates take Addis Ababa by storm!

    Becca Cole


    World Press Freedom Day 2019: Our youth delegates take Addis Ababa by storm!

    For the recent World Press Freedom Day conference (WPFD2019) in Ethiopia, we sponsored two youth delegates – Bwale Mutanuka from Zambia and Kefa Hussein from Tanzania – to take part in the conference's Youth Newsroom initiative. Learn about their action-packed experiences!

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  8. The potential of reforming state broadcasters in divided societies: advancing an unfashionable argument

    James Deane

    Director, Policy and Learning

    The potential of reforming state broadcasters in divided societies: advancing an unfashionable argument

    ±«Óătv Media Action’s Director of Policy and Learning argues for an urgent rethinking of what is often considered a relic of the past - the state broadcaster - to encourage discussion, dialogue and understanding across communities in fragile states.

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  9. The post-2015 Global Goals: moving from “what” to “how” will rest on more informed societies

    James Deane

    Director, Policy and Learning

    The post-2015 Global Goals: moving from “what” to “how” will rest on more informed societies

    Ahead of this week’s UN summit in New York, ±«Óătv Media Action’s Director of Policy and Learning James Deane argues for a stronger focus on the provision of information as well as resources.

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  10. Question: How is a TV show improving governance in Kenya?

    Anna Colom

    Research Manager

    Research Manager Anna Colom looks at the impact that TV and radio show Sema Kenya has had in fostering a national conversation about key governance issues in Kenya.

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