
Every day, we face choices and make decisions. Things like what food to eat, what to wear, what to do, where to go and who to spend time with. The decisions we make affect our own lives. They can also affect people we know and even people around the world.

Watch: How do our decisions affect us and others?

Lina, Rhys and Efa visit the Eisteddfod. They learn that the decisions they make about how to travel there and what they do when they get there affect them and other people.

Decisions that affect people and society

A good is someone who thinks carefully and tries to make the right decisions. They think about the impact of their decisions and actions, before making them.

Our decisions can improve other people’s lives.

Joining in with community activities

By helping to make positive things happen in the community we can improve people’s lives. This could be by volunteering or helping people in the local area.

One example is helping to create a community garden by planting trees, flowers and vegetables in shared areas so everyone can enjoy them.

Supporting charities

Choosing to raise money, donating items or volunteering with , can have a positive effect on other people.

Some charities help people in Wales or the whole United Kingdom.

Raising money for a global charity, like Oxfam, is a type of social action that helps people all over the world.

A woman in a large greenhouse filled with flower plants and holding stems with roses on them
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Flower workers in Kenya are often guaranteed work and a fair price for the goods they produce because of fair trade

Making good choices about what we buy or use

People can make a positive impact when they make a decision about what to buy. One example is buying products.

The people who grow fair trade products like coffee, cocoa beans or bananas are paid a fair price for their work. Fair trade also helps make sure that the people who make the things we buy are not overworked or living in bad conditions.

Many of the people who produce fair trade items live in countries in Africa, Asia or South America. This means that choosing to use fair trade products helps people all around the world.

A woman in a large greenhouse filled with flower plants and holding stems with roses on them
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Flower workers in Kenya are often guaranteed work and a fair price for the goods they produce because of fair trade

Sometimes our decisions can hurt people or make their lives worse.

How we behave

The way that we choose to speak to people and treat people can cause a lot of hurt. Name calling, not including people in things, or bullying can all be very hurtful and upsetting.

Anti-social behaviour

This includes making too much noise, swearing, shouting, threatening behaviour, or fighting.

This is one example of how peoples’ decisions and actions can cause distress or harm to others. Some anti-social behaviours are classed as , and you can be punished for doing them.

Committing crimes

Crimes like or theft also have a negative impact on the victim and the wider community. They can make people feel unsafe, or scared.

Decisions that affect the environment

Many of the decisions that we take have an effect on the natural world. This could be in the local area, or it might be somewhere else in the world.

There are some decisions that have negative impact on the environment.

Dropping litter

Dropping litter, such as drink cans, food packaging, bottles and sweet wrappers can cause harm to animals. It also can pollute the ground, rivers and lakes.

Litter makes the local area look untidy. It is also a fire hazard, and things like carrier bags can get stuck in drains and cause them to flood.

Buying single-use items

Single-use items are things that are used once and then thrown away. Many of these items like crisp packets, bottles, cups, straws and food containers are made from plastic.

They are a big problem, because single-use items very quickly turn into a lot of rubbish. In 2023, the Welsh Parliament passed a law that bans the selling of some single-use plastic items.

A group of white birds standing on a large pile of discarded plastic next to the ocean
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Plastic is a danger to animals - birds eat plastic and are often found with their tummies full of it

A huge amount of single-use plastic ends up in the seas and oceans. Because of the tides and wind, a lot this plastic rubbish ends up a long way from where it started. A part of the Pacific Ocean has been named the 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch' because there is so much plastic pollution there.

Wasting food

Around one third of all food goes to waste. Wasting food means that all the energy and water that has gone into making or growing the food is wasted as well.

If waste food ends up in landfill sites, it rots and produces a gas called methane. Methane is one of the gases that is causing . Climate change affects Wales and the whole world.

One place where climate change is having an impact is the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Most of the land in these islands is less than one metre above sea level. This means that they will be affected by a rise in sea levels and by violent storms caused by climate change.

An aerial view of a small island covered with tall buildings
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Malé, the capital of the Maldives is surrounded by sea walls and other barriers to protect it against storms

How to make a positive impact on the environment

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