
Watch: How we know the Romans invaded Scotland

Find out how we know the Romans invaded Scotland

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Why were the Romans interested in Scotland?

A roman soldier looks on.

By the end of the first century AD, Rome controlled most of southern Britain. However, it was a different story in Scotland - it was still controlled by fierce warrior tribes, who refused to bow to the Roman Empire.

The Romans were interested in Scotland for several reasons:

  • Scotland had valuable natural resources, like lead, silver and gold.
  • The Romans could also get rich by charging the people they conquered taxes and forcing them to become enslaved.
  • The Romans came for ‘the glory of Rome’ too. They wanted to conquer new lands and make their empire even bigger and better.
A roman soldier looks on.
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Who was living in Scotland?

  • In Roman times, there was no such country as Scotland. What we now know as Scotland was called**‘Caledonia’**, and the people were known as the ‘Caledonians’.

  • Caledonia was made up of groups of people or tribes. Some got on peacefully with the Romans, but others fought back.

A pictish warrior standing holding a spear.
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A particularly troublesome tribe for the Romans were the Picts. ‘Picti’ means ‘painted ones’ in Latin, because the tribe were known for painting their bodies with tattoos.

What was the Battle of Mons Graupius?

  • In the summer of AD84 some Caledonian tribes joined forces and stood against the invading Roman army. The two sides fought at a place called Mons Graupius (the Grampian Mountains).

  • The Romans were led by the general Julius Agricola and the Caledonians were led by a fierce chief named Calgacus.

  • The Caledonians had 30,000 warriors, about twice as many as the Romans. But the Romans were better organised and defeated the Caledonians. Calgacus and his army fled but the Caledonians returned many times to raid the Roman frontier.

Watch: Was the Roman invasion successful?

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How important was Hadrian’s Wall?

  • The Caledonian attacks were costing the Romans time and money.
  • In AD122, the Emperor Hadrian ordered his soldiers to build a wall between Roman Britain and Caledonia.
  • The Romans also built forts and stationed soldiers along the wall to keep watch and fend off any attacks.
Hadrian's wall travelling into the horizon.
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Hadrian's Wall runs from Wallsend to Bowness. You can still walk along parts of it today.
  • In AD140 the Romans added another wall further north, between the River Clyde and the River Forth.
  • It was called the Antonine Wall after the Emperor Antoninus. But it was often attacked by the Caledonian tribes.
  • In AD160 the Romans abandoned this wall and made Hadrian’s Wall the border.
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What happened to the Romans in Scotland?

Roman sword.
  • The Roman's main concern was to protect Roman Britain from attack.

  • After the battle of Mons Graupius, most Caledonian tribes accepted the Roman rule. Some tribes were bribed o°ù given gifts by the Romans

  • In the 3rd century AD there was more fighting along Hadrian's Wall. Emperor Septimius Severus had to come to Britain to fight the invading tribes. This was the last major Roman battle in Scotland.

  • Attacks increased in the 4th century and the Roman army finally packed up and left in AD410. Barbarian tribes were attacking the city of Rome and the Emperor Honorius decided that the Roman legions in Britain were needed elsewhere.

Roman sword.

Watch: What happened to Scotland?

Find out why the Romans said goodbye to Scotland

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Roman invasions

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Activity: Quiz – Did the Romans invade Scotland?

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