
Two types of fractions

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Did you know that you can order different types of fractions?

The two types are called unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator.

Both unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator show us how much of the whole we are talking about, but depending on the numerator and denominator, they show you different amounts.

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Ordering unit fractions

A unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator is 1. The denominator can be any other whole number. A good way to remember it is by remembering that unit means one.

Quarter showing numerator and denominator

The trick with ordering unit fractions is to look at the denominator.

The bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction!

Think about a pizza. If you were sharing a pizza between two people, each person would get quite a large piece. They would both get \( \frac{1}{2} \) .

A pizza in two halves

Now imagine you were sharing the same sized pizza with eight people.

The pizza would have to be cut up into even smaller pieces. Each person would only eat \( \frac{1}{8} \) .

pizza cut into eighths

You can see that \( \frac{1}{2} \) is a larger fraction than \( \frac{1}{8} \) .

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Example 1

Take a look at these four fractions. They are all unit fractions and they all have different denominators.

ninth, quarter, tenth, third

Let's look at ordering them from smallest to largest.

Tenth, ninth, quarter and third

There you go! The fraction with the smallest denominator (3) is the largest fraction.

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Ordering fractions with the same denominator


When you order fractions with the same denominator, you have to look at the numerator, since the denominator will never change.

You look at the numerator because it tells you how many parts of the whole you have.

Imagine a cake cut up into 8 equal slices. You eat 2 slices, but your friend eats 4. You have had less cake than your friend.

You had \( \frac{2}{8} \) while your friend had \( \frac{4}{8} \) .

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Example 2

Can you order these fractions from largest to smallest?

five sixths, three sixths, four sixths, two sixths

Which fraction has the largest numerator? Start with this.

Then order the rest in descending order.

five sixths, four sixths, three sixths, two sixths
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