
Learning is the most important thing we will ever do.

It enables us to understand and enjoy the world and the people around us. Learning will help us become the people that we want to be. Every scientist, musician, sportsperson, doctor, artist and explorer started as a child with a desire to learn. That’s why your school and your teachers are so important. Some children in poorer countries than ours have to walk or run miles just to get to school! They do it because they realise that learning will change their lives for the better.

But it’s not always easy.

Sometimes when you are a bit tired or you’re finding it difficult to understand what the teacher is explaining to you, it is tempting to get fed up with education and its demands. This can happen particularly around homework time when there are films, TV shows and games ready and waiting to be watched or played. However, if you try hard to complete all the work you need to, it will be the best thing you ever do!

It can also be frustrating when you really are trying your best, but you still seem to get things wrong, especially when your classmates all seem to be getting it right. Try not to worry. Failing occasionally is a vital part of learning. Nobody ever gets everything right straight away. We have to train our brains to understand how to write, talk, do maths, perform experiments and get the hang of the millions of bits and pieces that will make up our learning journeys in life. So, be patient and don’t get annoyed with yourself. It’s good to set yourself goals and to have high standards but give yourself a break when you make a mistake. Nobody’s perfect!

As with nearly everything in life, if you are having problems with learning, just go and talk to someone. Your friends might be able to help, but the best person to chat to is your teacher. They’ve been trained to help you, and they know a thing or two about how children learn.

There’s no point in pretending that you know what you’re doing if you are struggling to understand. It will only make you more confused. Asking questions is maybe the most important part of being a good learner. No-one minds being asked questions, even if you think you sound stupid. You’ll probably find that there are lots of others who have the same questions as you.

So, as you are learning remember that you can’t know everything immediately. Take your time. Some subjects you’ll enjoy more than others but try your hardest in everything you do. When you practise your body listens to you and bit by bit you can become good at things that you never thought you’d understand. Aim for excellence but be patient and don’t be too hard on yourself if you fail the odd time. It’s not the end of the world!

You never stop learning

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