
  • Changes in crime and punishment in Britain, c.500 to the present day

    • Causes of crime - Eduqas

      There are many reasons why people commit crime. Some of these causes have always existed, such as greed, poverty and economic distress. Other causes of crime have changed since around AD 500. What have been the main causes of crime over time?

    • Nature of crimes - Eduqas

      Some crimes have always existed while others are particular to certain periods in history. How has the nature of criminal activity differed and changed over time?

    • Enforcing law and order - Eduqas

      Before the 19th century, there were no state-funded police forces. In modern times, we now have police forces in every part of the country. How has the responsibility for enforcing law and order changed over time?

    • Methods of combatting crime - Eduqas

      The methods of combatting crime have changed over time. Some methods have proved more effective than others. These methods have changed and adapted in response to crime and crime rates.

    • Attitudes to punishment - Eduqas

      Attitudes towards punishments have changed over time. Methods of punishment that were deemed acceptable in the past are now considered cruel or harsh. Why have attitudes to punishment changed over time?

    • Methods of punishment - Eduqas

      There were harsh punishments in Saxon and medieval times, and the Tudors and Stuarts carried out capital and corporal punishment in public. Prison is now the main form of punishment. How have methods of punishment changed over time?
